Formative Assessment and Work- based Learning Claire Thurgate Programme Director – Foundation Degrees Work-related learning co-ordinator
The use of Workplace Tasks (WPT) to demonstrate learning Required an assessment which would enable students from a range of workplaces to demonstrate the linking of theory and practice. Employers and students identify learning. Learning outcomes identified in a learning contract. Marked against sector skill requirements and job description.
The use of Workplace Tasks (WPT) to demonstrate learning Learning contract states the role of formative assessment whilst competency is achieved. WPT contribute to the formation of the final module assessment.
Benefits Employees demonstrate workplace competency. Assessment is focused to the workplace. Linked to job description and Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF).
Challenges faced Need to be identified and valued by team hierarchy. Student needs to see benefit. Parity. Facilitator v assessor. HE colleagues. Preparation of facilitators. Assessing in the workplace – NMC. Sharing WPT
Overcoming the challenges Facilitators and managers need clear, timely and ongoing information. Employees need to practise these skills within the workplace. Moderation panels or academic lead can have an overview to promote parity. A workplace facilitator responsible for assessment in the workplace.
In summary WBL and employer engagement are integral to the development of new roles within health and social care. The challenge is supporting assessment within the workplace. WPT have a role in both formative and summative assessment which meets the needs of the workplace and the HEI.