Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first Welcome to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. Naomi Bartley, CPC Department. October Adapted July 2009
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first Our Mission Statement Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital is committed to providing family centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first OLCHC First opened in 1956 First opened in 1956 Public voluntary hospital managed by a Board of Management Public voluntary hospital managed by a Board of Management Funded by the Department of Health and Children, through the Health Services Executive Funded by the Department of Health and Children, through the Health Services Executive Capacity: 223 beds Capacity: 223 beds Over 1,200 staff. Nursing constitutes over 33%. Over 1,200 staff. Nursing constitutes over 33%.
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first OLCHC National Centre of Excellence National Centre of Excellence Tertiary referral centre Tertiary referral centre An acute paediatric teaching hospital An acute paediatric teaching hospital (UCD, TCD, RCSI, DCU) (UCD, TCD, RCSI, DCU) Research Centre supporting paediatric research Research Centre supporting paediatric research
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first Specialties in OLCHC Haematology / Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation*Haematology / Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation* Cardiac Surgery & Cardiology*Cardiac Surgery & Cardiology* Emergency DepartmentEmergency Department Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery, Airways ManagementEar, Nose & Throat Surgery, Airways Management AudiologyAudiology Dermatology*Dermatology* Diabetes & Endocrine*Diabetes & Endocrine* Gastroenterology (including Liver Disease)*Gastroenterology (including Liver Disease)* Plastics / Burns and Reconstructive Surgery*Plastics / Burns and Reconstructive Surgery* * Denotes Tertiary / National service
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first Specialties in OLCHC Respiratory & Cystic Fibrosis* Respiratory & Cystic Fibrosis* Infectious Diseases* Infectious Diseases* Neonatology Neonatology Paediatric Intensive Care* Paediatric Intensive Care* Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Orthopaedics* Orthopaedics* Renal Renal General Medical General Medical General Surgery General Surgery Psychiatry* Psychiatry*
Clinical Areas Third Floor: Our Lady’s: Medical / Surgical Our Lady’s: Medical / Surgical Nephro-Urology: Renal Nephro-Urology: Renal Second Floor: St Peter’s: Medical / Surgical St Peter’s: Medical / Surgical St Brigid’s: Cardiac St Brigid’s: Cardiac St Theresa’s: Cardiac St Theresa’s: Cardiac PICU 2: Intensive Care Unit PICU 2: Intensive Care Unit First Floor: Surgical Day Care Surgical Day Care Medical Day Care Medical Day Care PICU 1: Intensive Care Unit / High dependency unit PICU 1: Intensive Care Unit / High dependency unit Theatre and Recovery Theatre and Recovery X-Ray Department X-Ray Department Ground Floor: St Anne’s: Burns/Plastics/ENT&E Nazareth: Medical / Surgical Transitional Care Unit Urodynamics Emergency Department Out-patients Department Medical Tower St John’s Day Unit: Oncology St John’s: Oncology St Josephs: Orthopaedic/Neurology St Michael’s: Medical Physiotherapy
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin is committed to providing family-centred health care in a compassionate and supportive environment, where each child receives the highest standards of healthcare. …where children’s health comes first Service Level Statistics Admissions4,00024,474 Out-Patients9,00079,836 ED Attendance8,65430,176 Theatre Cases2,732 13,826
Summary OLCHC welcomes you! OLCHC welcomes you! Good luck in your studies and clinical experience Good luck in your studies and clinical experience