HTTP Response Headers Vijayan Sugumaran Department of DIS Oakland University Parts of this presentation was provided by
Important Topics Idea of HTTP status codes Setting status codes from servlets Common HTTP 1.1 status codes A common front end to various Web search engines Idea of HTTP response headers Setting response headers from servlets Common HTTP 1.1 response headers Persistent servlet state and auto-reloading pages
HTTP Request/Response Request GET /servlet/SomeName HTTP/1.1 Host:... Header2: HeaderN: (Blank Line) Response HTTP/ OK Content-Type: text/html Header2: HeaderN:... (Blank Line)......
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes Example HTTP 1.1 Response HTTP/ OK Content-Type: text/html... Changing the status code lets you perform a number of tasks not otherwise possible Forward client to another page Indicate a missing resource Instruct browser to use cached copy Set status before sending document
Setting Status Codes public void setStatus(int statusCode) Use a constant for the code, not an explicit int. Constants are in HttpServletResponse Names derived from standard message. E.g., SC_OK, SC_NOT_FOUND, etc. public void sendError(int code, String message) Wraps message inside small HTML document public void sendRedirect(String url) Relative URLs permitted in 2.2 and later Sets Location header also
Five Categories of Status Codes 100 – 199 Informational codes Client should respond with some other action 200 – 299 Signify that the request was successful 300 – 399 Used for files that have moved Includes a Location header indicating the new address 400 – 499 Error by the client 500 – 599 Signify an error by the server
Common HTTP 1.1 Status Codes 200 (OK) Everything is fine; document follows. Default for servlets. 204 (No Content) Browser should keep displaying previous document. 301 (Moved Permanently) Requested document permanently moved elsewhere (indicated in Location header). Browsers go to new location automatically.
Common HTTP 1.1 Status Codes (contd.) 302 (Found) Requested document temporarily moved elsewhere (indicated in Location header). Browsers go to new location automatically. Servlets should use sendRedirect, not setStatus, when setting this header. 401 (Unauthorized) Browser tried to access password-protected page without proper Authorization header. 404 (Not Found) No such page. Servlets should use sendError to set this.
Status Code Summary 1. Informational 1xxInformational 1xx 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 2. Successful 2xxSuccessful 2xx 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-Authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content
Status Code Summary 3. Redirection 3xxRedirection 3xx 300 Multiple Choices 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found 303 See Other 304 Not Modified 305 Use Proxy 306 (Unused) 307 Temporary Redirect
Status Code Summary 4. Client Error 4xxClient Error 4xx 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 407 Proxy Authentication Required 408 Request Timeout 409 Conflict 410 Gone 411 Length Required 412 Precondition Failed 413 Request Entity Too Large 414 Request-URI Too Long 415 Unsupported Media Type 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable 417 Expectation Failed
Status Code Summary 5. Server Error 5xxServer Error 5xx 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP Version Not Supported URL for HTTP 1.1 Specification
A Servlet That Redirects Users to Browser-Specific Pages public class WrongDestination extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); if ((userAgent != null) && (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1)) { response.sendRedirect(" } else { response.sendRedirect(" }
A Servlet That Redirects Users to Browser-Specific Pages
A Front End to Various Search Engines public class SearchEngines extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String searchString = request.getParameter("searchString"); if ((searchString == null) || (searchString.length() == 0)) { reportProblem(response, "Missing search string"); return; } searchString = URLEncoder.encode(searchString); String searchEngineName = request.getParameter("searchEngine"); if ((searchEngineName == null) || (searchEngineName.length() == 0)) { reportProblem(response, "Missing search engine name"); return; }
A Front End to Various Search Engines (Continued) String searchURL = SearchUtilities.makeURL(searchEngineName, searchString); if (searchURL != null) { response.sendRedirect(searchURL); } else { reportProblem(response, "Unrecognized search engine"); } private void reportProblem(HttpServletResponse response, String message) throws IOException { response.sendError(response.SC_NOT_FOUND, message); }
A Front End to Various Search Engines (Continued) public class SearchSpec { /** Builds a URL for the results page by * simply concatenating the base URL * ( with the * URL-encoded search string (jsp+training). */ public String makeURL(String searchString) { return(baseURL + searchString); } … }
Front End to Search Engines: HTML Form
Front End to Search Engines: Result for Valid Data
Front End to Search Engines: Result for Invalid Data
Summary Many servlet tasks can only be accomplished through use of HTTP status codes Setting status codes: In general, set via response.setStatus In special cases (302 and 404), set with response.sendRedirect and response.sendError Most important status codes 200 (default) 302 (forwarding; set with sendRedirect) 401 (password needed) 404 (not found; set with sendError)
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers
Agenda Format of the HTTP response Setting response headers Understanding what response headers are good for Building Excel spread sheets Generating JPEG images dynamically Sending incremental updates to the browser
HTTP Request/Response Request GET /servlet/SomeName HTTP/1.1 Host:... Header2: HeaderN: (Blank Line) Response HTTP/ OK Content-Type: text/html Header2: HeaderN:... (Blank Line)......
Setting Arbitrary Response Headers public void setHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) Sets an arbitrary header. public void setDateHeader(String name, long millisecs) Converts milliseconds since 1970 to a date string in GMT format. public void setIntHeader(String name, int headerValue) Prevents need to convert int to String before calling setHeader. addHeader, addDateHeader, addIntHeader Adds new occurrence of header instead of replacing.
