1 Standards, Curriculum, and Research Mathematically Connected Communities (MC 2 ) Adapted from a PowerPoint by Barbara A. Austin, Ph.D.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Standards, Curriculum, and Research Mathematically Connected Communities (MC 2 ) Adapted from a PowerPoint by Barbara A. Austin, Ph.D.

2 Logic of Standards Movement If a group can specify what students should know and be able to do, And if the standards are widely disseminated and accepted, And if the standards are used to guide instruction, And if the standards align with the assessments, And, if the assessments are deemed important, Then student outcomes are likely to improve.

3 Quality of Instruction Content of Instruction Aligned with NM Mathematics Content Standards Vertically aligned Method of Instruction Consistent with best practices in mathematics teaching Aligned with NM Mathematics Process Standards

4 Importance of Alignment with Standards Cohen 1987 –When instruction is not aligned with assessment, only higher aptitude students perform well. When instruction is aligned, both lower and higher aptitude students perform well. Wishnick 1989 & Moss-Mitchell 1998 –The higher degree of alignment between instruction and the CRT, the lesser the effect of demographic variables on performance. Boaler 2002 –Students in standards-based classrooms out performed students in traditional classrooms on traditional standardized math exams. Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System 1998-present –Three highly effective teachers in a row or three highly ineffective teachers in a row changes students’ percentile rank by as much as 50 points

5 CMP and Basic Skills

6 CMP and Balanced Assessment

7 Closing the Gap: What the Research Says TeacherSchoolStudent Performance Average 50 EffectiveIneffective63 Ineffective 3 Effective37 AverageEffective78 Effective 96 The effect of schools and teachers Students entering at 50 th percentile, leave… After two years, measured in percentile. R. J. Marzano

8 Putting It All Together in New Mexico GISD Mathematics Test Data

9 Putting It All Together in New Mexico GISD Mathematics Test Data

10 Putting It All Together in New Mexico GISD Mathematics Test Data Hispanics

11 Putting It All Together in New Mexico GISD Mathematics Test Data ELL

12 Putting It All Together in New Mexico GISD Mathematics Test Data Students with Disabilities

13 Putting It All Together in New Mexico Anthony Elementary School Demographics: 100% Hispanic 100% Free/Reduced Lunch 84% English Language Learners

14 What do High Achieving Schools Do? The District Provides large scale professional development for teachers to develop district-wide goals and expectations for mathematics Ensures the adoption of curriculum resources that are aligned to state standards and testing expectations Provides ongoing professional development for teachers to develop proficiency with using the adopted curriculum and further developing teachers pedagogical content knowledge.

15 What do High Achieving Schools Do? The Principal Requires participation in grade level collaborative planning Makes sure that teachers have at least two hours a week for grade level planning Ensures that teachers have the resources they need to implement standards based lessons Monitors instruction through classroom walk throughs

16 What do High Achieving Schools Do? Teachers meet every other week in grade level teams to: Develop a year long plan to address all grade level performance standards Plan units and individual lessons based on standards and benchmarks Agree (reach consensus) on the mathematical focus of each unit and lesson Develop classroom assessments that all teachers use to determine how well students are meeting learning goals for mathematics Analyze student progress and consider modifications for units based on student progress

17 Take home message: Quality instruction and good curriculum make a difference in student achievement

18 Take home message: Administrators are the number one influence in retaining highly effective teachers in any particular school

19 Take home message: If you have: –An aligned curriculum –Quality instruction for every student –Administrative support for math program Imagine what will happen in YOUR district!