Game Changers Radicalization of ART tools and delivery New ways to manage IP: aggressive use of TRIPS flex and effective patent pool Financial transaction tax: tax and treat
Radicalization of ART tools: Point of Care Diagnostics CD4: Affordable point of care tests are on the horizon for One stop test package: HIV test + CD4 Viral load: – Essential to detection of treatment failure – Several projects for development of point of care VL but progress slow. High priority
Game changer: New ways to manage intellectual property Make the Medicines Licensing Pool work Companies to provide licenses at the right terms Full use of TRIPS flexibilities Strict patentability criteria, patent opposition, use of compulsory license and others No TRIPS+ and increased IP enforcement No free trade agreements or anti-counterfeit legislations/agreements that harm access to medicines Generic competition proven to be more efficient than differential pricing
Game Changer: Additional funding for health – tax and treat Pre-condition: – Donor commitments to replenish the Global Fund - > US$ 20 billion needed for Financial Transaction Tax – A small tax to raise the additional resources to fund the health related Millenium Development Goals – For example: currency transaction tax. Can be started between any two or more currencies – Politically and technically feasible. – Next key dates: MDG summit in New York in September, G20 in Korea in November