Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, Minnesat University of Minnesota Jason Mintz Jim Pogemiller Abdul Azeem Khan Vincent Jusuf SHOT II Presentation
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, Mission Overview Collect GPS sensor data in an atypical environment Compute payload attitude from GPS sensor data Compare GPS attitude to attitude from MIDG INS
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, SHOT II / UN-4 Connection Minnesat Mission Statement: The purpose of Minnesat is to design, construct, and validate an ultra-short baseline GPS attitude determination system in Earth orbit. SHOT II experiment will verify ultra-short baseline design approach of GPS attitude determination system SHOT II experiment will test algorithms used to compute attitude from GPS receivers
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, SHOT II Design and Test Details SHOT II payload structural design: –Aluminum GPS housing –Foam-core housing –Polyethylene wrap insulation –Composite antenna mounting arm SHOT II payload electrical design: –4 A hr, 2 cell (7.4 V) Li-Poly battery –Step down DC regulator to power GPS receivers & Computers (7.4 V 5 V) –9 Volt Battery to power MIDG unit
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, SHOT II Design and Test Details SHOT II experiment design: –4 GPS antennas 4 GPS receivers ( 1 per antenna) –Antennas mounted to replicate baselines between GPS antennas on Minnesat –MIDG IMU truth system –5 GUMSTIX Computers Data logger: one for each receiver & MIDG Test program: 2 hour functional test –Verify operation in extreme temperature cases: –Hot case on hot rooftop –Cold case in dry ice cooler User Guide Compliance –Mass –Payload Interface: Polyethylene tubing, Washers & Pins (Similar to SHOT I) –Electrical grounding: GPS box –Battery powered: Li-Poly GPS, GUMSTIX & 9 Volt MIDG
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, Expected results
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, Expected Results
Minnesat SHOTII Presentation, June 16 th, Demonstration