What is Orange Tracker - Logging Into Orange Tracker 1.Type into your web browser (Firefox or Safari recommended). 2.Type your Syracuse University Netid into the Username box. 3.Type your Syracuse University password into the Password box. 4.Click Log In.
What is Orange Tracker - Project Orange Tracker (OT) is a service management application by Atlassian (JIRA) that has been customized for use at Syracuse University. OT allows each organizational unit or functional group to provide efficient service to their clients by making the service lifecycle transparent and giving clients a way to actively participate in that lifecycle. In Orange Tracker a Project is a means of collecting issues for a group or organization. Issues can be of any nature including requests for service, service disruption, repairs, installations, requests for information and/or records, etc. For example, all issues pertaining to the Service Center at AASC fall under one project with the key HELP. The Key is a unique identifier for each project. Issue HELP-4423 would refer to the 4,423rd issue within the HELP project. - Workflow Workflow is the movement of an issue through various Statuses during its lifecycle. Orange Tracker uses JIRA’s default workflow.
What is Orange Tracker Workflow
What is Orange Tracker - Component Projects have subdivisions called Components. Components are a means of categorizing types of issues. Examples of components for a Service Center project are hardware, support, software upgrade etc. Components are useful in reporting on issues efficiently. They function as a tagging system within a given project. -Issue Permission Scheme Projects can be public or private. If a project is public, it is intended for the collection of issues from the University population and/or the general public. Public projects are viewable by all Orange Tracker Users. In public projects all Users can submit issues. A project is private if it is meant for internal use and/or includes information of a sensitive nature. In private projects, Project Managers must add each individual that will submit issues to the User role. - Public/Private Issue Security and Permission schemes and role based project membership conventions act together to restrict visibility of issues to members of the project in which the issue resides. While in some cases this effect is desirable, it is often advantageous for Orange Tracker consultants to be able to see issues in projects to which they do not have sufficient permissions.
What is Orange Tracker - Observer Once assigned, OT users (or groups) in the Observer role can view and comment on issues within the project, but it restricts the member from editing the issue or executing any issue workflow steps. By default the Observer role will not be populated with any members. Orange Tracker project managers determine who (if anyone) is a member in this role, and consequently who can observe issues within the project. If the project manager would like all OT consultants to have visibility in their project, the group “jira-consultants” can be added to the Observer role. Otherwise, members can be added individually. - User User is the default role in Orange Tracker. Users can report issues to a given Project. For example, a student with a problem sends an to the HELP Project. This student falls into the role of User. The specific user that reports an issue is called a Reporter. Users only have permission to perform actions on issues that they are Reporters for.
- Project Manager Project Managers are Users that manage a project. Users in this role may not work on issues on a day to day basis but would like to be apprised of the project. In addition to the permissions afforded to Consultants, Project Managers can also add/remove Users, change Users’ roles, and add/remove Components within their Project. - Consultant Consultants are Users that perform work on or are responsible for incoming issues in their project. Consultants have permissions to create, search for, perform workflow actions and operations on, and close issues in their project. The Consultant (or Project Manager) assigned to work on an issue is called an Assignee. Certain Workflow actions are only available to the Assignee of an issue. What is Orange Tracker
- An address in the format is associated with each project. Mail sent to that address will automatically create an issue within that project. Issues created from populate the Reporter field with the sender of the , the Summary is populated by the subject line of the , and the Description field is populated by the body of the . Note that any recipients in the CC: field of the sent are added to the Watchers of that issue. Watchers are observers of a specific issue. The standard notification scheme will the reporter upon creation, close, reopen, and feedback requests. This scheme will also notify the assignee and any watchers on all events from creation to close of that issue. What is Orange Tracker
Optimizing the Orange Tracker Experience 1.) The OT team recommends Firefox or Safari for use with Orange Tracker. IE does not refresh the Gadgets on the Dashboard or open the User Picker. 2.) After logging in, click on your name in the top right hand corner and click on the word “Profile.” Select “Edit Operations”. Click on the pencil image beside the heading “Preferences” and then change the “Own Changes” preference from “Notify me” to “Do not notify me.” Click Update. 3.) Participate in the OT Community by submitting suggestions, feature requests, and inquiries to the JIRA project at 4.) Vote and comment on issues in the JIRA project that are a concern for you and your group. 5.) Comment on OT Blog posts.
