Advanced Topics in Computer Vision Learning Optical Flow Goren Gordon and Emanuel Milman Advanced Topics in Computer Vision May 28, 2006 After Roth and Black: On the Spatial Statistics of Optical Flow, ICCV 2005. Fields of Experts: A Framework for Learning Image Priors, CVPR 2005.
Overview Optical Flow Reminder and Motivation. Learning Natural Image Priors: Product of Experts (PoE). Markov Random Fields (MRF). Fields of Experts (FoE) = PoE + MRF. Training FoE: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Contrastive Divergence (CD). Applications of FoE: Denoising. Inpainting. Optical Flow Computation.
Optical Flow (Reminder from last week) … (taken from Darya and Denis’s presentation)
Optical Flow (Reminder) I(x,y,t) = Sequence of Intensity Images. Brightness Constancy Assumption under optical flow field (u,v): First order Taylor approximation -Optical Flow Constraint Equation: + = Partial derivatives Aperture Problem: one equation, two unknowns. Can only determine the normal flow = component of (u,v) parallel to (Ix,Iy). frame #1 flow field frame #2 (images taken from Darya and Denis’s presentation)
Finding Optical Flow (Reminder) Local Methods (Lucas-Kanade) – assume (u,v) is locally constant: - Pros: robust under noise. - Cons: if image is locally constant, need interpolation steps. Global Methods (Horn-Schunck) – use global regularization term: - Pros: automatic filling-in in places where image is constant. - Cons: less robust under noise. Combined Local-Global Method (Weickert et al.)
Optical Flow Reminder CLG Energy Functional Kσ – smoothing kernel (spatial or spatio-temporal):
Spatial Regularizer - Revisited Optical Flow Motivation Spatial Regularizer - Revisited ρD, ρS - quadratic robust (differentiable) penalty functions. Motivation: why use ? Answer: Optical-flow is piecewise smooth; lets hope that spatial term captures this behaviour. Questions: Which ρS to use? Why are some functions better than others? Maybe more information in w than first order ? Maybe are dependant ?
Optical Flow Motivation Learning Optical Flow Roth and Black, “On the Spatial Statistics of Optical Flow”, ICCV 2005. Idea: learn (from training set) prior distribution on w, and use its energy-functional as spatial-term! First-order selected prior Higher-order learned prior FoE = Fields of Experts
Fields of Experts (FoE) Optical Flow Motivation Fields of Experts (FoE) Fields of Experts = Product of Experts + Markov Random Fields (FoE) (PoE) (MRF) Roth and Black, “Fields of Experts: A framework …”, CVPR 2005. Model rich prior distributions for natural images. Many applications: Denoising. √ Inpainting. √ Segmentation. more… Detour: review FoE model on natural images.
Natural Images
Modeling Natural Images Challenging: High dimensionality ( |Ω| ≥10000 ). Non-Gaussian statistics (even simplest models assume MoG). Need to model correlations in image structure over extended neighborhoods.
Observations (Olshausen, Field, Mumford, Simoncelli, etc..) Natural Images Observations Observations (Olshausen, Field, Mumford, Simoncelli, etc..) Many linear filters have non-Gaussian responses: concentrated around 0 with “heavy tails”.
Observations (Olshausen, Field, Mumford, Simoncelli, etc..) Natural Images Observations Observations (Olshausen, Field, Mumford, Simoncelli, etc..) Many linear filters have non-Gaussian responses: concentrated around 0 with “heavy tails”. Responses of different filters are usually not independent. Statistics of image pixels are higher-order than pair-wise correlations.
Modeling Image Patches Natural Images Image Patches Modeling Image Patches Example-based learning (Freeman et al.) – use measure of consistency between image patches. FRAME (Zhu, Wu and Mumford) – use hand selected filters and discretized histograms to learn image prior for texture modeling. Linear models: n-dim patch x is stochastic linear combination of m basis patches {Ji}.
Linear Patch Models n dim patch Natural Images Image Patches Linear Patch Models n dim patch 1. PCA – if ai are Gaussian (decompose CoVar(x) into eigenvectors). (Non-realistic.) 2. ICA – if ai are independent non-Gaussian and n=m. (Generally impossible to find n independent basis patches.) 3. Sparse Coding (Olshausen and Field) – use m>n and assume ai are highly concentrated around 0, to derive sparse representation model with an over-complete basis. (Need computational inference step to calculate ai.) 4. Product of Experts = PoE (Hinton).
Product of Experts = ? X X X
Product of Experts (PoE) Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts Product of Experts (PoE) Model high-dim distributions as product of low-dim expert distributions. subspace x – data θi – i’th expert’s parameter Each expert works on a low(1)-dim subspace - easy to model. Parameters {θi} can be learned on training sequence. PoEs produce sharper and expressive distributions than individual expert models (similar to Boosting techniques). Very compact model compared to mixture-models (like MoG).
