1 Lecture 2 MGMT 650 Linear Programming Applications Chapter 4
2 Possible Outcomes of a LP (Section 2.6) A LP is either Infeasible – there exists no solution which satisfies all constraints and optimizes the objective function or, Unbounded – increase/decrease objective function as much as you like without violating any constraint or, Has an Optimal Solution Optimal values of decision variables Optimal objective function value
3 Infeasible LP – An Example minimize 4x11+7x12+7x13+x14+12x21+3x22+8x23+8x24+8x31+10x32+16 x33+5x34 Subject to x11+x12+x13+x14=100 x21+x22+x23+x24=200 x31+x32+x33+x34=150 x11+x21+x31=80 x12+x22+x32=90 x13+x23+x33=120 x14+x24+x34=170 xij>=0, i=1,2,3; j=1,2,3,4 Total demand exceeds total supply
4 Unbounded LP – An Example maximize 2x 1 + x 2 subject to - x 1 + x 2 1 x 1 - 2x 2 2 x 1, x 2 0 x 2 can be increased indefinitely without violating any constraint => Objective function value can be increased indefinitely
5 Multiple Optima – An Example maximize x x 2 subject to 2x 1 + x 2 4 x 1 + 2x 2 3 x 1, x 2 0 x 1 = 2, x 2 =0, objective function = 2 x 1 = 5/3, x 2 =2/3, objective function = 2
6 Marketing Application: Media Selection Advertising budget for first month = $30000 At least 10 TV commercials must be used At least customers must be reached Spend no more than $18000 on TV adverts Determine optimal media selection plan Advertising Media# of potential customers reached Cost ($) per advertisement Max times available per month Exposure Quality Units Day TV Evening TV Daily newspaper Sunday newspaper Radio
7 Media Selection Formulation Step 1: Define decision variables DTV = # of day time TV adverts ETV = # of evening TV adverts DN = # of daily newspaper adverts SN = # of Sunday newspaper adverts R = # of radio adverts Step 2: Write the objective in terms of the decision variables Maximize 65DTV+90ETV+40DN+60SN+20R Step 3: Write the constraints in terms of the decision variables DTV<=15 ETV<=10 DN<=25 SN<=4 R DTV+3000ETV+400DN+1000SN+100R<=30000 DTV+ETV>= DTV+3000ETV<= DTV+2000ETV+1500DN+2500SN+300R>=50000 Budget Customers reached TV Constraints Availability of Media DTV, ETV, DN, SN, R >= 0 VariableValue DTV10 ETV0 DN25 SN2 R30 Exposure = 2370 units
8 Production-Inventory Model Nike produces footballs and must decide how many footballs to produce each month over the next 6 months Starting inventory = 5000 Production capacity each month = footballs Storage capacity = footballs Inventory holding cost of a month = 5% of production cost of that month Determine production schedule that minimizes production and holding cost Assume for simplicity Production occurs continuously Demand occurs at month end Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6 Demand Unit cost ($)
9 Production-Inventory Model Formulation Step 1: define decision variables P j = production quantity in month j I j = end-of-month inventory in month j Step 2: formulate objective function is terms of decision variables Sum of production cost + inventory holding cost Step 3: formulate objective function is terms of decision variables I j-1 + P j = D j + I j P j < = I j <= P j, I j >=0
10 Production-Inventory Formulation in LINDO min 12.50p p p p p p i i i3+0.64i i i6 st p1-i1=5000Production-inventory constraint for month 1 p2+i1-i2=15000Production-inventory constraint for month 2 p3+i2-i3=30000Production-inventory constraint for month 3 p4+i3-i4=35000Production-inventory constraint for month 4 p5+i4-i5=25000Production-inventory constraint for month 5 p6+i5-i6=10000Production-inventory constraint for month 6 p1<=30000 p2<=30000 p3<=30000Production capacity constraints p4<=30000 p5<=30000 p6<=30000 i1<=10000 i2<=10000 i3<=10000Inventory storage constraints i4<=10000 i5<=10000 i6<=10000 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Demand Production Inventory Cost = 1,535,562.00
11 Blending Problem – Self-study Ferdinand Feed Company receives four raw grains from which it blends its dry pet food. The pet food advertises that each 8-ounce packet meets the minimum daily requirements for vitamin C, protein and iron. The cost of each raw grain as well as the vitamin C, protein, and iron units per pound of each grain are as follows: Ferdinand is interested in producing the 8-ounce mixture at minimum cost while meeting the minimum daily requirements of 6 units of vitamin C, 5 units of protein, and 5 units of iron.
