CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, CP Violation for the Heaven and the Earth April 30, 2009 清華大學 — Sighting the 4th Generation ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Can all this be understood from my vantage ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, I. Intro: the Heavenly Attraction A K t’ II. A K Problem — Z Penguin and t’ Loop m B s sin 2 B s III. m B s Measurement ➙ Prediction for sin 2 B s IV. Soaring to the Heavens : Enough CPV for BAU ? V. Direct Tevatron vs LHC VI. Conclusion: Know in 3-5 Years Outline WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’05; PRD’05; PRD’07; PRD’08 Belle, Nature, 452, 20 (2008) WSH, arXiv: [hep/ph] b → s // b ↔ s CPV
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, I. Intro: the Heavenly Attraction
Matter ! Matter Matter (?) Antimatter: 0%
CPV & BAU (& U): The Sakharov View Bang Us 13Byr Baryon Number V iolation CP Violation Deviation from Equilibrium Pair Annihilation ( Cosmic Microwave Background ) Matter left ! Equal Matter -Antimatter (1966)
Discovery Discovery of CP Violation Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 138 (1964) Sakharov Stimulated by Nobel
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Complex Dynamics: KM Sector of SM Unitary 3x3 “Rotation” Need presence of all 3 generations to exhibit CPV in Standard Model ► ► djdj uiui WW –WW – JJ g V ij W Wolfenstein parametrization
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, KM CPV Confirmed ~ 2001 “Nontrivial” the MOMA plot
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" discoverorigin "for the discovery of the origin of the predict broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature" The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 Photo: Universtity of ChicagoPhoto: KEK Photo: Kyoto University Yoichiro Nambu Makoto KobayashiToshihide Maskawa 1/2 of the prize 1/4 of the prize USA Japan Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba, Japan Kyoto Sangyo University; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan b (in Tokyo, Japan) b b CP Violation in SM 7 October 2008 B Factories (BaBar & Belle)
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Unique CPV Phase: Common A rea of Triangle Wolfenstein Parametrization to O( 5 ) N.B. geometric picture
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, CPV CPV so far only observed in KM... Nontrivial CPV Phase: A (area) Nontrivial Jarlskog Invariant (1985) for CPV All like-charge quark pairs nondegenerate, Otherwise Back to 2-gen. and CPV vanish
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, b d transitions consistent with SM “Nontrivial” b s : the Current Frontier the MOMA plot
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, A Real Hint !,... or Not !?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Belle 2008 Nature: Simple Bean Count A K = A K A K = A K = A K A K = 0.07 0.03 vs Difference Is Large ! And Established Belle + BaBar (+ CDF) b → s CPV Difference in Direct CPV in B → K
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Oblig é Dispair Unexpected !
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, the experimentalist
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, The Lore/Lure that Despairs the Experimenter
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, WMAP CPV in KM The Abyss: CPV in KM and B.A.U. Normalize by T ~ 100 GeV is common (unique) area of triangle in SM Masses too Small ! CPV Phase Jarlskog Invariant in SM3 (need 3 generation in KM) Small, but not Too small Too Small in SM EW Phase Transition Temperature The Lore ~ v.e.v.
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Why Repeat ? “Flavor Problem” v.e.v. (u, d,) s, c, b quarks too light
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, A K Wisdom from Peskin on A K P EW C “hadronic”, SLAC
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, “I must say that I am very skeptical that the new Belle result is new physics -- a larger than expected color suppressed amplitude is an explanation that is ready at hand. On the other hand, I felt that it was necessary to push the new physics interpretation when writing for the Nature audience, people outside of high energy physics, because this is why the result is potentially newsworthy.” M. Peskin (private communication) Ya, ya! anyway ! Need anyway ! Me keep crawlin ’... color suppressed
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Mixing-dep. CPV in B d and B s in SM Mixing-dep. CPV in B d and B s in SM b → s → b → d Measured by Belle/BaBar in B d J/ K S sin 2 B s ≃ – 0.04 in SM3 Measure in B s J/ “possible only at LHCb” Recent Tevatron Consistent with 4th generation A K Prediction from A K BSM w/o hadronic uncertainty iff iff true. So what !? The Abyss... sin 2 B s sin 2 B s < 0 !! ( ≲ 3 )
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, A K t’ II. A K Problem — Z Penguin and t’ Loop S K Just when S K “disappeared”... the Experimentalist
ICHEP 2004, Beijing A CP (B K ) A CP ( K ) = 0.04 0.05 M BB New K : 728 53 Large EW penguin (Z 0 ) ? New Physics ? [also seen by BaBar] _d_d d KK u u BB sb Sakai Saga Towards Belle Nature Paper... hint that A CP ( K ) A CP ( K ) ? (2.4 )
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, P EW Z ’ Belle 2004 PRL: Seed by “yours truly” Y. Chao, P. Chang et al.
