Deconstructing a Hand Product Design Sketching
Human Hand in Product Sketching Human hand is an essential element in product sketching. It is used to suggest the scale, size and operation of a product, as well as its relationship with the user.
Building on Geometries As most other familiar objects, human hands can be simplified into simpler geometric forms Drawing of a hand can be constructed using geometric volumes as simple as rods and slabs rod as fingers slab as palm Pay attention to the proportion of different fingers and that between fingers and palm No gap among different fingers Tail finger almost flushed with the palm
Building on Wire frame To draw human hands in different gestures, wire-frame drawings may also be used It is important to understand the anatomy of a human hand, i.e. its skeletal structure and operation angle of individual joints. With that, you may construct different gestures
Human Body Curves Then you can give a final touch to the hand drawing by giving “flesh” to the geometric forms, i.e. adding human body curves
Hands in Design Sketches