Choosing a Dashboard Layout To choose a different layout for your dashboard page (e.g. three columns instead of two): 1. At the top right of the Dashboard, click the 'Edit Layout' link. A election of layouts will be displayed: 2. Click your preferred layout. The dashboard that you see when you first start using JIRA is a "default" dashboard that has been configured by your JIRA administrator. You cannot edit the default dashboard; but you can easily create your own dashboard, which you can then customize as you wish. To create your own dashboard, 1. At the top right of the Dashboard, click the 'Tools' menu. 2. Select either 'Create Dashboard' to create a blank dashboard, or 'Copy Dashboard' to create a dashboard that is based on the default dashboard. Dashboard - Create a Dashboard
Dashboard - Add a Gadget 1.At the top right of the Dashboard, click the Add Gadget link. 2.A selection of gadgets will be displayed: 3.Click the Add it Now button beneath your chosen gadget. 4.Click the Finished button to return to your Dashboard. 5.If the gadget you have selected requires configuration, you will be presented with the gadget's configuration page. Configure appropriately and click Save. Consultant
Dashboard - Create a Filter 1.Go to Issues, Search for Issues. 2. Click on the Filter: New tab. 3. Choose the criteria you want and click View. A list of filtered issues will show up. Click the Filter: View tab. Now click the Save button. 4. After the filter has been saved, it will be listed under My tab. Consultant
Dashboard - Add a pre-made or popular filter 1.Click on the Issues: Manage tab then click on the Popular tab. 2.Click on the star next to the filter you want to add. 3.The star will light up when the filter is added to your Dashboard. Consultant
Issue - Create an Issue 1.Click the Create Issue link at the top of the screen. 2.Select the relevant project and issue type and click the Create button. Consultant
Issue - Create an Issue 3. The Enter the details of the issue screen will be displayed. Type a summary of the issue and complete any other required fields, which are italicized and highlighted by an asterisk. 4. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page. The new issue will be created and you will see the View Issue screen, showing the issue details that you have provided. The reporter will receive an containing details and a link to the new issue. Consultant
Issue - Create an Issue, View Issue Screen Consultant
Issue Users/Reporter Send an to the project's address or to the vanity address associated to the project. Once the is received an issue will be automatically created. A confirmation will be sent to the Reporter. If you are the Assignee, you will only receive this if you have set your preferences to notify you of your own changes. For example, sending an to would generate this confirmation - Create an Issue from
Issue - Create an Issue from The issue created on Orange Tracker would look like this: Users/Reporter
Issue - Add an Attachment 1.Browse to the issue you wish to add attachments. 2.Click the Attach File link under the Operations menu. 3.Click on Browse to browse to the file you want to attach. 4.If required, add a comment and select the comment visibility. 5.Click on Attach to add the attachment. Consultant
Issue - Update/Edit an Issue 1.Navigate to the issue you want to edit. Please note that you must be the assignee of an issue in order to edit it. 2.Click on Edit link under operations column. 3.Similar to creating an issue, edit the required field and click Update button at the bottom. Consultant
Issue - Add a Comment 1.Browse to the issue you wish to comment on. 2.Click the Comment link under the Activity menu. 3.Type your comment, and select which users can view this comment. Click the Add button. Consultant
Issue - Assign/Reassign an Issue 1.Navigate to the Issue you want to assign. 2.Click Assign link in the Operations section. 3.Select the correct Consultant from the drop down menu. Add any comments in the Comment field. 4.Click the Assign button. Consultant
Issue - Move an Issue 1.Navigate to the issue you want to move. 2.Click the More Actions drop down list and click Move. 3.Select the correct project from the New Project drop down field. 4. Select an Issue Type if applicable 5.Click Next. Consultant
Issue - Move an Issue 6. Update any Custom Fields. Click Next. Consultant
Issue - Move an Issue 7.Confirm values for the move. Click Move. 8.There is now a new key assigned to the issue. Consultant
Users - Add an User 1.Click Search LDAP link. 2.Enter SUID, NetID, or Last Name. 3.Click Search button. 4.If the user's name is red click Create Account to activate the user. If the user's name is in green the account already exists in Orange Tracker. Consultant 5.The account name will now be green.
Users - Add users to a project role Project Manager 1.Log into Orange Tracker as a project administrator. 2.Click the Administration link on the top bar. 3.This will display the Administration page, showing a list of projects which you have permission to manage. 4.Click the project of interest, this will display the Project Administration page 5.Click the 'View members' link
Users - Add users to a project role Project Manager 6.Click the Edit link in the Users column for the project role you wish to edit. 7.This will display the Assign Users to Project Role page. 8.The users currently in the project role are listed on the right-hand side of the page. Type the username(s) in the Add User box on the left-hand side of the page, then click the Add button.
Component - Add a new component Project Manager 1.Return to the Administration: Project page, and the Components box will be located in the bottom left of your screen. Click Add a new component.
2. Type the name of your new component. 3.You can also optionally enter the component description and/or assign a user to be the component lead. 4.Click the Add button. The component summary list is updated immediately and you will be redirected to the project admin page. Component - Add a new component Project Manager
The Notification Scheme determines when the Reporter, Watchers, and Assignee are notified via concerning events generated for a specific issue. Possible events include: Created, Updated, Assigned, Resolved, Closed, Commented, Comment Edited, Reopened, Deleted, Moved, Work Logged, Work Started, Work Stopped, Feedback Request. Notification Schemes
- Standard Notification Scheme Reporter, Assignee, and any Watchers are notified via of all events from creation to close of an issue. - Standard Scheme with Reporter Notification Reduced Assignee and Watchers are notified via of all events from creation to close of an issue. Reporters are only notified via on creation, close, reopen, and feedback request.
Notification Schemes Reporter, Assignee, and any Watchers are notified via of all events from creation to close of an issue. All Consultants in the project are notified via when an issue is created. - Standard Scheme plus Notification to Consultants on Create Issue - Standard Scheme with Reporter Notifications Reduced plus Notification to Consultants on Create Issue Assignee and Watchers are notified via of all events from creation to close of an issue. Reporters are only notified via on creation, close, reopen, and feedback request. All Consultants in the project are notified via when an issue is created.
Helpful Links Orange Tracker on Answers: Orange Tracker Blog: Training Feedback Survey: forms.syr.edu:443/frevvo/web/tn/ITSServiceCenter/user/wzhang10/app/_8VWbkW5REd- qlfezbFNAgQ/formtype/_C-VhwG5SEd-qlfezbFNAgQ/popupform?locale= forms.syr.edu:443/frevvo/web/tn/ITSServiceCenter/user/wzhang10/app/_8VWbkW5REd- qlfezbFNAgQ/formtype/_C-VhwG5SEd-qlfezbFNAgQ/popupform?locale= Atlassian’s Users Guide: