Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 1 Goal Driven requirements Engineering: Evaluation of Current Methods Abbas Rasoolzadegan Evangelia Kavakli & Pericles Loucopoulos
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 2 Purposes Identify the uses of goal modeling approaches in different contexts of requirements analysis phases Examine goal modeling in terms of five methodological orientations Define a framework for their analysis to evaluate them in a systematic and consistent manner
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 3 Introduction Since the mid-1970s RE was established as a distinct field of investigation and practice Its definition has evolved From: being concerned with software system To: a broader perspective that extends to also incorporate aspects of systems and organizations RE addresses the problems associated with business goals, plans, processes, etc and systems to be developed or to be evolved in order to achieve organizational objectives
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 4 Introduction (Cont.) Goal-driven view is based on the premise that in collaborative work situations, people do not strictly follow rules or procedures, rather they are aware of the personal and group goals and act accordingly Especially: When people are not faced with well structured and repetitive processes Rather they tackle ill-structured problems where both the intended outcome and the possible routes that can be followed to reach this outcome need be specified
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 5 Introduction (Cont.) In most cases, goal analysis itself is not the main focus of the goal oriented approaches, however explicit identification and management of goals is an integral part of their method and plays an essential role in achieving the aims of the approaches
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 6 Goal oriented approaches in RE Four tasks to be performed in RE Process Elicitation Negotiation Specification Validation
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 7 The role of goal analysis in relation to RE activities Goal Oriented approachGoal Analysis ContributionRE Activity GOMS, Goal-based Workflow, i*, ISAC 1- understanding the current organizational situation 2- understanding the need for change elicitation SIBYL, REMAP, The reasoning loop model 3- providing the deliberation context of the RE process negotiation KAOS, GBRAM, the NFR framework, the goal-scenario coupling framework 4- relating business goals to functional and non-functional system components specification GSN,GQM 5- validating system specifications against stakeholders’ goals validation
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 8 1- Understanding the current organizational situation 1. Enterprise modeling techniques Describe the business environment as co-operation among different organizational actors based on the assumption that these actors share common goals and act towards their fulfillment Implicitly or explicitly represent the goals of individuals, groups, or organizations, whereby a goal is a desired condition potentially attained at the end of an action The i* approach: Provides a description of work organization in terms of dependency relationships among actors Actors have freedom of action, within the social constraints, called strategic dependencies Actor is an active entity that carries out actions to achieve goals Goals to be achieved, tasks to be accomplished, resources to be produced and soft goals (non-functional requirements) to be satisfied are made specific embedded in the dependencies between actors Goal based workflow approach An organization is seen as a tuple [G,A,R] Actors (A) act collaboratively using resources (R) to attain their goals (G)
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 9 1- Understanding the current organizational situation (Cont.) 2. Cognitive task analysis techniques Are focused on human tasks A goal (external task) is defined as a state of a system that the human wishes to achieve A goal is achieved using some instrument, method, agent, tool, techniques, skills or generally, some devices which is able to change the system to the desired state A task (internal task) is defined as the activities required, used or believed to be necessary to achieve a goal using a particular devise
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh Understanding the need for change Work in this area focuses on methodologies for planning, organization and control of enterprise Discussion of goals in this context is considered not at an individual level but at a broader organizational level ISAC approach Goal analysis is considered during the early stages of requirements engineering, namely during the business change analysis phase The purpose of the analysis is to ensure that the business problems to be solved are identified and diagnosed correctly The relation between problems and goals can be represented by means of a problem/goal matrix Identification of clusters of similar problems that relate to similar goals Each cluster defines a change need that will act as a goal of the development process
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh Providing the deliberation context of the RE process Work in this area Aims at providing appropriate conceptualization of the RE process as well as supplying methods for improving activities such as problem solving and decision making during RE In this context, goals have been used to document and subsequently trace the history of the rational of decisions concerning either the system which is being designed, or the design process itself SIBYL is a system designed to help users represent and manage the qualitative elements of the decision making process is organized around decision graphs, which record the pros and cons of choosing from a set of alternatives to satisfy a goal
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh Relating business goals to functional and non-functional system components Including three broad processes: Goal elaboration KAOS Highlights the importance of explicitly representing and modeling organizational goals and state explicitly their relations to operational system components Support this process from the high level goals that should be achieved by the composite system to the operations, objects and constraints to be implemented by the software Scenario definition Use of goals to structure scenarios by connecting every action in a scenario to a goal assigned to an actor A goal is defined as something a stakeholder hope to achieve in the future A scenario expresses a possible way in which the goal can be achieved By assigning goals to scenarios and organizing the goals using three types of relations (refine, AND, OR) a structure for managing scenarios is established Result: Just as goals can help in structuring scenarios, scenarios are also used to discover new goals Non-functional requirements definition Define a framework which provides for the representation of non-functional requirements in terms of interrelated goals
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh Validating system specifications against stakeholders’ goals Certifying that the produced system specification is in accordance with the uses’ needs by Define a set of metrics (qualitative or quantitative) against which system properties can be measured GQM (Goal-Question-Metrics) approach Supports the identification of metrics from goals through the use of appropriate questions
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 14 A framework for understanding goal oriented approaches What does goal modeling achieve? How are goals expressed (informal/semi-formal/formal)? Goal-oriented approach Development Representation Subject Usage How are goal models developed and used (tools)? What is the nature of goals?
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 15 Subject View Types of goal Enterprise Current enterprise goals What the organization currently whishes to achieve Future enterprise goals Desired situations whishes to reach in the future Process Goals using to understand the need for change provide the deliberation context within the RE process Evaluation Signify the stakeholders’ criteria against which a system specification can be assessed
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 16
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 17 Conclusions Stakeholder goals and their role in defining and solving design problems are topics of longstanding interest in the field of RE Goal analysis approaches emphasize the use of goal notion in order to understand or describe aspects of the real world There is a variety of purposes and uses of goal models in RE
Amirkabir University of Technology, Computer Engineering Faculty, Intelligent Systems Laboratory,Requirements Engineering Course, Dr. Abdollahzadeh 18