Accurate Atomic Rates for Black Hole Accretion Disks John Raymond Disk winds have been know in AGN for years and suspected in Galactic Black Hole Binaries
Miller et al Chandra HETG GRO
Chance for a Serious Model 90 Absorption lines, blueshift ~ 500 – 1000 km/s Usual elements + P, Cl, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co Fe XXIV lines up to 2s – 10p or more Limits on emission lines (4p-3s) imply small covering fraction Photoionization model using measured X-ray continuum Density, r and Abundances are the unknowns
Density Measurement Ratio of Fe XXII lines at and gives n 2 /n 1 Mauche et al. emission lines Depends on A value q electron q proton cascades 13.6 < Log n e < 14.1
Ionization Parameter (O-Ne and Ca-Fe Abundances x 2) Differs from optical Voigt profile Unresolved doublets Inner shell Fe K ξ ~ 10 4 (soft spectrum)
Limits on r Column Density N ~ nr Ionization parameter ξ from highest and lowest ionization stages: Fe XXVI vs Fe XXII and Model ξ = L/4πnr 2 For known L and ξ, N drops off with r, giving upper limit, For known L, ξ and n, r is known
Physics of Wind Not Radiation-Pressure driven; measure lines and no UV Miller et al. find r < < 0.1 R IC = Implies not thermally driven (Begelman, McKee, Shields), leaving magnetically driven wind
Importance of Atomic Rates Hagai Netzer says r= = 0.1 R IC works, so thermally driven wind is OK, but with n e only Higher n e requires r < even for his ionization parameter. XSTAR, CLOUDY seem to fall in between Woods et al require 0.2 R IC and density is < σ phot (E) f values α rec (DR rates for high ions, low T) Δn=0 cooling transitions Fe XXII fine structure transition