Animal Cognition
Aristotle Born 384 BC Classification Scala Naturae God Angels and Demons Man Wild Beasts Domesticated Beasts Plants Minerals
Charles Darwin Evolution by Natural Selection Mental continuity between humans and animals Descent of Man “Nevertheless the difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.”
Georges Romanes Animal Intelligence (1888) Relied heavily on anecdotes to build an uncritical view of animal intelligence Criteria for Mind: 1.Not a reflex 2.Individual Choice 3.Report by a Reputable Person
Some Examples Horses and inclined planes Earwig “Tim” comes to breakfast Cats and mechanical understanding Scorpions commit suicide Sympathetic ants
Excerpted from George Romanes' book Animal Intelligence (1888) One day, watching a small column of these ants, I placed a little stone on one of them to secure it. The next that approached, as soon as it discovered its situation, ran backwards in an agitated manner, and soon communicated the intelligence to the others. They rushed to the rescue; some bit at the stone and tried to move it, others seized the prisoner by the legs and tugged with such force that I thought the legs would be pulled off, but they persevered until they got the captive free. This observation seems unequivocal as proving fellow-feeling and sympathy.
Evolution of Intelligence Apes, Dogs Monkey, Elephant Birds Bee Reptiles Fish Snail Starfish Jellyfish Morality Tool Use Understand Words Communicate Ideas Recognize People Similarity Contiguity Memory Conscious (pain)
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny
Evolution of Intelligence 15 Months 12 Months 8 Months 4 Months 7 Weeks 3 Weeks Morality Tool Use Understand Words Recognize People Similarity Contiguity
Lloyd Morgan and Tony “Tony”
Morgan’s Canon “In no case may we interpret an action as the outcome of the exercise of a higher psychical faculty, if it can be interpreted as the outcome of one which stands lower in the psychological scale.” Beware: Columba livia = Homo sapiens
Edward Thorndike Criticized Romanes’ views as unscientific Do not know history of the animal Problems with anecdotes: 1.Only a single case is studied. Does it apply to whole species? 2. Observations are often not repeated or repeatable 3. Conditions under which observations are made are not well regulated
Caveat Emptor Anthropomorphism: unthinkingly giving human qualities to animals Evolutionary Scale: assumption that living species are close genetic relatives Equality of Condition: assumption that it is possible to truly equate test conditions Equality of Mechanism: assumption that similar results happen because of inheritance (homology vs. analogy)
Independent Variable (“Cause”) Dependent Variable (“Effect”) Hours since last meal Hours without water Time devoted to study Amount of food eaten Amount of water drunk Score on exam Behaviorism
Independent Variable (“Cause”) Dependent Variable (“Effect”) Hours since last meal Hours without water Time devoted to study Amount of food eaten Amount of water drunk Score on exam Intervening variable Hunger Thirst Learning Methodological Behaviorism
Theory – a set of assumptions that interrelate observable variables Cognitive Science (Neo-behaviorism) Intervening variable – a working variable, not necessarily real hunger thirst learning Hypothetical construct – the essence of something that really exists association representation memory image Examples
What is Animal Cognition? Cognition – Latin for “knowledge” or “thinking” The use of an internal (neural) representation or model of some past experience as a basis for action The processes that act on internal information or representations