Magic and Religion Ant 373 Professor John Burdick Spring 2001
By the end of this course... F You will have developed an “emic” or “insider’s perspective” on how people from many different societies conceptualize and interact with the spiritual world F You will have developed some “etic” perspectives on how such beliefs and practices are related to psychology, culture, economics, and society
A little more about you and me F Some questions to you –anthropology classes? –Religion classes? –Beliefs in spiritual world? F A little more about me, anthropological fieldwork, and my research on religion
Some course logistics F Course reader #6086 (at Campus Copy, Marshall Square Mall) F Syllabus (on the web: gic/default.htm) F Attendance sheet F name-tags F Information sheet
The syllabus F Brief overview of topics F Requirements –4 thematic papers –1 semester-long project fieldwork report on interview or observationfieldwork report on interview or observation final long reportfinal long report
Developing an anthropological perspective F Watch the video clip on vodou F What questions does watching this clip provoke in you? Etic? Emic? Non- anthropological?