September 8-10, 2005 At PISA, Italy New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan Tomohiko IKEYA Development of Hydrogen Safety.


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Presentation transcript:

September 8-10, 2005 At PISA, Italy New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan Tomohiko IKEYA Development of Hydrogen Safety Technologies in Japan

2 1.Introduction 1.Introduction Activities to popularize PEFC Vehicles and Stationery system 2.Commercialization Scenario of PEFC by Government 3.Review of Safety Regulation for PEFC Vehicles, stationery systems and H2 infrastructures 4.Summary

3 “The ride is even smoother than ordinary automobiles. These are the ultimate environment-friendly cars, and considered from the perspective of ensuring the energy safety of our nation, this is an extremely important area of research and development.” The Government‘s policy encourages greater adoption of this technology. Fuel cells generate electricity achieve a much higher level of fuel efficiency and greater reduction of CO2 emissions. The Government intends to support R&D of this technology and experiments to demonstrate its practicality. Prime Minister KOIZUMI rode and drove FCEVs at Tokyo in 2002, December.

4 The first commercial PEFC stationary systems The first commercial PEFC stationary systems installed into the new prime minister’s official residence in 2005, April. Performance Nominal capacity 1 kW Electric Efficiency More than 31% (HHV) Thermal Efficiency More than 40% (HHV) Hot water tank 200 L FuelMethane PEFC stationary system by Tokyo gas Panasonic Ebara-Ballard

5 Japan Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Demonstration Japan Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Demonstration (2002 to 2005) Central Research center Gasoline reform Naphtha reform Methanol reform Liquid Hydrogen storage LPG reform Emperor palace Tokyo Yokohama Chiba 1. 1.Estimate more than 60 FCEVs and 12 hydrogen refueling stations around Tokyo, Yokohama and Aichi Evaluate the energy consumption and performance of FCEVs on road Compare the stations with several types of fuel reformer systems.

6 CO 2 Emissions in Japan Waste 2% Industrial Processes 4% Residential Sector 6% Commercial Sector 4% Approximately 1.34 G tons of CO 2 Emissions per year Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Japan Transport sector 20% Industrial sector 30% Reduction of CO 2 emissions from transport and Energy conversion sectors will significantly benefit the environment and promote sustainability. And Co-generation system should be expected to enhance energy efficiency with supplement of both electricity and hot water. Energy conversion 30%

7 Low-emission Vehicles Electric Vehicle Electric Vehicle  Short distance per charge, long charging hours required, utilizes a wide variety of fuels, no CO 2 emissions, high cost of production Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle  Relatively short distance per fill, infrastructure exists, uses fossil fuels, CO 2 emissions Hybrid Electric Vehicle Hybrid Electric Vehicle  Mileage better than or equal to ICEV, existence of infrastructure (gas stations), consumption of fossil fuels, CO 2 emissions →more than 400,000 HEV in the world today Fuel Cell Vehicle Fuel Cell Vehicle  Utilizes a wide variety of energy, no CO 2 emissions, high efficiency expected, prohibitive production costs

8 Why Develop Hydrogen & PEFCs Now? 1.Hydrogen for FCs, produced by a wide variety of energy resources, including renewable, nuclear and fossil energy, among others, reduces future dependence on fossil fuels. 2.With widespread use of fuel cells in industry and households, a reduction in CO 2 emissions and energy consumption is expected. 3.FC vehicles reduce the impact of PM, NO x or SO x on the environment. 4.Potential for creating new industries and employment, and increasing industrial competitiveness. 5.Reduce energy loss in transmission and provide backup energy for emergencies.

9 Forecast of Fuel Cell Introduction ,000,000 FCV 50,000 vehicles 5,000,000 15,000, million Stationary FC 2.2 million kW 10 million 12.5 million Fuel Cell Commercialization and Diffusion Scenario - Drawing up FC R&D Strategy and its Implementation - Soft-infrastructure/Codes & Standards (Millennium project) - Demonstration - Acceleration of the Introduction and Gradual Establishment of Fuel Supply System - Leadership of Public Sectors as well as FC Industries in Promotion of FCV and Buses - Establishment of Fuel Supply System and Self-sustained Growth of the Market - Private Sector’s Promotion of the Introduction 1: to 2005(Basic work and technology demonstration stage) 2: 2005 to 2010(Introduction stage) 3: After 2010(Diffusion stage) New Target

