IST-063/RWS-010 Visualising Network Information L. Rasmussen (Denmark) V.K. Taylor (Canada)
Location The Royal Danish Defence College Copenhagen Denmark October 2006
Background This will be the fourth in a series of bi-annual IST-sponsored workshops Visualisation of Massive Military Multimedia Datasets (under IST-05) Massive Military Data Fusion and Visualisation: Users talk with Developers (IST036/RWS005) Visualisation and the Common Operational Picture (IST043/RWS006) Visualising Network Information (IST063/RWS010)
Background continued These workshops are complemented by "Network of Experts" (N/X) workshops in the intervening years Visualisation in Massive Military Datasets Visualisation Needs for Counterterror and Intelligence Social Network Analysis and Visualisation for Public Safety (to be held at FGAN October)
Topics Military and Civil Protection Applications Network-enabled operations Counter-terrorism Peace keeping and peace support operations Social networks Hostile/Friendly relationships and dispositions Visualisation of infrastructure network vulnerabilities and risk assessments Relationship discovery from unstructured documents Human Factors Effects of Stress Optimisation for network data of the human-machine interface Visualising geospatial and temporal relationships Human Factors Continued Presentation of multi- dimensional relationships Representation of uncertainty and reliability Trust in tools and methods Experience with Current Visualisation Technologies Situation Awareness and Decision Support Technology Network analysis/discovery algorithms Game theory, co-operative and adversarial interaction modelling Investigation products Application of existing technology Technology Overview and Review
Workshop Objectives Develop mutual understanding and foster interaction both at the workshop and beyond among those who manage and defend networks network and intelligence analysts researchers those who develop supporting tools and techniques Identify problems to which there are as yet no solutions, but where solutions seem possible; and to recommend a course of action towards their solution. Free exchange of ideas and knowledge among the participants. Be multidisciplinary technological and human factors innovation are complementary in improving visualisation systems.
Format of the workshop Based on experience gained from 2004 workshop 2004 workshop was still small enough (52) to be intimate, but was probably close to the maximum for holding a properly interactive workshop. It built on the experience gained from Halden (2002) and from the Network of Experts Workshop at Penn State (2003) workshop focused on a clear application stated in operational terms, with sufficient user participation to retain the focus. The greatest value lay in the briefings and associated slides and reports from the working groups (syndicates). Participants retained the user’s decision space as their point of reference, rather than descending into the technical minutia of the data or the mechanics of presentation.
Format of the workshop Four days have been allocated to the workshop. Approximately 40 selected participants, mainly defence users, systems developers, and information systems and human factors scientists. Keynote sessions set the tone Two keynote addresses from invited speakers, who will participate actively in the whole workshop.
Format of the workshop Topic specific sessions 3 or 4 short presentations in each session Highly interactive sessions, combining short presentations and extended plenary discussions. Significant time set aside for discussion, both on individual presentations and on the topics as a whole. Breakout working groups on focussed topics agreed by workshop participants. Possibly 6 parallel working groups
Current Situation Workshop Committee includes the members of IST059/RTG025 plus invited specialists representing DNK, CAN, DEU, NOR, ROU, GBR, and USA. Lisbeth M. Rasmussen (DNK) is the Workshop Chairman. Workshop is open to Partnership for Peace nations. Workshop is UNCLASSIFIED Committee meetings take place during identified sessions within regular meetings of IST059/RTG025. Discussion is ongoing over the Internet. Workshop Call for Contributions has been agreed by the Committee and is ready for distribution. A potential workshop Technical Evaluation Reporter has been identified. Keynote speakers will be discussed at the upcoming meeting of IST059/RTG025 (mid-October)
NATO support TER Two keynote speakers Transportation between hotel and workshop location Workshop documentation