PoE Examples General framework, not restricted to CV applications. Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts PoE Examples General framework, not restricted to CV applications. Sentences: One expert can ensure that tenses agree. Another expert can ensure that subject and verb agree. Grammar expert. Etc… Handwritten digits: One set of experts can model the overall shape of digit. Another set of experts can model the local stroke structure. Given ‘7’ prior User written Mayraz and Hinton Given ‘9’ prior
Product of Student-T (PoT) Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts Product of Student-T (PoT) Filter responses on images - concentrated, heavy tailed distributions. Welling, Hinton et al “Learning … with product of Student-t distributions”, 2003. Model with Student-t: Polynomial tail decay!
Product of Student-T (PoT) Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts Product of Student-T (PoT) x J1 JN …
Product of Student-T (PoT) Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts Product of Student-T (PoT) Partition function - Parameters - In Gibbs form:
Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts PoE Training Set ~60000 5*5 patches randomly cropped from Berkely Segmentation Benchmark DB.
PoE Learned Filters Will discuss learning procedure in FoE model. Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts PoE Learned Filters Will discuss learning procedure in FoE model. 5*5-1=24 filters Ji were learned (no DC filter): Gabor-like filters accounting for local edge structures. Same characteristics when training more experts. Results are comparative to ICA.
Natural Images Image Patches Product of Experts PoE – Final Thoughts PoE permits fewer, equal or more experts than dimension. Over-complete case allows dependencies between different filters to be modeled, and thus more expressive than ICA. Product structure forces the learned filters to be “as independent as possible”, capturing different characteristics of patches. Contrary to example-based approaches, the parametric representation generalizes better and beyond the training data.
Back to Entire Images
Natural Images From Patches to Images Extending former approach to entire images is problematic: Image-size is too big. Need huge number of experts. Model would depend on particular image-size. Model would not be translation-invariant. Natural model for extending local patch model to entire image: Markov Random Fields.
Markov Random Fields (just 2 slides!)
Markov Random Fields (MRF) Natural Images Markov Random Fields Markov Random Fields (MRF) have joint distribution P. is a Markov Random Field on G if: N(S) = {neighbors of S} \ S
Gibbs Distributions Hammersley-Clifford Theorem: Natural Images Markov Random Fields Gibbs Distributions Hammersley-Clifford Theorem: is a MRF with P>0 iff P is a Gibbs distribution. P is a Gibbs distribution on X if: C = set of all maximal cliques (complete sub-graphs) in G. Vc = potential associated to clique c. Connects local property (MRF) with global property (Gibbs dist.)
Fields of Experts
Fields of Experts (FoE) Natural Images Fields of Experts Fields of Experts (FoE) Fields of Experts = Product of Experts + Markov Random Fields (FoE) (PoE) (MRF) MRF: V = image lattice, E = connect all nodes in m*m patch x(k) . Overlapping Make model translation invariant: Vk = W. Model potential W using a PoE: Vk
Natural Images Fields of Experts FoE Density Other MRF approaches typically use hand selected clique potentials and small neighborhood systems. In FoE, translation invariant potential W is directly learned from training images. FoE = density is combination of overlapping local experts. (MRF) (PoE)
FoE Model Pros Overcomes previously mentioned problems: Natural Images Fields of Experts FoE Model Pros Overcomes previously mentioned problems: - Parameters Θ depend only on patch’s dimensions. - Applies to images of arbitrary size. - Translation invariant by definition. Explicitly models overlap of patches, by learning from training images. Overlapping patches are highly correlated; learned filters Ji and αi must account for this
Natural Images Fields of Experts Learned Filters FoE PoE
Training FoE
Training FoE Given training-set X=(x1,…,xn), its likelihood is: Natural Images Training FoE Training FoE Given training-set X=(x1,…,xn), its likelihood is: Find Θ which maximize likelihood = minimize minus log-likelihood Difficulty: computation of Z(Θ) is severely intractable:
Natural Images Training FoE Gradient Descent X – empirical data distribution; pFoE – model distribution. Conclusion: need to calculate <f>p, even if p is intractable.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (3 Slide Detour)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Natural Images Training FoE Markov Chain Monte Carlo Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC – method for generating sequence of random (correlated) samples from an arbitrary density function . Calculating q is tractable, p may be intractable. Use: approximate where xi ~ p using MCMC. Developed by physicists in late 1940’s (Metropolis). Introduced to CV community by Geman and Geman (1984). Idea: build a Markov chain which converges from an arbitrary distribution to p(x). Pros: easy to mathematically prove convergence to p(x). Cons: no convergence rate guaranteed; samples are correlated.
