Aliant Pioneer Volunteers NB Chapter Business Plan Last updated on January 16, 2008
The Pioneer Vision To be recognized as the industry based leader in volunteerism, committed to improving the life in our communities and contributing to the success of our sponsor companies.
The Canadian Pioneer Mission We are a network of current and former telecom industry employees, their partners and families dedicated: To make a recognized contribution to a variety of community needs. To provide value to our partner organizations by contributing to their strategic priorities. To create rewarding fellowship opportunities and personal growth for our members.
The Aliant Vision To be the company with the closest connection to the hearts and minds of Atlantic Canadians.
2008 Pioneer Value Statements Balancing the needs of communities, members and partner organizations by being: - Professional - Compassionate - Accountable - Trustworthy - Loyal - Focused on Excellence - Sensitive to Recognition Fellowship Loyalty Service Community Members & Partners Partner Organizations “Thinking outside the Triangle” PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE
The Aliant Pioneer Plan High quality projects to compliment Aliant’s business goals through Service, Value, Community. Continue to increase member involvement and develop broad appeal programs and partnerships. While keeping in mind the founding principles of Pioneering…fellowship, loyalty and service.
Strategic Initiatives Membership Sponsors /Partnerships Programs Leadership Brand Visibility Participation Communications Financial
Membership We will create an environment that attracts new members and retains existing members, their partners, and families. Goals Recruit 165 new members by Dec 31, 2008 in Atlantic Canada. Develop a recruitment plan. Roll out National Incentive to membership by Jan 31, Roll out NB Chapter 51 Incentive program (Decide at meeting on Jan 18th if there will be an incentive and if so what will it be).
Sponsors and Partners We will develop and foster effective relationships with Aliant and other non profit partner organizations. Goal Establish/enhance relationships with partners (Canadian Blood Services/Kids Help Phone trials).
Programs Create opportunities to meet the needs of our membership, Aliant, and our communities with a special emphasis on youth, education and technology. Goals Explore current and new program opportunities. Continuous evaluation of programs and activities. Review Heart of Pioneer system and projects. Develop roll out strategy for Power Up to Read and Project Connect.
Leadership To build strong and consistent Pioneer Leadership. Goals Through succession planning, ensure future Chapter Officers and Council/Club Presidents are aware of their responsibilities before taking office. Have Succession plan in place and vacancies filled prior to annual fall training. Evaluate need for Y Team representation for National Office.
Brand Visibility To be recognized in partnership with Aliant as being well known leaders in volunteerism. Goals Become more visible through the use of co-branding. Develop a Communications Plan for Liaise with Aliant C&PA to facilitate increased Pioneer co-branding for external audiences (speeches, brochures, etc). Ensure Proper branding is used in all internal and external coverage/materials. Enhance website/events calendar focus in 2008.
Participation Increase the number of volunteers involved in Pioneering programs. Goals Increase the number of new and existing members participating in Pioneer events. Increase the number of annual hours of volunteerism by 5% (51,146 hrs). Ensure training has been conducted for replacement PTS system. Stress importance of reporting Pioneer hours.
Communications We will keep our members informed of Pioneer activities, events, benefits and other material through effective communication tools. Goals Improve accuracy of Pioneer membership database. Provide regular correspondence to Pioneer members. Provide survey results to our stakeholders by February 29, 2008.
Financial We will be financially accountable to our communities, members and sponsors. Goals In conjunction with the National office, develop financial guidelines for councils/club. Roll out these guidelines to councils/club. Arrange for annual audits of Chapter and Councils/Club finances.
Progress Report Measurable Goals for 2008 Plan - Goals and Objectives2007 Actual2008 TargetCurrent Status Membership: Increase Regular Members by 10% Develop a Recruitment Plan Develop a Chapter Incentive Plan 198 N/A 165 Jan 31, 2008 Jan 18, 2008 Sponsor and Partnerships: Chapter/Council/Club Approval of Plan10Jan 19, 2008 Programs: Review Heart of Pioneering Roll out Strategy for PC and PUTR N/A Jan 18, 2008 Jan 31, 2008 Leadership: Future Chapter Officers & Council/Club Presidents Aware of Responsibilities Council/Club President Training 100% Dec 31, 2008 Oct 30, 2008
Progress Report Measurable Goals for 2008 cont. Plan - Goals and Objectives2007 Actual2008 TargetCurrent Status Financial: Develop Financial Guidelines for Councils/Clubs Roll Out Guidelines to Councils/Clubs N/A March 31, 2008 June 30, 2008 Brand Visibility: Branded Media References Develop a Communications Plan N/A 50 March 31, 2008 Communications: Website Enhancements Present Membership Survey Results Ongoing N/A Ongoing Feb 29, 2008 Participation: Increase Year-End Volunteer Hours by 5%48,71151,146