Ch 6: Work-related Attitudes Part 2: Feb. 24, 2009
Job Sat & Performance Mean correlation =.17 (weak, but pos) Why such a weak relationship? 2 main explanations: –1) –2)
Org Commitment Attitudes toward an organization (involvement and willingness to stay) –Continuance – –Affective – –Normative – Link to turnover and org citizenship behaviors (prosocial)
Gripe Sites/Ranting Books & blogs on job dissatisfaction –What info gets described/posted? –Who writes these books or posts? –Any useful info?
Prejudice & Discrimination Prejudice – negative attitude about someone based on their group membership Discrimination – how is it distinguished from prejudice? –Group conflict results from prejudice –Adverse effects on career progress & psych well-being
Types of Discrimination Ageism – Physical condition – Race/National Origin – All of these categories are ‘protected classes’ –Along with sex, ethnicity, and religion
Discrimination (cont..) Sexual Orientation – not protected; concealing this leads to stress. Women & the Glass Ceiling – 3% CEOs women –Influence of sex-role stereotypes? –Eagley’s research – links betw gender roles and stereotypes
Ragins et al (1993) study Study of female execs and CEOs at Fortune 1000 orgs. –Women’s career advancement strategies –CEOs perceptions of women’s barriers Women’s strategies: –1) –2) –3) –4)
Ragins et al (cont.) CEO’s views: –1) –2) –3) Influence of FAE? Suggested Interventions?
Tokenism research Kanter’s (1977) study of ‘tokens’ in large companies 3 perceptual tendencies when small number of minorities: –Tokens receive more attention –Contrast betw token & majority – what is result? –Assimilation of tokens – when?
Relational Demography Relationship between individual’s demographics & group’s demographics –Tsui’s research – perceived similarity may affect individual’s work attitudes & behaviors –What did she find regarding increasing diversity in work groups?
Diversity Training Awareness-based programs – recognize our underlying assumptions about culture. –Triandis’ cultural assimilator: provide info about values, history, assumptions of cultures to U.S. managers –How effective is this? Skill-based programs – what is focused on? (combine w/awareness trng).