Presentation title and subject Dany Bell Lead Cancer Nurse and Manager September 2011 Employers views of the value of WBL to the organisation and staff
Traditional ways of learning Staff undertaking courses required for professional development and specialty area they work in Staff often nominated to undertake an area of study to comply with numbers in workplace who have course Time out of the work place Often little evidence of learning bought back to workplace
WBL benefits to employers and learners Staff use clinical experience and current service developments and underpin with learning and evidence Learning extends workplace skills and abilities Learning allows up-skilling and re-skilling of employees in a productive way Accredits developing practice and recently/currently implemented enhanced knowledge and skills in workplace
WBL benefits to employers and learners Allows evaluation of the effectiveness of their planned professional development Learning and improvements brought back into workplace Improvements made to clinical care increase quality and patient experience Acknowledgement and accreditation for implementing change in clinical practice for the individual
WBL observations of benefits to learners Innovation Increased ability in change management Increased confidence Knowledge and thinking at enhanced level Supports learning of staff who are beyond age where traditional graduate level study would appeal
Learning relates to work driven by individual Innovation and knowledge creation and deployment of that knowledge into the workplace Learning in workplace driven by employer needs Learner
Summary Learn from work Framework to support structured learning Accreditation for advancements in clinical practice Directed by student Collaborative approach between learner/employer/university Directly related to needs of employer and employee Flexible approach to learning at graduate level which enhances skills important in the workplace
WBL brings together learning, research and practice within workplace