Overview Log in Check Browser myWebCT Bookmarks Global Calendar Help Enter a course To log in enter the following URL in a browser of choice: To log in enter the following URL in a browser of choice:
Log in Check your browsers compatibility for working With WebCT 4.1x, click the “Check Browser” link. Check your browsers compatibility for working With WebCT 4.1x, click the “Check Browser” link.
Browser Tune-up Select the link for “Browser Tuneup Page”
Browser Tune-Up Select your operating system
Browser Tune-Up Select your browser of choice – this selection will increase as other browsers become supported
Browser Tune-Up Proceed through each area, focusing on the section for “Prepare your browser settings for WebCT” for version 4.1x.
Browser Tune-Up WebCT describes proper steps for each setting.
Log in Return back to the log in page and click the link for “Log in to myWebCT”.
myWebCT Account myWebCT provides access to your course(s), tools and other resources.
Bookmarks From myWebCT click on the button for Bookmarks.
Bookmarks To add your own, click on the “Create bookmark” button.
Bookmarks Enter a name and URL for a bookmark and click “Add bookmark button”. To return back to Bookmarks, click on “Bookmarks”. This is what WebCT calls Breadcrumbs which are used for navigation to go back to a visited location. To return back to Bookmarks, click on “Bookmarks”. This is what WebCT calls Breadcrumbs which are used for navigation to go back to a visited location.
Bookmarks To return back to myWebCT, click on “myWebCT” in the Breadcrumbs.
Global Calendar From myWebCT click on the button for Global Calendar.
Global Calendar Global Calendar provides information on each of your registered WebCT course(s).
Global Calendar To access an entry click on the date.
Global Calendar If there are multiple course entries, WebCT uses a legend to distinguish which course the information is for. You can even choose to add your own private entries to the calendar by selecting the “Add entry” button. Click on “myWebCT” Breadcrumb to return. You can even choose to add your own private entries to the calendar by selecting the “Add entry” button. Click on “myWebCT” Breadcrumb to return.
Help Help is available throughout WebCT, click the link for “Help”.
Help Select any topic link to view information and close the window when done.
Enter Your Course To enter a course, click on a course title
Refresher Log in Check Browser myWebCT Bookmarks Global Calendar Help Enter a course