Proposal Advice John W. Sutherland, PhD Dept. of Mechanical Eng. – Eng. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan, USA
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals Got a great practical idea that is absolutely perfect for industry – this may not be a good fit for NSF Know you audience NSF likes to fund NOVEL work – high risk with a potential high reward payoff For Career Proposals – does it logically follow from doctoral research? Come up with another idea, or Make extra effort to demonstrate novelty
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 2 Have served on NSF panels – reviewing proposals 15 proposals Reviewed all the proposals in about 8 hours Panel deliberations Individual panelist reviews Summary panel review
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 3 Novel idea – reviewers like to see new areas established Sell the idea that you are the leader in establishing this new area (Career) Research AND Education plans Innovative education plan Assessment – plans for judging the success of research AND education plans
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 4 Figure out how to integrate your “outstanding” record into the proposal Demonstrate knowledge of literature in terms of both research and education Reviewers go through the proposal quickly – make easy to read – extensive use of figures, tables, bolded text, etc. Cost share from University (?), meaningful support letters
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 5 Introduction should catch reviewer’s attention – need to have them hooked by the end of the first paragraph. Make your story clear – flow of the proposal should support central theme. Demonstrate scholarship. Clarity of the research tasks.
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 6 Before submitting the proposal Do extensive proofreading Ask a person (not involved in proposal preparation) to read through the proposal If this person does not understand what you are talking about then the reviewers will not understand either
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 7 Are all the tasks needed to achieve the objective addressed? Are the tasks clear? Tasks balanced? Is the plan clear? Intellectual merit Broader Impacts
Dept. of Mechanical Engr. – Engr. Mechanics Sustainable Futures Institute NSF Proposals - 7 Work to be done up front: Has the funding organization been contacted? They may have hints for you Additional insights Industry projects Special character Keep it short What are the deliverables?