Chapter 11: Telling the Truth in Organizational Settings What are some ways that organizations can respond to adversity in a truthful and responsible manner? How can organizations be made accountable for their actions? Should controlled media be used to distrubute a institutions message?
Chapter 11: Telling the Truth in Organizational Settings Case 47: A Good Thing? Case 48: A Committed Front? Case 49: A Sale at the Local Nonprofit? Case 50: A Web of Caring
Case 47: A Good Thing? Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
Martha Stewart’s legal troubles set the stage for some interesting and controversial public relations moves. Does Stewart’s use of controlled media to present her case jeopardize the chance of a fair trial? Should Martha have talked openly to the public and journalists before she chose to use a controlled medium to present her case?
Case 47: Additional links – The website Martha put up to defend her innocence. Martha on TrialMartha on Trial – Special page devoted to coverage of the trial. Video Statement by Martha StewartVideo Statement by Martha Stewart – Martha’s video statement regarding her conviction and sentencing. The Martha Stewart CrisisThe Martha Stewart Crisis – A look at what Martha Stewart did right with her public relations campaign. Jail BaitJail Bait – Criticizes Stewart’s moves in the wake of her indictment.
Case 48: A Committed Front? Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
It has become increasingly common for corporations to set up front groups that look like independent non-profits. Does the fact that front groups hide who backs them destroy their credibility? What would be a responsible way for front groups to carry out their activities? What can the public do to demand truth from groups like these?
Case 48: Additional links Industry-funded organizationsIndustry-funded organizations – A definition of and information on front organizations funded by large companies. Center for Consumer FreedomCenter for Consumer Freedom – A look at a well known front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. Front Groups: How to Spot a FakeFront Groups: How to Spot a Fake – A look at front groups and how to spot them. The Center for Consumer FreedomThe Center for Consumer Freedom – The homepage of a front group for the tobacco, alcohol, and food industries. – A website dedicated to exposing front groups that deceive consumers.
Case 49: A Sale at the Local Nonprofit? Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
Non-profit organizations have increasingly turned to for profit ventures as a way to provide extra funds. In what ways should non- profits be made accountable for their for-profit ventures? How can non-profits ensure that their primary attention is still given to the people they serve?
Case 49: Additional links Partnership of Non-Profit VenturesPartnership of Non-Profit Ventures – Coalition of non- profit organization who run for-profit ventures on the side. Profits for Non-profits?Profits for Non-profits? – A look at for-profit ventures by non-profits and the good they can accomplish. Profit Pays OffProfit Pays Off – A look at what non-profit organizations are doing to increase funding. Nations Capital Child and Family DevelopmentNations Capital Child and Family Development – Homepage for the organization that runs Make a Difference Catering.
Case 50: A Web of Caring Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
After one of their flights went down Swissair acted quickly and received rave reviews from the victim’s relatives for their compassionate response. What is the best way for a company to respond to a disaster? How can techonology aide crisis response? Which of the ethical systems could be best applied to situations such as this?
Case 50: Additional links Swissair Flight 111Swissair Flight 111 – Full coverage of the story. Swissair Flight 111 photosSwissair Flight 111 photos – Pictures from the disaster. Disruption Threat: Negative PublicityDisruption Threat: Negative Publicity – A look at what to do when disaster strikes a company and how Swissair is a positive example. Swissair-Delta Get High Marks For Disaster Response SR111 Tests the Mettle of the AllianceSwissair-Delta Get High Marks For Disaster Response SR111 Tests the Mettle of the Alliance – Swissair is praised for its response to the tragedy.