MCMC Algorithms Metropolis Algorithm Select any initial position x0. Natural Images Training FoE Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC Algorithms Metropolis Algorithm Select any initial position x0. At iteration k: Create new trial position x* = xk+∆x, ∆x ~ symmetric trial distribution. Calculate ratio . If r≥1 or with probability r, accept: xk+1 = x*; otherwise stay put: xk+1 = xk. x* xk+1 xk x* x0 Resulting distribution converges to p !!! Creates a Markov Chain since xk+1 depends only on xk. Trial distribution dynamically scaled to have fixed acceptance rate.
MCMC Algorithms Other algorithms to build sampling Markov chain: Natural Images Training FoE Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC Algorithms Other algorithms to build sampling Markov chain: Gibbs Sampler (Geman and Geman): Vary only one coordinate of x at a time. Draw new value of xj from conditional p(xj | x1,..,xj-1,xj+1,..,xn) - usually tractable when p is a MRF. Hamiltonian Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC): State of the art; very efficient. Details omitted.
Back to FoE Gradient Descent Natural Images Training FoE Back to FoE Gradient Descent Step size X0 = empirical data distribution (xi with probability 1/n). Xm = distribution of MCMC (initialized by X0) after m iterations. X∞ = MCMC converges to desired distribution . Contrastive Divergence (Hinton) Use where yj ~ X∞ using MCMC. Computationally Intensive
Contrastive Divergence (CD) Natural Images Training FoE Contrastive Divergence Contrastive Divergence (CD) Intuition: running MCMC sampler for few iterations from X0 draws samples closer to target distribution X∞ enough to “feel” gradient. Formal justification of “Contrastive Divergence” (Hinton): Maximizing Likelihood p(X0|X∞) = Minimizing KL Divergence X0 || X∞ CD is (almost) equivalent to minimizing X0 || X∞ - Xm || X∞ .
FoE Training Implementation Natural Images Training FoE FoE Training Implementation Size of training images should be substantially larger than patch (clique) size to capture spatial dependencies of overlapping patches. Trained on 2000 randomly cropped 15*15 images (5*5 patch) from 50 images in Berkley Segmentation Benchmark DB. Learned 24 expert filters. FoE Training is computationally intensive but off-line feasible.
FoE Training – Question Marks Natural Images Training FoE FoE Training – Question Marks Note that under the MRF model: p(5*5 patch | rest of image) = p(5*5 patch | 13*13 patch \ 5*5 patch). Therefore we feel that: 15*15 images are too small to learn MRF’s 5*5 clique potentials. Better to use 13*13-1 filters instead of 5*5-1. Details which were omitted: - HMC details. - Parameter values. - Faster convergence by whitening patch pixels before computing gradient updates. 5 13 15
E = (data term) + (spatial term) Natural Images FoE Applications General E = (data term) + (spatial term) denoising E = (noise) + (FoE term) inpainting E = (data term) + (FoE term) optical flow E = (local data term) + (FoE term)
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising y x
Field of Experts: adding noise Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: adding noise Noisy image true image Gaussian noise x y
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use the posterior probability distribution Known noise distribution Distribution of Image using Prior Experts Bayes formula Learned
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent Find x which maximize probability = minimize minus log-likelihood Gradient descent of minus log-likelihood
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent S. Zhu and D. Mumford. Prior learning and Gibbs reactiondiffusion. PAMI, 19(11):1236–1250, 1997.
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent = Convolution
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent = Convolution
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent = Convolution
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent = Convolution J- Vectorized filter mirrored through centeral pixel
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Use gradient ascent Updating rate <0.02: stable, slow computation >0.02: unstable, fast computation Many iteration with >0.02 250 iteration with =0.02, “cleaning up” Optional Weight Experimental better results Selected from a few candidates
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Comparison Original Image Noisy Image: σ=25
Field of Experts: Denoising Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Field of Experts: Denoising Comparison Field of Experts PSNR=28.72dB Wavelet approach PSNR=28.90dB Non-linear diffusion PSNR=27.18dB J. Portilla, V. Strela, M. Wainwright, and E. Simoncelli. IEEE Trans. Image Proc., 12(11):1338–1351, 2003 J.Weickert. Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision, pp. 3–28, 1997.
