MRI Magnets in MICE Initial Scoping Study Minfeng Xu Feb. 15, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

MRI Magnets in MICE Initial Scoping Study Minfeng Xu Feb. 15, 2005

IIT 3T Magnet Configuration + CC, MC, or FC Two 3T magnet aligned axially + CC, MC, or FC Magnet length 1.72 m (flange-flange); adjusted gap for calc Forces on magnets are large for most configurations due to large It in CC’s Cases 4 and 9 are acceptable, but Case 9 is marginal (Cases 1&5 too large) Therefore Case 4 is very promising

Internal Coil Pressure Internal coil pressure are acceptable for cases analyzed

Field Plot Example Center field plot for Case 2 Z-axis starts from the center of the symmetric plane (CC in this case)

Field Plot Example (cont.) Center field plot for Case 4 Z-axis starts from the center of the symmetric plane (CC in this case)

Field Plot Example (cont.) Center field plot for Case 8 Z-axis starts from the center of the symmetric plane

Field Plot Example (cont.) Center field plot for Case 9 Z-axis starts from the center of the symmetric plane

Field Plot Example (cont.) Center field plot for Case 10 Z-axis starts from the center of the symmetric plane

Summary and Future Studies Case 4 is promising in terms of static magnetic interactive force Future study may involve dynamic quench loads on thermal shields and vacuum vessels, which do not seem to be very alarming for now