Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 1 Solutions to Chapter 5 Exercises
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 2 Exercise X X X 5 X X 1 X X 3 X X 2 X X Components Machines The cells are (M4, M5, M1, C7, C5,C1,C2) and (M2, M3, C3, C4, C6)
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 3 Exercise 2a A: 1-6 E: 1-3, 3-5 I: 4-5, 2-4 O: Based on rectangular distances the cost of this layout can be calculated as follows:
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 4 Exercise 2a - Cost of Shipping Between Departments (V D) Dept. 1: 4(2)+6(1)+2(3)+0(2)+7(1) = 27 Dept 2: 3(1)+5(1)+1(2)+3(3) = 19 Dept 3: 2(2)+6(1)+5(2) = 20 Dept 4: 5(1)+2(2) = 9 Dept. 5: 3(1) = 3 Total = = 78 There may be better layouts.
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 5 Exercise 2b - First Develop Cost Matrix
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 6 Exercise 2b continued A: 1-3, 3-5, 2-4 E: 1-6, 4-5 I: 2-6, 3-6 O: 1-2, 2-3, 4-6, 5-6 There may be better layouts
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 7 Exercise 3 - Distance Matrix for Current Layout
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 8 Exercise 3 - Distance Matrix for Proposed Layout Notice that the only cost changes are between departments 1- 2 and 1-6 since we are using rectangular distances.
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 9 Exercise 3 - Current Costs 1-2: 40 daily trips ($.02)(10 ft.) = $8 2-1: 30 daily trips ($.03)(10 ft.) = $9 1-6: 40 daily trips ($.02)(30 ft.) = $24 6-1: 40 daily trips ($.02)(30 ft.) = $24 Total cost = = $65
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 10 Exercise 3 - Proposed Costs 1-2: 40 daily trips ($.02)(30 ft.) = $24 2-1: 30 daily trips ($.03)(30 ft.) = $27 1-6: 40 daily trips ($.02)(10 ft.) = $8 6-1: 40 daily trips ($.02)(10 ft.) = $8 Total cost = = $67
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 11 Exercise 3 Concluded The proposed move is $2 a day more expensive, which amounts to $500 for the work year. Hence, it should not be done.
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 12 Exercise 4 The important information in the table is –departments 1-3 should be very close –departments 5-6 should be very close –departments 2-3 should be very far –departments 3-5 should be very far –departments 2-4 should be close –departments 4-6 should be close –departments 1-4 should be very far
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 13 Exercise 4 - First Trial O U I X A A I X O E I E X I O Major weakness of layout is that 1-2 are so far apart.
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 14 Exercise 5 a b c d e f
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 15 Exercise 5 continued
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 16 Exercise 5 - Balancing the Line Using LOT Rule
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 17 Exercise 6a
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 18 Exercise 6a - LOT Rule (Ties Broken Alphabetically)
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 19 Exercise 6b
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 20 Exercise 6c No. stations (min.) = 39/10 = 3.9 or 4 Efficiency = 39/(4 x 10) = 98%
Chapter 5: Transformation System Design 21 Exercise 6c TimeEligibleTask StationAvailableTasksAssigned 110a, b, h, gb 6a, e, h, gh 2a, e, gg 210 a, ea 3c, d, ec 1d, ee 310dd 2ff 4 ii