Inference. Estimates stationary p.p. {N(t)}, rate p N, observed for 0<t<T First-order.
Asymptotically normal.
Theorem. Suppose cumulant spectra bounded, then N(T) is asymptotically N(Tp N, 2 Tf 2 (0)). Proof. The normal is determined by its moments
Nonstationary case. p N (t)
Bivariate p.p.
Volkonski and Rozanov (1959); If N T (I), T=1,2,… sequence of point processes with p N T 0 as T then, under further regularity conditions, sequence with rescaled time, N T (I/p N T ), T=1,2,…tends to a Poisson process. Perhaps I NM T (u) approximately Poisson, rate Tp NM T (u) Take: = L/T, L fixed N T (t) spike if M spike in (t,t+dt] and N spike in (t+u,t+u+L/T] rate ~ p NM (u) /T 0 as T N T (IT) approx Poisson I NM T (u) ~ N T (IT) approx Poisson, mean Tp NM (u)
Variance stabilizing transfor for Poisson: square root
For large mean the Poisson is approx normal