Motivation and Learning HAS 3190
Readiness Teachable moments Readiness to learn Time your teaching
Health Belief Model Susceptibility Seriousness Threat Benefits
Health Belief Model Motivation to avoid illness or get well Desire for a level of health Belief that specific action will lead to health
Stages of Change Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance
Alcohol: Stages of Change (Short Form) Alcohol Stage Item for non-dependent drinkers Males (females use 4 or more in a row) In the last month have you had 5 or more drinks in a row? 1. Yes, and I do not intend to stop drinking 5 or more drinks in a row. 2. Yes, but I intend to stop drinking 5 or more drinks in a row during the next 6 months. 3. Yes, but I intend to stop drinking 5 or more drinks in a row during in the next 30 days. 4. No, but I have had 5 or more drinks in a row in the past 6 months. 5. No, and I have not had 5 or more drinks in a row in the past 6 months. 6. No, I have never had 5 or more drinks in a row.
Principles of motivation Use the environment to focus patient’s attention Internal motivation is best Individual must be ready Enhance with instructional material Success is best
Principles of motivation Some anxiety is good…too much is bad Set goals Affiliation and approval Behaviors are a combination of motives
An enormous gap exists between knowing that health behavior is motivated and identifying the specific motivational components on an particular act.
Issues with behavior Individual factors Social factors Environmental factors Medical regimen
What would you do… Poison Toilet bowl cleaner Drano or Liquid Plumber
Assessment Goal: to foster client self-assessment
Four steps… Select the areas to be assessed Gather data Sort and categorize data Summarize
Assessment Select the areas to be assessed –Physiologic –Psychosocial –Family system –Cultural issues –Environmental issues –Motivation
Assessment of motivation Quite Moderately certain certain Certain Can Do Confidence Walk one block_______ _______ Walk two blocks_______ _______ Walk one mile_______ _______ Walk two miles_______ _______
Assessment Gather data –Objective (mostly) –Some subjective –Observation –Interview
Assessment Sort and categorize data Write the summary/plan
Readiness to Learn Student Needs Assessment Protective Factors Scale
SOAP S – (subjective data) O – (objective data) A – (assessment) P – (plan)
SOAP … Assessment Functional HA, neck and shoulder pain Poor health habits, caffeine, skipping lunch, poor fitness and body mechanics Situational stress with moderate support system Recent experience with stop smoking positive, possible recidivism now
Soap …Plan Eat lunch daily away from desk. Include protein, carbo, veg or fruit. Review time management materials, consider class Increase water and non-caffeine beverages. No caffeine after 6 pm
Soap …Plan Keep headache journal including food, activity, feelings and headaches, discuss with husband to analyze Schedule 3 additional appointments over next 6 weeks. RTC 1 week. View headache film. Read headache article Call PRN
The Four Habits Invest in the beginning Elicit the patient’s perspective Demonstrate empathy Invest in the end
Learning Styles Behavioral – Skinner –Positive reinforcement –Negative reinforcement –Punishment –Extinction –Shaping
Cognitive Piaget –Sensorimotor –Preoperational –Concrete Operational –Formal Operational
Bandura Social Cognitive Self efficacy
Locus of Control
Learning Sytles Active vs Reflective Sensing vs Intuitive Visual vs Verbal Sequential vs Global
Educational Factors Predisposing Enabling Reinforcing
Illiteracy stereotypes Low socioeconomic status Poor grammar Unemployed Uneducated
Health Literacy Ability to read, understand and act AMA study (1999) Low literacy = 2 X likely to be hospitalized $73 billion in costs
Text… Empathy Trust
Combating Health Illiteracy Teach back Try it out Best method… Simple ways handout
SMOG 10 consecutive sentences each in –Beginning –Middle –End # of words with 3 or more syllables
SMOG 0-2 = 4 th 3-6 = 5 th 7-12 = 6 th = 7 th = 8 th 31-42= 9 th = 10 th = 11 th = 12 th = 13 th = 14 th = 15 th = 16 th = 17 th = 18 th
Coping Styles Denial Compensatory Blocking out idea Retreat Role modeling Regression Ascribing blame Self-blame Rationalization Hiding feelings Redirecting emotions Excess of activity Diverting feelings