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, _d_d d KK u u BB sb Going Up a Hill... The Crawlin ’ of one Ant
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, My first B paper nondecoupling dimensions WSH, Willey, Soni <
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Decoupling Thm: Heavy Masses are decoupled in QED/QCD ∵ ∵ Appear in Propagator Nondecoupling Q Nondecoupling: Yukawa Couplings Q Appear in Numerator Subtlety of Spont. Broken Gauge Theory dynamical Nondecoupling
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Going Up a Hill... _d_d d KK u u BB sb, t ’, t ’ Embark The Crawlin ’ of one Ant
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, EW Precision - Disfavored by EW Precision ( see e.g. J. Erler hep-ph/ ; PDG06 4th Generation Still? - N counting? 4th “neutral lepton” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics not 4th generation not in such great conflict with EWPrT Kribs, Plehn, Spannowsky, Tait, PRD ’ 07
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Coming Real Soon Also, Chanowitz 0904
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, This is Still the Standard Model
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, _d_d d KK u u BB sb, t ’, t ’ t ➯ t, t ’ GIM Respecting Arhrib and WSH, EPJC’03 CPV Phase, t ’, t ’ Nondecoupling of t ’
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, EWP/Box Sensitivity to 4th Gen. nondecoupling QCD penguin EW penguin (No New Operators) g less sensitive
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, _d_d d KK u u BB sb, t ’, t ’ WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’ 05 LO PQCD ⊕ 4th Gen. A 12% vs 15% (data) A = A K + A K + ~ 15% and, t ’, t ’
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30,
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, _d_d d KK u u BB sb t, t ’ WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’ 05 LO PQCD ⊕ 4th Gen. A 12% vs 15% (data) A = A K + A K + ~ 15% and NLO PQCD ⊕ 4th Gen. A 15% S 0.11 SM3 input consistent with data Joining C & P EW Both and in Right Direction ! AA SS WSH, Li, Mishima, Nagashima, PRL’07 Can Account for Belle/BaBar Direct CPV Difference
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, “Typical” CKM Matrix b s 4 x 4 Unitarity ➯ Z/K Constraints x ~ 0.22 b d Satisfy b d: ✓ Cannot tell triangle from quadrangle WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’05 s bs b Z bb _ d sd s Nontrivial Extract Information from Constraints
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, enhanced to or even higher !! In general larger than !! Implication for Rate could be enhanced by up to almost two orders !! Grossman-Nir Current E391A U.L. Very hard to measure SM3 ∵ Large CPV Phase To be probed by J-PARC
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, m B s sin 2 B s III. m B s Measurement ➙ Prediction for sin 2 B s the Experimentalist b ↔ s CPV
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Mixing-dep. CPV in B d and B s in SM Mixing-dep. CPV in B d and B s in SM b → s → b → d Measured by Belle/BaBar in B d J/ K S sin 2 B s ≃ – 0.04 in SM3 Measure in B s J/
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Prediction: Large CPV in B s Mixing b → s Strength and Size of → b → d Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’07 sin 2 B s ~ 0.5 to 0.7 No Hadronic Uncertainty... t, t ’ 0.04 SM PRL’05
Large CPV in b ⇄ s George W.S. Hou (NTU) CDF/D0 4/12/07 44 B s Mixing vs B X s ℓ ℓ Large CPV in B s Mixing different nondecoupl. functions
Large CPV in b ⇄ s George W.S. Hou (NTU) CDF/D0 4/12/07 45 Use nominal m t ’ = 300 GeV Change m t ’, Change parameter range Effect the Same. (Similar)
Large CPV in b ⇄ s George W.S. Hou (NTU) CDF/D0 4/12/07 46 Fixed r sb ➯ Narrow sb Range destructive destructive with top For r sb ~ 0.02 – 0.03, [ V cb ~ 0.04 sb Range ~ 60 ° - 70 ° CPV Finite CPV Phase Consistent w/ B (b s ll ) SM-like ! Large CPV Possible ! Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like CDF range SM (high) HFAG range r sb WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/ (PRD’07)
Large CPV in b ⇄ s George W.S. Hou (NTU) CDF/D0 4/12/07 47 Fixed r sb ➯ Narrow sb Range destructive destructive with top For r sb ~ 0.02 – 0.03, [ V cb ~ 0.04 sb Range ~ 60 ° - 70 ° CPV Finite CPV Phase Consistent w/ B (b s ll ) SM-like ! Large CPV Possible ! Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like CDF range SM (high) HFAG range r sb WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/ (PRD’07)
Large CPV in b ⇄ s George W.S. Hou (NTU) CDF/D0 4/12/07 48 Sign Predicted ! sin 2 B s ~ 0.7 Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like CDF range SM (high) r sb ? Large CPV in B s Mixing WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/ A K , S Can Large CPV in B s Mixing Be Tevatron ? Sure thing by LHCb ca sin 2 B s ~ 0.7
