Evaluating SPP/APR Improvement Activities Presented by Jeanna Mullins, Mid-South Regional Resource Center, RRCP Document developed by members of the Systems and Improvement Planning Priority Team (NECTAC and RRCP)
Resource Document Highlights Content Types of SPP/APR Improvement Activities Selection and Review of Activities Steps for Evaluation of Activities Evaluation Scenarios
Poll Question Have you reviewed the Evaluating SPP/APR Improvement Activities document?
Types of Improvement Activities Improve data collection and reporting Improve systems administration and monitoring Build systems and infrastructures of technical assistance and support Provide technical assistance/ training/professional development
Types of Improvement Activities Clarify/examine/develop policies and procedures Program Development Collaboration/coordination Evaluation Increase/adjust FTE
Selection and Review of Improvement Activities Root cause analysis? Links between root cause, data, and proposed outcomes? Evidence-based practices? Address more than one indicator? Identification of collaborative partners?
Selection and Review of Improvement Activities Detailed action plan (tasks, person(s) responsible, resources needed, timelines) for each activity? Short-term and long-term outcomes? Data sources, collection, analyses, and reporting?
Poll Question Do you have an evaluation plan for one or more of your SPP/APR improvement activities?
Steps for Evaluating Improvement Activities Goal/Purpose Questions Process/Impact Data Collection Methods
Steps for Evaluating Improvement Activities Timelines Data Analysis Methods Use and Reporting of Results Person(s) Responsible
Sample Improvement Activity Collaborate across State Part C and Section 619 agencies to clarify roles and responsibilities of local programs at the data collection point when the child exits Part C and enters Part B.
Collaboration Scenario Context Missing data on C3/B7 Local programs are unclear about when data should be collected and reported Written policies and procedures are unclear, (e.g. roles and responsibilities of Part C v. 619) All local staff have not been trained
Goal/Purpose Goal To clarify roles and responsibilities of Part C and Section 619 Question To what extent did the collaboration result in clear descriptions of roles and responsibilities of Part C and 619 staff?
Impact and Methods Impact: Outcome Evaluation Data Collection Method: Focused discussion with small group
Timelines and Data Analysis Timelines: Prior to the dissemination of revised policies and procedures and provision of training (Identify the specific timelines) Data Analysis: Baseline: Local programs report that roles and responsibilities are not clear.
Data Analysis Method Notes/transcript from the reviewer discussion will be analyzed to determine whether or not roles and responsibilities for Part C and 619 are clear, and, if not, how they could be improved.
Data Use and Reporting Feedback will help ensure written roles and responsibilities are clear. Will be incorporated into overall policies and procedures related to collecting and reporting outcomes data and into training.
Persons Responsible Responsibilities: Part C and 619 staff will identify a set of local providers/program staff to participate in the review and discuss the reviewer feedback and implications for additional clarification needed regarding roles and responsibilities
Improvement Planning Resources RRCP SPP/APR Planning Calendar Evaluating SPP/APR Improvement Activities NCRRC SPP/APR Improvement Activity Review Form State Systems Self-Assessment and Planning Guide Using the SPP/APR as a Management Tool
Questions, Comments, Ideas What are your thoughts?