Chapter 11: Assessing Ad Message Effectiveness
Exposure- Media Research Chapter 12 Awareness- Message Research Pretesting and Posttesting “Copy ” Persuasion- Message Research
Exposure (Media Research) A. Simmons (Magazine)Simmons B. Mediamark (Magazine)Mediamark C. Arbitron (Radio)Arbitron D. Nielsen (TV)Nielsen
Awareness (Message Research) [Note: "Recall Controversy" ] A. Starch Readership (Magazine)Starch Readership B. Burke Day-After Recall (TV)Burke Day-After Recall C. Bruzzone (TV)Bruzzone Buzz Analytics
Persuasion (Message Research) A. Consumer Information Processing Model Methods 1. Measures of Cognition a. Belief Formation or Change 2. Measures of Affect/Attitude + Purchase Intentions (Conation) a. Ipsos-ASI Next*TV MethodIpsos-ASI (Attitudes, Preferences, Intentions) b. ARS Persuasion Method (Post-Pre Brand Preferences)ARS Multi-Media Engagement
B. Hedonic, Experiential Model Methods 1. Measures of EmotionsMeasures of Emotions a. The Warmth Monitor b. TRACE c. BBDO’s Emotional Measurement System 2. Physiological Arousal Measures a. Psychogalvanometer b. Pupillometer c. Voice-Pitch Analysis* C. Action/Sales Response 1. IRI’s BehaviorScan 2. Nielsen’s SCANTRACK 3. Split-Cable Tests IV.Industry Standards for Advertising Research -Positioning Advertising Copytesting (PACT) Chapter Eleven Discussion Questions: 6, 8, 9