12 Blending Problem Formulation Define the decision variables x j = the pounds of grain j (j = 1,2,3,4) used in the 8-ounce mixture Define the objective function in terms of decision variables Minimize the total cost for an 8-ounce mixture: MIN.75x x x x 4
13 Blending Problem - Constraints Define the constraints Total weight of the mix is 8-ounces (.5 pounds): (1) x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 =.5 Total amount of Vitamin C in the mix is at least 6 units: (2) 9x x 2 + 8x x 4 >= 6 Total amount of protein in the mix is at least 5 units: (3) 12x x x 3 + 8x 4 >= 5 Total amount of iron in the mix is at least 5 units: (4) 14x x 3 + 7x 4 >= 5 Nonnegativity of variables: x j > 0 for all j
14 OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE = VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED COSTS X X X X Thus, the optimal blend is about .10 lb. of grain 1, .21 lb. of grain 2, .09 lb. of grain 3, and .10 lb. of grain 4. The mixture costs 40.6 cents. Blending Problem – Optimal Solution
15 Transportation Problem – Chapter 7 Objective: determination of a transportation plan of a single commodity from a number of sources to a number of destinations, such that total cost of transportation is minimized Sources may be plants, destinations may be warehouses Question: how many units to transport from source i to destination j such that supply and demand constraints are met, and total transportation cost is minimized
16 A Transportation Table Warehouse Factory Factory 1 can supply 100 units per period Demand Warehouse B’s demand is 90 units per period Total demand per period Total supply capacity per period
17 LP Formulation of Transportation Problem minimize 4x 11 +7x 12 +7x 13 +x x 21 +3x 22 +8x 23 +8x 24 +8x x x 33 +5x 34 Subject to x 11 +x 12 +x 13 +x 14 =100 x 21 +x 22 +x 23 +x 24 =200 x 31 +x 32 +x 33 +x 34 =150 x 11 +x 21 +x 31 =80 x 12 +x 22 +x 32 =90 x 13 +x 23 +x 33 =120 x 14 +x 24 +x 34 =160 x ij >=0, i=1,2,3; j=1,2,3,4 Supply constraint for factories Demand constraint of warehouses Minimize total cost of transportation
18 Solution in Management Scientist Total transportation cost = 4(80) + 7(0) + 7(10)+ 1(10) + 12(0) + 3(90) + 8(110) + 8(0) + 8(0) +10(0) + 16(0) +5 (150) = $2300
19 Assignment Problem – Chapter 7 Special case of transportation problem When # of rows = # of columns in the transportation tableau All supply and demands =1 Objective: Assign n jobs/workers to n machines such that the total cost of assignment is minimized Plenty of practical applications Job shops Hospitals Airlines, etc.
20 Cost Table for Assignment Problem $1$4$6$3 2$9$7$10$9 3$4$5$11$7 4$8$7$8$5 Pilot (i) Aircraft (j) All assignment costs in thousands of $
21 Formulation of Assignment Problem minimize x 11 +4x 12 +6x 13 +3x x 21 +7x x 23 +9x x 31 +5x x 33 +7x x 41 +7x 42 +8x 43 +5x 44 subject to x 11 +x 12 +x 13 +x 14 =1 x 21 +x 22 +x 23 +x 24 =1 x 31 +x 32 +x 33 +x 34 =1 x 41 +x 42 +x 43 +x 44 =1 x 11 +x 21 +x 31 +x 41 =1 x 12 +x 22 +x 32 +x 42 =1 x 13 +x 23 +x 33 +x 43 =1 x 14 +x 24 +x 34 +x 44 =1 x ij = 1, if pilot i is assigned to aircraft j, i=1,2,3,4; j=1,2,3,4 0 otherwise PilotAssigned to aircraft # Cost (`000 $) Optimal Solution: x 11 =1; x 23 =1; x 32 =1; x 44 =1; rest=0 Cost of assignment = =$21 (`000)
22 Transshipment problems are transportation problems in which a shipment may move through intermediate nodes (transshipment nodes) before reaching a particular destination node. Transshipment Problem – Chapter c 13 c 14 c 23 c 24 c 25 c 15 s1s1s1s1 c 36 c 37 c 46 c 47 c 56 c 57 d1d1d1d1 d2d2d2d2 Intermediate Nodes Sources Destinations s2s2s2s2 Demand Supply Network Representation
23 Example: Goodyear Tires The Detroit (1) and Akron (2) facilities of Goodyear supply three customers at Memphis, Pittsburgh, and Newark. Distribution is done through warehouses located at Charlotte (3) and Atlanta (4). Current weekly demands by the customers are 50, 60 and 40 units for Memphis (5), Pittsburgh (6), and Newark (7) respectively. Both facilities at Detroit and Akron can supply at most 75 units per week.
24 Transportation Costs Network Representation ARNOLD WASH BURN ZROX HEWES Detroit Akron Pittsburgh Memphis Charlotte Atlanta Newark
25 Goodyear Tires Formulation Define Decision Variables x ij = amount shipped from manufacturer i to warehouse j x jk = amount shipped from warehouse j to customer k where i = 1 (Detroit), i = 2 (Akron), j = 3 (Charlotte), j = 4 (Atlanta), k = 5 (Memphis), k = 6 (Pittsburgh), k = 7 (Newark) Define Objective Function Minimize Overall Shipping Costs: Min 5x x x x x x x x x x 47
26 Goodyear Tires Formulation Define Constraints Amount Out of Detroit: x 13 + x 14 < 75 Amount Out of Akron: x 23 + x 24 < 75 Amount Through Charlotte: x 13 + x 23 - x 35 - x 36 - x 37 = 0 Amount Through Atlanta: x 14 + x 24 - x 45 - x 46 - x 47 = 0 Amount Into Memphis: x 35 + x 45 = 50 Amount Into Pittsburgh: x 36 + x 46 = 60 Amount Into Newark: x 37 + x 47 = 40 Non-negativity of variables: x ij, x jk > 0, for all i, j and k.
27 Goodyear Tires Solutions Objective Function Value = Objective Function Value = Variable Value Reduced Costs Variable Value Reduced Costs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
28 Goodyear Tires Solutions ARNOLD WASH BURN ZROX HEWES Detroit Akron Pittsburgh Memphis Charlotte Atlanta Newark