TalentMap 1 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring TalentMap Employee Survey Results Presentation Employees Spring 2009
TalentMap 2 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Agenda Survey Overview Key Areas of Focus Your Feedback Next Steps
TalentMap 3 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Survey Overview Your survey period: November 20 - December 11, 2008 Benchmark analysis does not include your current year data Response Rate n=551 n=612
TalentMap 4 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 University Benchmark Includes a range of academic organizations (450- 8,000 employees) 25 academic organizations in past 18 months 67% North American Universities (such as Memorial University, Harvard, University of Florida), 33% from U.K. & Australia (such as Durham University)
TalentMap 5 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Functional Group Profile Functional Groupn% Responded Support16951 Tutor/Academic Expert/Marker15039 Professional14358 Academic10247 Executive and Management1864
TalentMap 6 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Your Feedback Participation In the last three surveys participation has been around 50 %. How could participation be increased? There was a sharp drop off in participation by people working in the support areas. What do you think could be done to increase participation from this particular group?
TalentMap 7 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring Key Areas of Focus
TalentMap 8 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Definition of Engagement Engagement is the result of how employees feel about their work experience, about their employer, its leaders, the work and the environment Engagement is the extent to which employees both logically and emotionally connect to their organization. (TalentMap Definition) Head I need a job and I want a job to match my skill set Heart I care about the well being of the organization and have an emotional commitment to the organization and its people Hands I put in the extra effort. I work to improve the organization and makes suggestions for improvement
TalentMap 9 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Overall Engagement % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable Overall engagement Benchmark % Frequency % Favourable = Strongly Agree + Agree % Neutral = Neutral % Unfavourable = Strongly Disagree + Disagree
TalentMap 10 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Engagement Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable UBM TBM n/a Overall engagement70 79 Proud to tell others I work for this org n/a I am optimistic about future of this org. 74 n/a This org. inspires me to do my best work 66 n/a I would recommend this org.7668 n/a Job provides me with sense of accomplishment 70 n/a Clear link between my work and org. objectives In the last 6 mths. mgr. talked about my progress 54 % Frequency
TalentMap 11 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable % Frequency Overall Engagement By Functional Group Executive and Management Tutor/Academic Expert/Marker Academic Support Professional
TalentMap 12 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Are you looking for or thinking of accepting a job with another employer? By YES by Functional Group
TalentMap 13 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Employee Commitment Commitment Index = Very Committed + Committed Benchmark Commitment Index = 36% Athabasca University 2008 Commitment Index = 53% The Commitment Index was determined by cross-tabulating the question “Please rate your level of satisfaction with your current job at the present time” with “How likely are you to accept a position with another employer in the next 12 months?”
TalentMap 14 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/a Overall professional growth6269 n/a My work is challenging I have opportunity to do what I do best every day I have opportunities to learn and grow professionally 7462 n/a My career aspirations can be achieved 53 n/a I can make a pos. imp. at work There is someone at AU who encourages my development n/a % Frequency Professional Growth Agreement Scores
TalentMap 15 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your professional growth opportunities be improved? 518 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark% of cases More / improved training35 More opportunities for growth33 More advancement opportunities30 Personal development plans29 More time and money23 Satisfied with personal growth16 Other6
TalentMap 16 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Your Feedback Professional growth: Many respondents say they would like more/improved training; opportunities for growth and personal develop plans. Are there suggestions on what this might look like?
TalentMap 17 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Organizational Vision Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006UBM TBM n/aOverall org. vision60 n/a Shared vision of what the org. will be like in future 54 n/a We understand what needs to be done to succeed 63 n/a Our org. has long-term purpose and direction 69 n/a Senior leaders have painted a compelling vision The mission makes me feel my job is important n/a % Frequency
TalentMap 18 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could the organizational vision be improved? 442 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark%of cases Better communication38 Satisfied with organizational vision29 Clear and consistent vision28 Organization direction25 Better strategies19 Improve leadership19 Other6
TalentMap 19 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Your Feedback Organizational vision: How should a shared vision of where the University is going be developed and communicated? How could each of us develop an understanding of what needs to be done to succeed? Organizational vision and senior leadership: Questions related to these areas identify the need for better communication with senior leadership and staff. How should that take place? What needs to be communicated?
