Simulating Cartoon Style Animation Stephen Chenney, Mark Pingel, Rob Iverson, Marcin Szymanski Presented by: Andrea Tartaro
Squash and Stretch Traditional animation example
Luxo, Jr. Squash and Stretch
Lasseter’s Principles of Animation +Squash and Stretch +Timing +Anticipation +Staging +Follow through and overlapping action +Straight ahead action and pose-to-pose action +Slow in and out +Arcs +Exaggeration +Secondary Action +Appeal =Personality
The System Ballistic motion simulator Collision detection mechanism Stylistic deformation
Cartoon Simulation Gravity Restitution (lost “energy”) Max Stretch Min Squash Stretch Rate Squash Rate
Cartoon Physics Algorithm Two modes: –Free-space –Collision 1)Update free space objects 2)Compute collision interpolation parameters 3)Update all objects involved in collisions
Special Cases 1.Coming to reset 2.Simultaneous collisions
Limitations Only convex polygonal models Only one moving object Collision must be between one deformable object and a fixed object
Applications Interactive Entertainment/ Games Animation interfaces for novices Aids to traditional animation Storyboarding animation?