Advantages of FoE Compared to non-Linear Diffusion: Natural Images FoE Applications Denoising Advantages of FoE Compared to non-Linear Diffusion: Uses many more filters Obtained filters in a principled way Compared to wavelets: Some results are even better Prior trained on different data Increased database can improve results
Field of Experts: Inpainting Natural Images FoE Applications Inpainting Field of Experts: Inpainting
Field of Experts: Inpainting Natural Images FoE Applications Inpainting Field of Experts: Inpainting Given image y, find true image x A painting mask is provided y painting mask
Inpainting Diffusion Techniques Natural Images FoE Applications Inpainting Inpainting Diffusion Techniques M. Bertalmıo et al. Image inpainting. ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 417–424, 2000
Field of Experts: Inpainting Natural Images FoE Applications Inpainting Field of Experts: Inpainting p(y) p(x)
Field of Experts:Inpainting Natural Images FoE Applications Inpainting Field of Experts:Inpainting M. Bertalmio et al. Image inpainting. ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 417–424, 2000
Back to Optical Flow v u
Previous Work Finding basis optical flows Optical Flow Previous Work Previous Work Finding basis optical flows A discontinuity is a sum of weighted basis flow Principle Component Analysis First components are derivative filters D. J. Fleet, M. J. Black, Y. Yacoob, and A. D. Jepson. Design and use of linear models for image motion analysis. IJCV, 36(3):171–193, 2000.
Optical Flow and FoE ? Prior Natural image database Optical Flow FoE Optical Flow and FoE Prior Natural image database Optical Flow database ?
Optical Flow and Field of Experts Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow and Field of Experts Required statistics: for good experts Required database: for training Database
Optical Flow Spatial Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow Spatial Statistics 1) scene depth 2) camera motion 3) the independent motion of objects Occlusions
Optical Flow Spatial Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow Spatial Statistics scene depth Brown range image database
Optical Flow Spatial Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow Spatial Statistics scene depth Brown range image database
Optical Flow Spatial Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow Spatial Statistics camera motion Hand-held or Car-mounted camera Walking, moving around object Analysis of camera motion: boujou software system, Add reference to the papers themselves
Optical Flow Database generation Optical Flow FoE Database Optical Flow Database generation The optical flow is simply given by the difference in image coordinates under which a scene point is viewed in each of the two cameras.
Optical Flow FoE Learning Database: 100 video clips (~100 frames each) to determine camera movement 197 indoor and outdoor depth scenes from Brown range DB Generated a DB of 400 optical flow fields (360x256 pixels)
Optical Flow Velocity Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Statistics Optical Flow Velocity Statistics Log histograms horizontal velocity u, vertical velocity v, v r u velocity r, orientation θ.
Optical Flow Derivative Statistics Optical Flow FoE Database Statistics Optical Flow Derivative Statistics Log histograms ∂u/∂y Have concentrated, heavy tailed distributions. Model with Student-t distribution ∂u/∂x ∂v/∂x ∂v/∂y Same as Natural Images
Learning Optical Flow MRF of 3x3 or 5x5 cliques Optical Flow FoE Learning Learning Optical Flow MRF of 3x3 or 5x5 cliques Larger neighborhood than previous works 3x3 5x5
Learning Optical Flow Use FoE to learn optical flow Optical Flow FoE Learning Learning Optical Flow Use FoE to learn optical flow Use two models: horizontal and vertical ??? horizontal vertical
Learning Optical Flow Learn the experts from training data Optical Flow FoE Learning Learning Optical Flow Learn the experts from training data Contrastive Divergence Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Optical Flow Evaluation Optical Flow FoE Evaluation Optical Flow Evaluation Combined Local Global (CLG) energy function (only 2D) Data term Spatial term First Order Higher order constant
Optical Flow Evaluation Optical Flow FoE Evaluation Optical Flow Evaluation Energy minimization Look for local minimum: Discretize: The constraint has the form: Solve linear equations using standard techniques, GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual ).
Optical Flow Examples: Yosemite Optical Flow FoE Examples Optical Flow Examples: Yosemite Database: Train the FoE prior on the ground truth data for the Yosemite sequence, omitting frames 8 and 9 Evaluation: Frame 8 and 9 Experts: Use 3x3 patches and 8 filters
Optical Flow Examples: Yosemite Optical Flow FoE Examples Optical Flow Examples: Yosemite v u
Comparison: Yosemite AAE (average angle error) Method 2.93 Optical Flow FoE Examples Comparison: Yosemite AAE (average angle error) Method 2.93 Quadratic + Quadratic 1.70 Charbonnier + Charbonnier 1.76 Lorentzian + Charbonnier 1.32 Lorentzian + FoE Experts = FoE trained on synthetic database: AAE 1.82 Lorentzian ???
Optical Flow Examples: Flower Garden Optical Flow FoE Examples Optical Flow Examples: Flower Garden v u
Remarks: Initial results of a promising technique: Generalization to U\V Improved optical flow database Include 3D data term 5x5 cliques can give better results (?)
Summary Field of Experts is a combination of MRF and PoE Field of Experts can learn spatial dependence of optical flow sequences In contrast to other methods, the FoE prior does not require any tuning of parameters besides Combining FoE with CLG gives best results Given more general training data, generalization can be improved
5x5 3x3 Thank you!!! Special thanks to: Denis and Darya Oren Boiman.