SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Masters in Business Administration CIP Code: digit Program Code: Program Quality Improvement Report
Student-Learning Outcomes 1.To provide students with foundational theory, principles and knowledge at an advanced level for effective management of modern businesses and organizations 2.To provide students with critical business skills and competencies needed for effective management of modern businesses and organizations 3.To provide students with an understanding of the process of integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business or business- related environments and/or situations 2 Program Quality Improvement Report
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 1 Foundational theory, principles and knowledge at an advanced level for effective management of modern businesses and organizations Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Providing a quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Provides students access to quality educational opportunities A quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who add value to organizations and professions Primarily Analysis. Synthesis and Evaluation also occur
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 1 Foundational theory, principles and knowledge at an advanced level for effective management of modern businesses and organizations Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Prepares students for professional success in a rapidly changing world Meeting the needs of the region Expand understanding of effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments Primarily Analysis. Synthesis and Evaluation also occur
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 1 Foundational theory, principles and knowledge at an advanced level for effective management of modern businesses and organizations Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Driving force in the economic development of the region Meeting the needs of the region Expand understanding of effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments Primarily Analysis. Synthesis and Evaluation also occur
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Providing a quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Provides students access to quality educational opportunities A quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who add value to their organizations and professions Application Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 2 Critical business skills and competencies for effective management of modern businesses and organizations.
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life- long learning and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world Meeting the needs of the region Understanding of effective and efficient operation of organizations Application Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 2 Critical business skills and competencies for effective management of modern businesses and organizations.
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Providing a quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Provides students access to quality educational opportunities A quality Masters program for educational advancement in multiple formats Educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who add value to their organizations and professions Synthesis and Evaluation Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 3 Integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business environments and/or situations.
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Prepares students for professional success in a rapidly changing world Meeting the needs of the region Expand understanding of effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments Synthesis and Evaluation Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 3 Integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business environments and/or situations.
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Driving force in the economic development of the region Meeting the needs of the region Student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities Synthesis and Evaluation Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 3 Integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business environments and/or situations.
School of Business Mission Statement The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students it serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. The school strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The school creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Plan 2013 University of Choice Meeting the needs of the region Student-centered academic environment combining innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning Meeting the needs of the region Student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential business-based learning opportunities Synthesis and Evaluation Alignment of Program Outcomes Program Outcome 3 Integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business environments and/or situations.
Measures of Learning and Service Outcomes Remediation – School of Business recommends to students who fail the comprehensive exams how to remediate their problem. This may include: Taking the class again; Consulting the study guide for the comprehensive exams; Receiving a critique on failed sections of comprehensive exam; or Working individually with a professor where problem area exist. Program Quality Improvement Report Direct Measures of Student Learning Indirect Measures of Student Learning Current SituationLocally developed test: MBA Comprehensive exam Exit interviews of MBA students Anticipated Future Situation Comprehensive exam Pretest-posttest MFT Capstone project Exit interviews
Actions from the three previously chosen priority outcomes 1.Proposed new curriculum New curriculum was proposed. Faculty did not accept. Curriculum was again revised and accepted by faculty on 10/07/ New exit requirements for the program Preempted by curriculum revision MFT proposed as early as Spring Operationalize new program objectives Preempted by curriculum revision Secondary program outcomes Capstone course (BUS 5983) Benchmark comprehensive exam against MFT 13 Program Quality Improvement Report