10 NEDO R&D of FC/Hydrogen Projects PEFC Hydrogen Codes & Standards Toward 15M FCVs and 12.5GW of PEFC systems until 2030 Millennium Project

11 Issues for Commercialization & popularization of PEFC Enhance the performance of power, durability and efficiency Reduce cost and simplify the system Ensure hydrogen safety for FCV, Stationary system and H2 station R&D of PEFC and Hydrogen technologies R&D of Mass Production technologies Check & Review Safety Regulation and establish new codes & standards Review road map of 28 subjects in six laws checked in the code & regulations until March 2005.

12 For FCVs to drive in cities Adoption of type approval system including high pressure tanks is necessary for mass production of FCV Permit a FCV to rush into a long tunnel or a tunnel under sea ? Permit a FCV to park at underground or tower parking garages? Ensure safety for high pressure hydrogen, and against hydrogen leak in vehicles and fire accidents Review regulation and establish new codes and standards Review road map of 28 subjects in six laws

13 Inside the test circuit A New Facility for safety test of Fuel Cell Vehicles at JARI, to estimate safety against fire accidents for FCVs with high pressure tanks Hy-SEF Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety Evaluation Facility: Hy-SEF

14 35MPa Hydrogen Vessel Bonfire Test of high pressure tank at Hy-SEF

15 Before Burst Pressure ‐ Time Diagram Time : [sec] Burst Pressure M Pa Minimum Burst Pressure 78.75MPa Pressure : [MPa] Filling Pressure 35.0MPa Hydrostatic Pressure Burst Test After Burst Ambient Temperature Pressure Cycling Test Situation Situation of LBB Leak Water Test Tank

16 Safety Evaluation of High Pressure Storage Tank Test Method -Fast Filling -Gas Cycling -Permeation -Durability of H2 Connector PressureMax 70MPa Technical standard was prepared for compressed hydrogen vehicle tanks and tank attachments in High Pressure Storage Tank - Test Facility

17 1/40 scale, H 2 released amount:100 m 3 STP(presumed), no configurations contoured on maximum concentration of hydrogen during the test at each point H2 max. conc. (%) Wind Velocity 1.5 m/sec 3 m/sec 5 m/sec 7.5 m/sec Height Range from Release Outlet Hydrogen Diffusion Tests in a Wind Tunnel by simulation

18 For Hydrogen Station Permit H 2 station built only at industries area ? How about residential area ? Require isolation distance from H 2 station to residential houses by 11m, hospitals and schools by 17m Require isolation distance from H 2 dispensing nozzle to fire equipment in the H 2 station by more than 8m? Shorten isolation distance to 6m like CNG station. Regulation of only small amount of hydrogen storage at H 2 station. Permit H 2 station be built by the side of gas station ? Review road map of 28 subjects in six laws

19 Isolation distance for the H 2 station 8m 11.3m 17m CNG station 4m4m Fire facilities Residences School, hospitals Required isolation distance from H 2 dispensing nozzle ( Current regulation ) -- 17m from public facilities like schools or hospitals, m from residences, -- 8m from any fire sources. H 2 Station Inside gas stations Isolation distance less than 6m

20 Blow-out flame of Hydrogen with protection wall Large Scale Hydrogen Release Experiments ( 40MPa , φ10mm ) Release point Hydrogen release experiment ( in snow) Hydrogen explosion experiment 障壁あり 障壁なし Blow-out flame of Hydrogen

21 N.B.;The temperature region higher than 1,100 ℃ is visualized with NaCl solution mist. 0.32mmφ 0.53mmφ 1.17mmφ 2mmφ Blow-out Flame of Hydrogen for hole diameter (40MPa) Hole diameter

22 Pressure (MPa) Flame length L /hole diameter d (-) Max. flame width Dfmax / hole diameter d (-) PressureHole diameter Flame lengthFlame Width 40MPa10mm25m4.2m 10MPa10mm12m2.2m 40MPa 1mm 2.5m0.42m Clarify the relationship between flame length, hole diameter and hydrogen pressure



