M2: Team Paradigm :: Milestone 3 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Group M2: Tommy Taylor Brandon Hsiung Changshi Xiao Bongkwan Kim Project Manager: Yaping Zhan Feb 2 nd 2004 Size estimates/Floor plan
M2: Team Paradigm Team Paradigm
M2: Team Paradigm Project status Design Proposal (Complete) Architecture Proposal (Complete) :Algorithm description (Done) :High level simulation (Done) :Mapping algorithm into hardware (Done) :Behavioral Verilog and test bench (Done, bug fixed) Size estimates/floor plan (Complete) :Structural Verilog (Done) :More accurate transistor count (Done) :Floor plan (Done)
M2: Team Paradigm Design decisions Do not include motion prediction Go with 2-D DCT Use SRAM No pipelining Will not run in real-time
M2: Team Paradigm 1D DCT architecture out_data(16) Selector RR Parallel to serial Control logic ROM in_data(16) in_valid out_valid out_ready out_done clk vdd vss reset Register file 8x16 Bit address generator Bit address generator ROM
M2: Team Paradigm 2D DCT : Two 1D DCT can operate in pipeline to boost throughput performance, this requires RAM can be read and wrote at the same time and each 1D DCT module read/write the RAM in row and column order alternatively. 1D DCT (on rows) 1D DCT (on columns) Transpose RAM Data in Data out Control logic
M2: Team Paradigm Transistor count and performance estimation : adderregisterROMControl logictotalpins 4x(15x24+14) 4x374= x16x15 =4320 8x16x2 = ~10.5k40 1DDCT module : 2DDCT = 2x1DDCT + SRAM ~ 29k throughputlatency 8 samples/64 cycle528 cycle Shift RegisterMuxesSRAM mux(44x20)+ ff(18x15)=
M2: Team Paradigm New vs old estimation adderregisterROMControl logicSRAMTotal k Old estimation: adderregisterROMControl logicMuxesSRAMTotal k New estimation
M2: Team Paradigm 1D DCT Simply repeat on rows to make 2D - Selector R0R7 R0 Bit Address Generator R0R7 Rom0Rom7 R5R6 S1 S0 Parallel to Serial bit
M2: Team Paradigm Verilog
M2: Team Paradigm Verilog
M2: Team Paradigm Layout Size Proposal :Using a reference of an inverter -5u x 2.3u =11.5u total area -Contain 2 transistors :Our design has total of approx 29k -add space for wiring :Total area estimation of around 162, ,000 :=190,000um 2
M2: Team Paradigm Layout Proposal 1D DCT MUX 4x1 32' Sub Add DeMux 4x1 DeMux 4x1 Reg 8x16' R7 R0 R6 R1 R5 R2 R4 R1 Take bits Take bits Add Rom Shift Reg Control Logic approx. 70,000um 2
M2: Team Paradigm Overall floor plan 1D DCT SRAM 1D DCT Dimensions: 550 x 350 =192500um 2
M2: Team Paradigm Interconnect :Metals 1 & 2 used locally -Metal 1 is horizontal -Metal 2 is vertical :Metals 3 & 4 used globally -Metal 3 is horizontal -Metal 4 is vertical :Metal 4 reserved for clk and rst
M2: Team Paradigm ::conclusion & questions :Roughly 29k transistor count :Will try to optimize design further and enhance performance