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements To provide students with foundational theory, principles and knowledge at an advanced level for effective management of modern businesses and organizations ACCT 5243 BUS 5103 BUS 5983 ECON 5313 FIN 5613 MKTG 5513 New curriculum will change this Comprehensive Final Exam (direct) Exit interviews (indirect) Content validity Multiple raters per core area Multiple raters Every semester Upon graduation 14 Program Quality Improvement Report
Display of Assessment Data: Comprehensive Exam Results by Core Area 15 Area of TestSeptember 2009January 2010June Totals Marketing 4 Pass 3 Fail 4 Pass 6 Fail 11 Pass 7 Fail 19 Pass (54%) 16 Fail (46%) Accounting 8 Pass 0 Fail 5 Pass 2 Fail 14 Pass 2 Fail 27 Pass (87%) 4 Fail (13%) Finance 4 Pass 2 Fail 8 Pass 2 Fail 8 Pass 7 Fail 20 Pass (65%) 11 Fail (35%) Strategy 3 Pass 2 Fail 7 Pass 3 Fail 13 Pass 2 Fail 23 Pass (77%) 7 Fail (23%) Economics 3 Pass 3 Fail 6 Pass 5 Fail 13 Pass 3 Fail 22 Pass (67%) 11 Fail (33%) Statistics 4 Pass 9 Fail 9 Pass 4 Fail 10 Pass 7 Fail 23 Pass (53%) 20 Fail (47%) Totals 26 Pass 19 Fail 39 Pass 22 Fail 69 Pass 28 Fail 134 Pass (66%) 69 Fail (34%) Overall Results 8 Pass (53%) 7 Fail (47%) 8 Pass (57%) 6 Fail (43%) 11 Pass (58%) 8 Fail (42%) 27 Pass (56%) 21 Fail (44%)
Comprehensive Exam Results for All Core Areas 16 * Marginal pass no longer used beginning AY
Comprehensive Final Exam Pass Rates Pass Fail Rate58%56%66%62%54%45%47%56%
Comprehensive Final Exams Overall Pass Rate 18
Comprehensive Final Exams Overall Pass / Fail Rates 19
Number of Students Who Failed All Three Attempts Number of Students 11n/a12310 % of Students passed 100
Comprehensive Final Exam Pass / Fail Rates Passed26 (47%)27 (56%) Passed 1 st try12 (46%)11 (41%) Passed 2 nd try10 (39%)11 (41%) Passed 3 rd try4 (15%)5 (18%) Failed29 (53%)21 (44%) Failed 1 st try22 (76%)14 (67%) Failed 2 nd try6 (21%)7 (33%) Failed 3 rd try1 (3%)0 (0%)
Exit Interview Data – 2008 (n=13)2008 – 2009 (n=15) (n=27) On- campus EuropeOnlineProgramOn- campus ITVOnline Pro- gram On- campus MixedOnlinePro- gram Encouraging academic enquiry Stimulating intellectual creativity Promoting skills for collecting information to solve problems Promoting competence in writing skills Promoting competence in oral communication skills Providing theoretical knowledge for effective management Promoting professional competence Course scheduling Instructor preparation Instructor competence Timely and appropriate reception of course material Admission process Academic advisement Ease of enrollment Assistance to complete forms Program overall Average
Exit Interview Data – 2008 (n=16) 2008 – 2009 (n=15) (n=27) Suggestions for improvement Compliments Total
Exit Interview Data: Suggestions for Improvement 24 SuggestionFrequency Mentioned Scheduling – offer classes more often, more online options, more accounting, marketing & management classes 16 Comprehensive exams – existence, content, speed of grading, mode of delivery, scheduling, allowable aids 13 More real world business contact11 More group projects and oral communication opportunities9
Exit Interview Data: Most Valuable MBA Classes 25 ClassFrequency Mentioned Accounting7 Finance7 Strategy4 Entrepreneurship4 Marketing3
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements To provide students with critical business skills and competencies needed for effective management of modern businesses and organizations MGMT 5853 BUS 5973 BUS 5983 Group project – written report Group project – rubric Group project – peer evaluation Exit Interview Content validity Face validity Multiple Raters Semester when class is taught Upon graduation 26 Program Quality Improvement Report
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements To provide students with an understanding of the process of integrating and applying core competencies and skills in business or business related environments and/or situations BUS 5983Comprehensive Final Exam (direct) MFT Exit interviews (indirect) Content validity Multiple raters per core area Multiple Raters Every semester upon graduation 27 Program Quality Improvement Report
Ancillary Actions: Curriculum mapping Program OutcomesSecondary Outcomes Classes Where Taught How Measured 1. Foundational theory, principles and knowledge 9 outcomes rolling out program outcome 1 for the 9 core classes ACCT 5243 BUS 5103 BUS 5983 ECON 5313 FIN 5613 MKTG 5513 BUS 5973 MGMT 5853 BUS 5963 Internal, Direct, Summative: Pretest – posttest Internal, Direct, Summative: Comps External, Direct, Summative: MFT Internal, Indirect: Exit Interview 2. Critical business skills and competencies Communication, Decision making & Teamwork Technological proficiency Ethics Global issues BUS 5983 MGMT 5853 BUS 5973 Internal, Direct, Summative: Group project - written report, rubric, peer evaluation Internal, Indirect: Exit Interview 3. Understanding of the process of integrating and applying core competencies and skills BUS 5983 – Capstone class Internal, Direct, Summative: Comps External, Direct, Summative: MFT Internal, Indirect: Exit Interview
Outcome 2 Critical business skills and competencies What should they be and how do we measure them? – Communication – Decision making – Teamwork – Technological proficiency – Ethics – Global issues
Outcome 3: Integrating and applying core competencies and skills How to measure only policy / strategy Multiple raters Also MFT (strategic integration) Also Comprehensive Exam
Measurement Options Formative & Summative Formative – catch them in the process if they do not get it and remedy Summative – did they get it at the end? Internal & External Internal – we devise and administer External – we use measurement somebody else devised and measure Direct & Indirect Direct – test or exam Indirect – somebody’s opinion
Published information on graduates 32 Employed at the time of graduation Employment a result of MBA Anticipate job advancement due to MBA Yes26419 No1228 Not Applicable-1-