Reza Maleki, Ph.D., P.E., C.Mfg.E. Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota Phone: (701) Web Site: PRESENTING Industrial Engineering and Management Program Information and Career Opportunities
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) offers two great programs: 1. Industrial Engineering and Management 2. Manufacturing Engineering Help you to open the door to opportunities
Industrial Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering and Management
Common Denominator: People Facility Processes All of the above are needed to produce products and services In all businesses there is always a need to improve the processes and the facilities so the employees (people) can better perform their job producing goods and services
Output Enterprise Input Productivity = Output / Input Going About Improving Business Business
Enterprise InputOutput Productivity = Output / Input Going About Improving Business Business
Output Enterprise Input Productivity = Output / Input Going About Improving Business Business
Output Enterprise Input Productivity = Output / Input Going About Improving Business Business
Are the professionals trained as productivity and quality improvement specialists. Work to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy, and other commodities. Figure out how to do things better. Engineer processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. Manage Projects by engaging early in the process. Industrial Engineers:
Swanson Health Products, Fargo, North Dakota Analyze the Pick-to-Light order picking system including operator interface, information flow, and inventory placement and develop proposals for improved order picking throughput. Goodrich Cargo Systems, Jamestown, North Dakota Redesign the A380LD manufacturing cell to help with reducing cycle time and increasing capacity. MeritCare Health System, Fargo, North Dakota Determine and propose methods to minimize the operating room downtime and recommend ways to improve efficiency and turnover rates.
Sioux Manufacturing. Fort Totten, North Dakota Develop proposal for new layout and operational procedures that can help with improvement in storage and warehousing activities including inventory tracking and management, product kitting and packaging, and ergonomics. BTD Manufacturing, Inc. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Study and analyze the current layouts of production facilities and develop proposals for improved layout that can help with improved manufacturing lead time. Bobcat Company, Bismarck, North Dakota Design a test bench to verify the quality and functionality of a fully assembled undercarriage hydraulic system for a 435 excavator. The system needs to identify any leaks, verify component functionality and specifications in less than 5 minutes.
435 Excavator Hydraulic Testing Process Final Assembly Going About Improving Business Business System Test 16 Minutes 15 Minutes
PROCESS DECISION PROCESS Y N Going About Improving Business Business Observe, Document, and Analyze Processes
PROCESS DECISION PROCESS Y N Going About Improving Business Business Develop Recommendations for Improved Processes
Industrial Engineering and Management Study Areas in a Nutshell Production and Process Engineering Quality and Reliability Management of People and Processes Workplace Design and Improvement Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems Engineering Simulation Modeling and Analysis Operations Research Production and Inventory Management Logistics and Supply Chain Management Project Management
source of talenthealth care, manufacturing, consulting, transportation and distribution, foodinformation system Graduates of the NDSU IE program have become a source of talent working in industries such as health care, manufacturing, consulting, transportation and distribution, food, and information system. Job Opportunities, Placement, and Industrial Engineers are Productivity Engineers They are InnovatorsDoerImplementer
source of talenthealth care, manufacturing, consulting, transportation and distribution, foodinformation system Graduates of the NDSU IE program have become a source of talent working in industries such as health care, manufacturing, consulting, transportation and distribution, food, and information system. great placement With great placement opportunities, the IE graduates command starting salaries in the top rank of engineering disciplines. NDSU Career Center - Annual Employment Report The 2008 salaries data for the NDSU Industrial Engineering and Management graduates, as provided by the NDSU Career Center - Annual Employment Report shows an average salary of $52,000. Job Opportunities, Placement, and Industrial Engineer Logistics Engineer Management Engineer Process Engineer Plant Engineer Improvement Advisor Manufacturing Engineer Production Engineer Project Manager Facility Safety Engineer Quality Engineer Supplier Development Engineer
1.Work is exciting and challenging. The job is never boring. Projects typically change frequently. 2.You can work in several types of organizations; e.g., manufacturing, transportation, financial, healthcare, consulting. Organizations need an IEs 3.IEs usually have a broader view of the organization. For example, while MEs or EEs might design a product, the IEs would use their creativity to design a production system to manufacture the product. 4.IE is more management-oriented than other engineering disciplines. Consequently, IEs are more people-oriented. 5.Good job opportunities for IEs in the region and across the nation. Top Ten Reasons to Become an Industrial Engineer
6.Big bucks 7.IE is a gateway to entrepreneurship, and provides more upward mobility in an organization. 8.IE provides a good background for other fields; e.g., law. 9.IEs have a strong economic and business sense in addition to their strong engineering background-excellent combination! 10.We have a great program at NDSU with a great curriculum and talented faculty who enjoy teaching and working with students. Top Ten Reasons to Become an Industrial Engineer Help you to open the door to opportunities
Thank you for attending my presentation and…………. I wish you good luck Reza Maleki To learn about Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering students industry projects, visit: