The World of the Iliad. Rand McNally, Atlas of World History, pp. 22.


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Presentation transcript:

The World of the Iliad

Rand McNally, Atlas of World History, pp. 22

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Hisarlik In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 93

Reconstruction of Troy VI - 13 th century In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 204

Troy VI from the North In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 204

The walls of Troy VI In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 74

The walls of Troy Finding the Walls of Troy, p 229

The walls of Troy Finding the Walls of Troy, p 230

Treasure of Priam In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 59

Sophie Schliemann Wearing the Jewels of Helen In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 59

Mycenae from the East In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 66

Golden Mycenae In Search of the Trojan War, pp

Ruins at Mycenae

Lion Gate at Mycenae (E. Dodwell) In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 74

Mycenae and the Plain of Argos National Geographic, Dec 99, pp. 66

Lion Gate at Mycenae In Search of the Trojan War, pp. 75

National Geographic, Dec 99, pp. 64

National Geographic, Dec 99, pp. 65

Mt Olympus

Early Classical Doric temple of Zeus at Olympia Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece, pp. 336

Temple of Hera at Olympia Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece, pp. 340

Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece, pp. 349

Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi