Computer Networks CS 4514
Topics F Background F Admin Stuff F Motivation F Objectives
Professor Background F Dr. Mark Claypool (professor, “Mark”) F Systems guy –operating systems –distributed systems –collaborative systems F Underlying theme: networks F Research in network support for multimedia
Student Background F Name F Class (freshman, junior …) F Major (CS, EE, Basket Weaving...) F C experience F Unix experience F Operating Systems? F Other
Syllabus F F TA: To Be Determined F Office hours: –Tuesday 2:30-3:30 –Thursday 2:30-3:30 –Friday 4:00-5:00 F F Text Book: Good stuff so read, but will focus F Names?
Course Structure F Grading –Exams: 2 exams, not cumulative –Projects: 3-4 programming projects (proj 1) –Homework: 3-4 homeworks F Groupwork for projects, not for homework F Prerequisites –C programming (a must) –Operating Systems (a must) –Unix (recommended) –Probability?
Why This Class? F WPI requirements –“core course” for CS majors –4000-level course –Cross listed with ECE F Networks are everywhere! –Modem, phone line, and software to join –Indeed, the network is the computer! F Fun!
Course Objectives F Understanding of Networks and Systems –Efficient and effective –Educate others F Motivation F Hands-on programming of several network layers –C and Unix