UCSF SCHOOL OF MEDICINE LEADERSHIP RETREAT 2006 Graduate DivisionProfessional SchoolsGME Existing PhD Programs PDP - Grad Students PhD Clinical Research PhD Clin/Trans Science PDP - Professional Students The UCSF “Pathway to Discoveries” Program Masters Biomedical Science Masters Clin/Trans Science Masters Clinical Research Flexible Residency (Research Path) MSTP
SOM Mission Statement “To educate and inspire physicians and scientists committed to improving health through inquiry, discovery and innovation.”
Pathways to Discovery Task Force Vicanne Adams Josh Adler Bobby Baron Molly Cooke Robert Edwards Deborah Grady Dina Halme Helen Loeser Dan Lowenstein Jeff Martin Susan Masters Jim McKerrow Pat O’Sullivan Joel Palefsky David Wofsy Kristine Yaffe
Areas of Concentration Program Fostering the development of student scholarship, innovation, discovery, and leadership in areas of health care that cross the boundaries of traditional clinical specialties.
6 Areas of Concentration Community and Social Advocacy Global and Public Health Humanities and Social Sciences in Medicine Medical Education The Health Care System and the Physician Leader The Science of Medicine and the Physician Investigator
AoC Guidelines Voluntary program Students choose a single AoC – May participate in activities and courses for related AoCs – Projects may cross several AoCs
AoC Component Parts Preparatory Phase – Required or elective course(s) Experiential Phase – 3-6 months of work – Dedicated time usually during the 4 th year – Meaningful interaction with a faculty mentor Legacy Project: – A lasting component of work from which patients, fellow students, or the community at large may benefit.
Legacy Project Examples A new or improved curriculum component Web modules for clinical rotations and essential core Tools for studying educational program effectiveness Health related program work in the local or global community Investigating multidrug resistent TB in Russia Expanding insurance program for children in SF A scientific paper or abstract Improving antibiotic use for pneumonia A quality improvement project Improving diabetes care in a community clinic Reducing risk: ventilatory associated pneumonia at UCSF A narrative that focuses on health or health care Human rights abuses in Burma Experiences working with dying patients
Charge to the Subcommittees The charge to the Pathways to Discovery Task Force Subcommittee on Clinical and Translational Research is to define a course of study to train individuals for academic or leadership positions in medicine with an emphasis on clinical and translational research. This program should have both UME and GME components that are linked to allow trainees to develop along a well-defined pathway with multiple entry points.