TalentMap 20 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Senior Leadership Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/aOverall senior leadership 5659 n/a Sets ambitious, but realistic goals 61 n/a Senior leaders clearly communicated their goals 4859 n/a Acts consistently; they do as they say 53 n/a Trust and confidence in senior leadership's ability 63 % Frequency
TalentMap 21 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your senior leadership be improved? 454 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark% of cases Improve communication39 Clear direction30 Leadership meets my expectations28 More approachable23 Better priority setting12 Improve strategic direction12 Other9
TalentMap 22 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 If you could deliver one message to your executive team, what would it be? 454 respondents commented on this section Benchmark% of cases Better communication37 We are heading in the right direction26 Better strategies25 Improve leadership20 Clear and consistent vision18 Organization direction18 Other13
TalentMap 23 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable Benchmark % Frequency Overall Job Satisfaction
TalentMap 24 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable Executive and Management Tutor/Academic Expert/Marker Academic Professional Support % Frequency Overall Job Satisfaction By Functional Group
TalentMap 25 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable Job Satisfaction Organizational Satisfaction % Frequency Overall Job & Organizational Satisfaction
TalentMap 26 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Performance Scores By Main Survey Attributes % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBMTBM n/a Work environment74 n/a Professional growth6269 n/a Work life balance6760 n/a Immediate management6169 n/a Performance management56 n/a Innovation65 n/a Student focus66 n/a Organizational vision60 n/a Teamwork8058 n/a Senior leadership5659 n/a Information & communication5247
TalentMap 27 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Work Environment Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/a Overall work environment74 90 I understand what I am expected to accomplish I have necessary skills to do the job 90 n/a I receive enough training to do my job well I have materials and equipment I need 7270 n/a I have access to the info. I need to do my job well 69 % Frequency
TalentMap 28 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your work environment be improved? 540 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark % of cases More resources29 Improve training28 Better / more materials & equip.25 Better project planning22 Better hardware / software21 Satisfied with resources17 Other12
TalentMap 29 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Work Life Balance Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable UBM TBM Overall work life balance6760 Amount of work required is about right 58 Maintain a balance between work and home 6762 % Frequency
TalentMap 30 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your work life balance be improved? 540 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark % of cases More resources29 Improve training28 Better / more materials & equip.25 Better project planning22 Better hardware / software21 Satisfied with resources17 Other12
TalentMap 31 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Immediate Management Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/a Overall immediate mgmt.6169 n/a Immediate mgr. sets clear and measurable goals 67 n/a Immediate manager acts consistently 69 n/a Immediate mgr. gives me constructive feedback Immediate manager seems to care about me 75 n/a Mgr. involves me in decisions that affect my work I am encouraged to offer my opinions and ideas 7570 % Frequency
TalentMap 32 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your immediate management be improved? 477 respondents commented on this section Benchmark % of cases Satisfied with my immediate manager38 Improve communication33 Fair treatment22 More supportive21 More recognition/feedback18 Other10 More time with my manager8
TalentMap 33 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Performance Management Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/a Overall performance feedback 56 n/a I understand how I will be measured or evaluated 67 n/a My performance evaluation process is fair 55 n/a My performance eval. helps me be more productive I have received recog. for doing good work 52n/a % Frequency
TalentMap 34 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your performance management be improved? 538 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark% of cases Better communication37 More feedback30 More recognition28 Improve evaluation process24 Meets my expectations20 Improve management18 Other8
TalentMap 35 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Innovation Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBM TBM n/a Overall innovation65 n/a Failure is viewed as an opp. for learning Employees are committed to high quality work 75 n/a We systematically adopt new ways to work 7353 n/a Learning is an important obj. 72 % Frequency
TalentMap 36 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your innovation (quality) be improved? 481 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark% of cases Better communication35 More training and development35 Clearer direction34 More commitment27 Satisfied with quality21 Other10
TalentMap 37 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Student Focus Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable UBM TBM* Overall student focus66 Student sat. is a primary focus at my org. 83 Emp. understand students' wants and needs 7658 Student comments often lead to improvements 66 Respond well to competitors/ changes in our operating env. 59 % Frequency *Benchmark also references customer, stakeholder, constituent focus in addition to student focus
TalentMap 38 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your organization improve its focus on the student? 442 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark % of cases Improve customer feedback programs 45 Satisfied with customer focus 32 Increase customer site visit 23 Other 16
TalentMap 39 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Your Feedback Student focus: Respondents indicated we can improve student focus by improving student feedback programs. How do you see this happening? Where should we start?
TalentMap 40 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Teamwork Agreement Scores % Unfavourable% Neutral% Favourable 2006 UBMTBM n/aOverall teamwork8058 n/a People work like they are part of a team 65 n/a Cooperation with diff. parts of org. is encouraged 6564 n/a People share information willingly 56 n/a Strong feeling of team spirit and cooperation 48 n/a I contribute my best to my work team n/a % Frequency
TalentMap 41 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could teamwork be improved? 505 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark % of cases More collaboration opportunities 42 More team building activities 41 Satisfied with teamwork 26 More social gatherings 18 Other 11
TalentMap 42 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Your Feedback Working Together in Teams There were very low positive scores around different teams in the organization working well together. How could teamwork and collaboration between different teams be improved?
TalentMap 43 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 How could your involvement be improved? 493 respondents commented on this section Percentages based on number of respondents. Benchmark % of cases Involve employees in decisions44 Ask for employee input39 Satisfied with my involvement34 Listen to your employees more often31 Other7
TalentMap 44 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Summary Priorities for High Agreement Scores Priorities for Low Agreement Scores *All agreement questions are included in ranking
TalentMap 45 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring 2009 Next Steps: Suggested Timeline WhatWhen Report to Executive Jan to Mar Communicate results to departmental managers Mar 31/Apr 2 Communicate results to staff Apr/May 09 Action planning session – Summary posted on website: www1.athabascau.ca/hr/gen_info/survey files May 09 Implement actions Apr to Nov Communicate actions to staff May to Nov Re-measure trends Within months
TalentMap 46 York Community Services: November 1-12, TalentMap Athabasca University – Spring Questions?