25 For Stationary PEFC system Require inert gas purging when the PEFC system is shut down; There is no space for inert gas set in houses. Require of 3m isolation distance between the system and house walls. There is no space for isolation in houses. Necessary that Electrical Safety Administrator always observe the PEFC system in the house. Necessary to notify installation of PEFC systems to regional fire authorities. Review road map of 28 subjects in six laws

26 Comparison temperature behaviors on shut-down with/without N 2 purge Time (hr) Temperature (degC) Reformer temperature CO selection oxidizer temperature CO transformer temperature Time (hr) Temperature (degC) Reformer temperature CO transformer temperature CO selection oxidizer temperature Shut down with N 2 gas purge Shut down with alternative gas purge Temperature of each part Gas composition data H2O2N2CH4CO (vol % ) H2O2N2CH4CO (vol%) There is nothing different from each other.

27 Temperature behaviors of FC system’s surface on operation The surface temperature does not rise over 60 o C. The isolation distance for PEFC systems is not required. Temperature rise test under abnormal operating condition exhaust gas 678 Time (h) Temperature ( ℃ ) Surface Temperature ( ℃ ) Time (h) ambient temperature Front board Floor board Back board Right side board Top board Start ▼ Overload firing operation ▼ Shutdown 5 Start ▼ Overload firing operation ▼ Shutdown

28 Summary The review of regulation & code had completed until 2005, March. The FCV can be mass-produced and drive all in town and be parked at underground and towel garages. The PEFC stationary system can easily be installed into residential houses. The hydrogen station can be built near residential areas and by the side of gas stations like CNG stations.  R&D of FC and hydrogen technologies should be accelerated to enhance performances and reduce cost for commercialization and popularization.

29 Hydrogen Economy Society R&D of Hydrogen and FC Demonstration Codes & Standards Hydrogen Economy Society International C&S

30 Homes, Apartment Houses TVTV 温水温水 High Pressure Vessel Liquid Hydrogen Vessel Equipment for High Pressured Hydrogen Stationary PEFC Systems Direct Hydrogen Utilization High pressure of Hydrogen; Residential storage Vessels and safety of Methanol Long-range Pipelines Short-range Pipelines Dispensers Marketing Routes StandardizationStandardization Accelerated Life Cycle TestAccelerated Life Cycle Test Transportation Hydrogen Stations H2 & Methanol Factories Cell-phone ・P C Single Cell Test Protocol FC Vehicles For Hydrogen Economy Society Ships Robots/Wheelchairs

31 Around Next November 2005 Around Next November 2005, NEDO will announce International Collaborative Research Program for the promotion of advanced and innovative R&D in the hydrogen energy field by combining the expertise, knowledge and information possessed by researchers both in Japan and abroad with subsidy of $ 250 thousand / year. The target of this project addresses technological challenges concerning hydrogen production, storage, transport and safe utilizations requiring breakthroughs to commercialize hydrogen for energy and fuel cells. International Collaborative Research Program

32 Looking forward to seeing you again… Kikkoro Morizoh …at Aichi Expo.

33 Demonstration of Residential PEFC Systems for Market Creation Aim: to create an initial market for mass production and cost reduction. (Chicken and egg) Budget: 2.5 billion Yen (US$22M) per year for three years from 2005 to More than 400 PEFC systems will be installed into residential buildings, with a subsidy of 6 million Yen per system (US$50,000) in Increase number of installed systems and gradually decrease subsidy in 2006 & Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas and Nippon Oil will participate. Tokyo Gas co. has proposed a new partnership contract to consumers. For ~ $90,000, Tokyo gas will lease a 1 kW PEFC cogeneration system and maintain all residential gas equipment for ten years and collect operating data. Ebara Ballard Panasonic

34 Establishment of Codes & Standards for Hydrogen Economy Society Aim: to collect data and propose test methods to establish codes and standards for FC vehicles, residential distributed fuel cell systems as well as hydrogen infrastructure. Budget: 3.5 billion Yen (US$32M) for For residential distributed fuel cell systems, we will try to revise the codes and standards to reduce costs. Too many gas sensors and pressure controllers are currently required. Distributed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell systems installed into houses have been unveiled. Similar to PEFC, establishment of codes and standards for SOFC systems is required.