Setting Common Response Headers setContentType Sets the Content-Type header. Servlets almost always use this. See table of common MIME types. setContentLength Sets the Content-Length header. Used for persistent HTTP connections. See Connection request header. addCookie Adds a value to the Set-Cookie header. See separate section on cookies. sendRedirect Sets the Location header (plus changes status code).
Common MIME Types TypeMeaning application/mswordMicrosoft Word document application/octet-streamUnrecognized or binary data application/pdfAcrobat (.pdf) file application/postscriptPostScript file application/ spreadsheet application/ presentation application/x-gzipGzip archive application/x-java-archiveJAR file application/x-java-vmJavabytecode (.class) file application/zipZip archive audio/basicSound file or.snd format audio/x-aiffAIFF sound file audio/x-wavMicrosoft Windows sound file audio/midiMIDI sound file text/cssHTML cascading style sheet text/htmlHTML document text/plainPlain text text/xmlXML document image/gifGIF image image/jpegJPEG image image/pngPNG image image/tiffTIFF image video/mpegMPEG video clip video/quicktimeQuickTime video clip
Common HTTP 1.1 Response Headers Cache-Control (1.1) and Pragma (1.0) A no-cache value prevents browsers from caching page. Content-Disposition Lets you request that the browser ask the user to save the response to disk in a file of the given name Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file-name Content-Encoding The way document is encoded. See earlier compression example Content-Length The number of bytes in the response. See setContentLength on previous slide. Use ByteArrayOutputStream to buffer document before sending it, so that you can determine size. See discussion of the Connection request header
Common HTTP 1.1 Response Headers (Continued) Content-Type The MIME type of the document being returned. Use setContentType to set this header. Expires The time at which document should be considered out-of-date and thus should no longer be cached. Use setDateHeader to set this header. Last-Modified The time document was last changed. Don’t set this header explicitly; provide a getLastModified method instead. See lottery number example in book (Chapter 3).
Common HTTP 1.1 Response Headers (Continued) Location The URL to which browser should reconnect. Use sendRedirect instead of setting this directly. Refresh The number of seconds until browser should reload page. Can also include URL to connect to. See following example. Set-Cookie The cookies that browser should remember. Don’t set this header directly; use addCookie instead. See next section. WWW-Authenticate The authorization type and realm needed in Authorization header. See security chapters in More Servlets & JSP.
Building Excel Spreadsheets public class ApplesAndOranges extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType ("application/"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("\tQ1\tQ2\tQ3\tQ4\tTotal"); out.println ("Apples\t78\t87\t92\t29\t=SUM(B2:E2)"); out.println ("Oranges\t77\t86\t93\t30\t=SUM(B3:E3)"); }
Building Excel Spreadsheets
Requirements for Handling Long-Running Servlets A way to store data between requests. For data that is not specific to any one client, store it in a field (instance variable) of the servlet. For data that is specific to a user, store it in the HttpSession object See upcoming lecture on session tracking For data that needs to be available to other servlets or JSP pages (regardless of user), store it in the ServletContext A way to keep computations running after the response is sent to the user. This task is simple: start a Thread. The only subtlety: set the thread priority to a low value so that you do not slow down the server. A way to get the updated results to the browser when they are ready. Use Refresh header to tell browser to ask for updates
Persistent Servlet State and Auto-Reloading Pages: Example Idea: generate list of large (e.g., 150-digit) prime numbers Show partial results until completed Let new clients make use of results from others Demonstrates use of the Refresh header. Shows how easy it is for servlets to maintain state between requests. Very difficult in traditional CGI. Also illustrates that servlets can handle multiple simultaneous connections Each request is in a separate thread.
Finding Prime Numbers for Use with Public Key Cryptography public class PrimeNumberServlet extends HttpServlet { private ArrayList primeListCollection = new ArrayList(); private int maxPrimeLists = 30; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { int numPrimes = ServletUtilities.getIntParameter(request, "numPrimes", 50); int numDigits = ServletUtilities.getIntParameter(request, "numDigits", 120); PrimeList primeList = findPrimeList(primeListCollection, numPrimes, numDigits);
Finding Prime Numbers for Use with Public Key Cryptography if (primeList == null) { primeList = new PrimeList(numPrimes, numDigits, true); // Multiple servlet request threads share the instance variables (fields) of //PrimeNumbers. So synchronize all access to servlet fields. synchronized(primeListCollection) { if (primeListCollection.size() >= maxPrimeLists) primeListCollection.remove(0); primeListCollection.add(primeList); } } ArrayList currentPrimes = primeList.getPrimes(); int numCurrentPrimes = currentPrimes.size(); int numPrimesRemaining = (numPrimes - numCurrentPrimes); boolean isLastResult = (numPrimesRemaining == 0); if (!isLastResult) { response.setIntHeader("Refresh", 5); } …
Finding Prime Numbers for Use with Public Key Cryptography
Using Servlets to Generate JPEG Images 1. Create a BufferedImage 2. Draw into the BufferedImage 3. Set the Content-Type response header response.setContentType("image/jpeg"); 4. Get an output stream OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream 5. Send the BufferedImage in JPEG format to the output stream try { ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", out); } catch(IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error writing JPEG file: " + ioe); }
Using Servlets to Generate JPEG Images
Summary Many servlet tasks can only be accomplished through use of HTTP response headers Setting response headers: In general, set with response.setHeader In special cases, set with response.setContentType, response.setContentLength, response.addCookie, and response.sendRedirect Most important response headers you set directly: Cache-Control and Pragma Content-Disposition Content-Encoding Content-Length Expires Refresh WWW-Authenticate