BUILDING STRONG ® USACE/FEMA 2011 Remedial Action Program Workshop December 6-9, 2011 Orlando, FL
BUILDING STRONG ® Temporary Housing Presenter: SAJ Temporary Housing SME FEMA: Chief, Program Management and Policy Section Logistics Support Services Branch FEMA USACE: SAD Housing Representative 2011 USACE/FEMA RAP Workshop
BUILDING STRONG ® Mission Statement To Support FEMA the Corps will provide….. The engineering oversight and contractual means for placement of: Temporary housing units at individual home sites, existing commercial parks or newly designed and constructed mobile home parks. Government office spaces, police stations, fire stations, medical clinics, and school classrooms (CPF Mission).
BUILDING STRONG ® What Can USACE Provide? 1.Experiences Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assist the Mission Planning Team and State Lead Housing Task Force throughout the mission. 2.Detailed Site Inspections for placement of temporary housing units on private sites or in existing commercial parks. 3.Detailed Design & Cost Effective Construction of Group Sites. 4.Quality Assurance & Safety Oversight During Construction. 5.NEPA Policy Compliance
BUILDING STRONG ® USACE Housing Teams HuntingtonNew YorkSt. PaulJacksonville Los Angeles Huntsville
BUILDING STRONG ® What Can We Improve? Create Uniform Standard Requirements (Go-Kit) backed by Policy/Guidance to be used by both agencies. Improve Electronic Sharing Capabilities to Share Data throughout Various Missions. Continuously Improve Lines of Communication. Provide Real-Time “On-The Job” Training for New SMEs.
BUILDING STRONG ® Issue Matrix IssueAction LeadRecommendation Target Completion Date Other Team Members Data Sharing & Maintain Key Documentation Between Agencies SAD Establish Share Point (Intranet) Connection Feb 2012 LRH and FEMA HQ Common Tech Requirements LRHFinalize “Go-Kit”April 2012 HNC, SPL, & FEMA HQ Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) NAN Develop Agreed To Language and Schematics & White Paper June 2012 HNC, USACE HQ and FEMA HQ
BUILDING STRONG ® Temporary Housing IssueRecommendationsStatus 1.Action #1: Establish an Intranet SharePoint/initiate collaboration Start Date: January 2012 Est. Completion Date: February 2012 Action Lead: SAD 2.Action #2: Consolidation and management of viable and pertinent documentation Start Date: February 2012 Est. Completion Date: On-going Action Lead: SAD/FEMA HQ Ongoing Resolutions: SAD will prepare SharePoint site for downloading of data and grant access for FEMA staff. Obstacles: None. Tested with success PDT Members: LRH SAD FEMA HQ Issue Title: Data Sharing/Access Problem Statement: Inability to share data between agencies (Data sharing). What data to incorporate (Joint FEMA & Corps) Key Discussion Points: Lack of ability to easily and quickly exchange information between agencies for Plans/Specifications on group sites and general haul/install missions. Insure that our specifications are acceptable to FEMA, state and other entities?
BUILDING STRONG ® Temporary Housing IssueRecommendationsStatus 1.Action #1: Include “Go-Kit” as basis. Provide common technical specifications that are used in all missions and are accepted /integrated by all FEMA regions. Start Date: December 2011 Est. Completion Date: April 2012 Action Lead: LRH 2.Action #2: Standardize specifications, other applicable information and training materials. Incorporate into training Start Date: January 2012 (SOP Week) Est. Completion Date: April 2012 Action Lead: LRH Ongoing Resolutions: Materials will largely be taken from the Go-Kit and supplemented by the other materials as appropriate to provide a framework for technical and other specifications that are vetted for standardized use by FEMA/Corps. Obstacles: Funding PDT Members: HNC SPL Issue Title: Common Technical Specifications/Requirements (a)Training for these specifications Problem Statement: Requirements lack alignment between agencies. Narrow scope - should be written to Broad Specifications / requirements Key Discussion Points: Provide a standardized set of requirements for haul/install and group sites, that are used by all FEMA Regions. Final document(s)/Checklists to be included in the Go-Kit.
BUILDING STRONG ® Temporary Housing IssueRecommendationsStatus 1.Action #1: FEMA HQ coordinates with regions – recommended UFAS requirements submitted to FEMA OCS for review/approval. Start Date: January 2012 Est. Completion Date: June 2012 Action Lead: FEMA HQ 2.Action #2: Develop a white paper/issue papers addressing various components of UFAS laws that require additional clarification for consistency in deployments. Start Date: January 2012 Est. Completion Date: June 2012 Action Lead: LRH Ongoing Resolutions: Materials will largely be taken from the Go-Kit and supplemented by the other materials as appropriate to provide a framework for technical and other specifications that are vetted for standardized use by FEMA/Corps. Obstacles: Funding PDT Members: LRH SPL USACE HQ Issue Title: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) Problem Statement: Different interpretations of UFAS requirements Key Discussion Points: Development of common understanding of UFAS requirements and expectations. Final document(s)/Checklists to be included in the Go-Kit.