Physical Gels and strong liquids 5th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems New results, Directions and Opportunities Francesco Sciortino Wednesday … last talk
Outline Irreversible (Chemical) Gelation in a simple model Thermoreversible (Physical) Gelation Gels (strong liquids) and Glasses Other gels…..(water, DNA-gels)
V(r) r Ivan HS gel Simple Model for Chemical Gels [with HS g(r)] Irreversible Gelation
Behavior of the density autocorrelation functions dependence
Irreversible Gelation f q Signatures of percolation at fixed q
Finite Lifetime…. V(r) r See also Del Gado works
Square Well 3% width Generic Phase Diagram for Square Well (3%) What on cooling ?
The dream
The quest for the ideal (thermoreversible) gel….model 1) Long Living (but reversible) bonds 2)No Phase Separation Are 1 and 2 mutually exclusive ? LowTemperature Condensation Long Bond Lifetime The quest
Surface Tension How to stay at low T without condensation ? The quest Reasons for condensation (Frank, Hill, Coniglio) Physical Clusters at low T ifthe infinite cluster is the lowest (free)energy state How to make the surface as stable as the bulk (or more)?
E=0 E=-N max E=-1 E=-N max N max on a Bethe lattice S.Sastry and E. La Nave max max max
Geometric Constraint: Maximum Valency SW if # of bonded particles <= N max HS if # of bonded particles > N max V(r) r Maximum Valency
N MAX -modified Phase Diagram Phase Diagram et al
It is possible to equilibrate at low T !
The structure of the gel
What is the gel dynamics (in this model) ? Bond lifetime (Arrhenius along isochores)
What is the gel dynamics (in this model) ? Bond lifetime R 2 vs t (along isochores)
Gel vs Glass - MSD
What is the gel dynamics (in this model) ? Bond lifetime R 2 vs t F q (t)
D along isochores… D along isoterms D vs isochores and isotherms
Dynamic Arrest Lines The possibility of observing strong-liquid behavior intimately connected to reduction of bonding
Pair-wise model (geometric correlation between bonds) (PMW, I. Nezbeda)
Colloidal Gels, Molecular Gels, …. and DNA gels Four Arm Ologonucleotide Complexes as precursors for the generation of supramolecular periodic assemblies JACS 126, Palindroms in complementary space
Conclusions….. Gel propensity: Initial understanding of the ingredients requested to generate an “ideal” gel Gels and Glasses (two different faces of the arrest dynamics). Percolation not seen… Molecular and Atomic gels - Strong ! Interesting questions…. Where is the MCT line ?
C. De Michele, E. La Nave, P. Tartaglia, E. Zaccarelli (U. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy) I. Saika-Voivod (U. Saskatchewan, Canada) A. Moreno (Donostia International Center, Spain) S. Bulderyev (DMD code) (Yeshiva U., USA) S. Sastry (Bethe) (JNCASR, India) F. Starr (DNA-Gels) (Wesleyan U., USA)
Gel vs Glass: Density Autocorrelation Functions fqfq
Fq gel vs glass
Bond Lifetime.. Several more decades..