Lab Safety Annual Refresher Training
Use of the University of Minnesota Hazardous Chemical Waste Management Guidebook I.Hazardous Chemical Waste Management Guidebook is located above Alex’s desk. II. All personnel are responsible for the proper management of ALL hazardous chemicals you work with. III.The Guidebook covers how to properly handle, label, and dispose of hazardous waste on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus.
Hazardous waste definitions I.The EPA and the MPCA has determined that chemical waste is considered hazardous if it exhibits ANY of the following characteristics. A. Ignitability B. Corrosivity C. Reactivity D. Lethality
Labeling of hazardous waste I.Bottles of waste generated in the laboratory must be labeled as they are generated. II.Unused of outdated chemicals that are in original containers with labels identifying the contents are suitable for waste pickup. III.Collection bottles used for mixtures of spent waste must use a yellow hazardous waste label. A. Attach the label to the bottle as soon as it is started. B. Record starting date. C. Record contents, including water. D. Bottles is the process of being filled must be kept CAPPED and stored in a safe location. E. The following information must be recorded on both the label and hazardous waste packing form: 1. Ingredients and their percentages 2. pH
Waste packing forms I.Forms are located in the black file cabinet at the end of Alex’s bench. II.There are examples of how to fill out the form in the folder. III.Tape the blue copy to the waste and send the white and yellow copy to DEHS.
Secondary containment I.All hazardous waste and chemicals must be stored in secondary containment.
Incompatible waste I.Chemical waste should be segregated and packaged for disposal by chemical hazard class. A. The hazard class can be identified by the first two digits of the DDC which can be found in the appendix of the Guidebook. II. There is also a list of chemical that must be boxed up separately. A. Concentrated of fuming sulfuric acid B. Perchloric acid C. Nitric acid D. Cyanide compounds E. Water sensitive compounds F. Shock sensitive compounds G. Chemical mixtures containing different hazard class chemicals
Sewer, Trash, and Evaporation I.No chemical waste, pipette tips, pipets, flasks, bottles, or any other piece of trash that has been in contact with any chemical or waste is allowed in the regular trash. II. If the chemical does not have the “xxNH” nonhazardous designation in the chemical registry, then it is considered hazardous and cannot be disposed of by evaporation, sewer or trash.
Chemical spills I.Notify Environmental Health and Safety or call 911 for any spill that exceeds your capability to safely clean up or if it represents a safety hazard to personnel, property, or the environment. II. Call 911 if someone has been injured or if fire is probable. III. Evacuate personnel from the area. IV. Shut off gas lines or electrical power if needed. V. Confine the spill by closing doors and/or roping off the area. VI.Report the spill to your supervisor or to DEHS. VII.Secure the area until help arrives. VIII.Act as the technical advisor to emergency personnel.
Pollution control I.Use pollution prevention techniques to reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated. II.Use microscale techniques, nonhazardous chemical substitutes, or or process modification to reduce waste. III.Share unused chemicals in your department. IV.Use the Chemical Redistribution Program to recycle unused chemicals.
Common regulatory violations I.Containers labeled improperly. A. Containers must have the words “Hazardous Waste” on them. B. Make sure there is a complete listing of ingredients. C. Start date. D. Fill date. E. Name, address, and department. II. Incompatible wastes and/or chemicals stored together. A. Separate waste by the first two digits of the DDC. III.Lab personnel not properly trained in emergency procedures. A. Train all employees and refresh every year. IV. Chemicals disposed of improperly. A. Do Not sewer chemicals without approval. B. Do Not evaporate solvents in fumehoods. C. Do Not throw hazardous waste in trash. V. Containers not closed. A. Keep all containers closed except when adding or removing waste.
Radiation Safety I.Receipt of a New Vial of Radioactive Material A. Check the packing list with the order form to determine if the appropriate isotope and activity were received. B. Sign and date the packing sheet and place in the Packing Slips box near Evan’s desk. C. Make a new “Radionuclide Receipt, Utilization and Disposal Form”, complete with date RECEIVED, ISOTOPE, and ACTIVITY. D. Check the packaging container (blue pig) with the G-M to make sure it is not contaminated and record reading on sheet. E. The stock vial MUST be stored in a lock-box at ALL times.
II. Use of Radioactive Material A. Determine the amount of activity needed, and record: B. On the “Radionuclide Receipt, Utilization and Disposal Form”, record your initials, the total amount removed from the vial, the date disposed and waste forms. C. On the “Radioactive Waste Inventory” form record your initials under the “Protocol”, the isotope, the DATE RECEIVED under the “Original Assay Date”, the total activity removed from the stock, the fraction in that waste form. D. There are sheets for both solid and liquid waste forms. E. Always double glove when working with radioactive material. F. Before you begin, check your work area with the G-M survey meter to determine if the area is hot first. G. When defrosting radioactive material, the vial MUST be kept in a lock-box. H. Perform all work in the radioactive room, using on rad-taped interments. I. If you use non-contaminated instruments, make sure they are decontaminated before going back into general circulation.
J. Survey the work area with the G-M survey meter after completion of work. Move about 1 inch per second over the entire work area and yourself. L. Clean up any “hot spots”. M. Remove outer glove after radiation work. N. Dispose of in the radioactive solid waste box.
III.Details About Stock Vials A. Stock vials must NEVER be placed in solid waste. B.They are returned to RPD in a separate box. C Once the stock vial is empty, place it in the Rad Vial Stock box and record it on the Stock Vial Box form. D. If the vial is not emptied, but no longer used, indicate the amount of liquid remaining in the vial. E. When the stock vial is moved to the Rad Vial Stock box, make a note on the appropriate “Radionuclide Receipt, Utilization and Disposal Form”. F. When stock vials, liquid or solid waste needs to be removed, ask Alex to do it.
Workplace Violence I.The incidence of workplace violence has tripled over the past ten years. A. Every year about 20 people are murdered and over 18,000 injured due to work place violence (OSHA, 1996). II. Workplace violence is defined as when a person inflicts or threatens to inflict maltreatment to others in the workplace. III.Violence is intense and extreme behavior used to frighten, intimidate, injure, damage, or destroy another person or property and can take the following forms: A. gestures, innuendo B. intimidation; C. physical force; D. retaliation; E. rough action; F. self-prediction of loss of control; G. stalking; H. strong negative feeling or emotion;
I. threats; J. violation of another’s rights or sensibilities. IV.Guidelines for handling a hostile person A. Monitor the situation closely while alerting others to call security. B. Watch for clues that help is needed. V.Dealing with an incident A. Recognize the reality of what is happening. B. Remain calm and proceed in a logical, rational manner. C. Take shelter, assisting others if necessary and possible. D. Assess the situation in terms of degree of threat, injury, or damage. E. Summon help by calling 911 or the Threat Assessment Group at