Introduction to Media Studies SoSe 2011 Mag. Klaus Heissenberger North American Literary and Cultural Studies Universität des Saarlandes
Models of ‘communication’ Shannon und Weaver (1948): sendermessagereceiver
Models of ‘communication’ „Lasswell formula“: Harold Lasswell,1948 „Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?“ e.g.:
Media definitions Compare definitions from German media studies (‚Medienwissenschaften‘) textbooks: What (which definitions, which media listed as examples) illustrate very ‘ narrow ’ and very ‘ broad ’ definitions of ‘the media’? Which ones are optimistic, neutral, or pessimistic about the usefulness of the media or the effects of media?
active vs. passive role of the audience/consumers identity: empowerment disempowerment
Models of ‘communication’: Circuit of Culture
Media consumption See Burton 7, “Why people watch what they do”