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Fixed r sb ➯ Narrow sb Range destructive destructive with top For r sb ~ 0.02 – 0.03, [ V cb ~ 0.04 sb Range ~ 60 ° - 70 ° CPV Finite CPV Phase B s Mixing Tevatron in 4/2006 ? WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’07 r sb CDF range SM (high) sin 2 B s ~ 0.7 Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’05 0.04 SM Prediction: Large CPV in B s Mixing
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Sure thing by LHCb ca (?) Sign Predicted ! Despite m B s, B (b s ll ) SM-like CDF range SM (high) r sb ? A K , S WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’05 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’07 Can Large CPV in B s Mixing Be Tevatron ? sin 2 B s ~ 0.7 0.04 SM Prediction: Large CPV in B s Mixing
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, arXiv: [hep.ex] arXiv: [hep.ex] Further ICHEP’08 Updates (CDF/DØ/fitters) : Strengthen ! sin 2 B s ~ 0.7 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’07 arXiv: [hep.ph] UTfit Incredible !!! sin 2 B s 0.64 0.16 ~2.8 ± ? (already in 05) PRL’08 PRL’08
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30,
CKM September 11, 2008D. Tonelli- Fermilab (Conservative) outlook % of CDF ‘clones’ that would observe a 5σ-effect, as a function of βs βsβs Probability of 5σ observation --- 8/fb (~2010) Assumptions Δ Γ s = 0.1 ps -1 Constant data-taking efficiency No analysis improvements. No external constraints (A SL, lifetimes) used /fb (~2009) CDF future will probably be better than that. And DØ will contribute too. Observation by 2010 if Central Value Stays ! sin 2 B s = sin s = sin s
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, A FB A FB (B K*l + l ) and Other Predictions sent to Backup
J.-T. Wei 2008/07/31 ICHEP2008 Instead flipped C 7... BABAR, arXiv: Preliminary 657M 386M W.-S. Hou, A. Hovhannisyan, and N. Mahajan, PRD 77, (2008) (=s/m B 2 =q 2 /m B 2 ) complex wilson coefficients SM 4th generation (SM4) 2fb -1 MC study of LHCb (~7000 K*ll events) Belle Deviation from SM3 ! ? SM3 SM4 arXiv:
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, IV. Soaring to the Heavens : Enough CPV for BAU ? If... KM4
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, WMAP CPV in KM B.A.U. from CPV in KM ? Why? Jarlskog Invariant in SM3 (need 3 generation in KM) Normalize by T ~ 100 GeV masses too small ! is common (unique) area of triangle in SM CPV Phase Too Small in SM
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, CPV in KM B.A.U. from CPV in KM ? in SM CPV Phase If shift by One Generation in SM4 (need 3 generation in KM) Order 1 ~ 30 ~ 10 15 Gain Gain mostly in Large Yukawa Couplings ! WSH, arXiv: [hep/ph] Providence Nature would likely use this !? Enough CPV? Too Small in SM WMAP
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, CPV The Abyss between CPV in SM3 vs BAU Heaviness of t ’ and b ’ bridged in SM4 by Heaviness of t ’ and b ’ Why wasn’t this clearly pointed out in past 20 years ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, EW Precision - Disfavored by EW Precision ( see e.g. J. Erler hep-ph/ ; PDG06 4th Generation Still? - N counting? 4th “neutrino” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics not 4th generation not in such great conflict with EWPrT Kribs, Plehn, Spannowsky, Tait, PRD ’ 07 (To Me) CPV Source for BAU Overrides These Concerns !
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Only Only fac. 30 in CPV per se ~ 10 15 Gain Gain mostly in Large Yukawa Couplings ! b → s → b → d 10 15 quadrangle from comprehensive study WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD05 This part will shrink a bit.
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, C PV for BAU: Dominance Jarlskog’85, 3 generations Jarlskog’87, n generations “ 3 cycles ” also Gronau, Kfir, Loewy ’87 J (1,2,3) very small 4 generations: 3 indep. phases long and short d-s degenerate generation only ! Effectively 3 generations (on v.e.v. scale) suppressed by m s, m c
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, st Order EW Phase Trans. for BAU ? Ran out of time, and knowledge... Fok & Kribs: Not possible in 4th generation Conjecture: Could Strong Yukawa’s do it ? Beyond Unitarity Limit (perturbative) Not quite conclusive (?) appeared in Chin. J. Phys., 4/2009 PRD’08
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, discover "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry symmetry in subatomic physics" "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature" Thoughts on the other 1/2 Nobel Prize Photo: Universtity of ChicagoPhoto: KEK Photo: Kyoto University Yoichiro Nambu Makoto KobayashiToshihide Maskawa 1/2 of the prize 1/4 of the prize USA Japan Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba, Japan Kyoto Sangyo University; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan b (in Tokyo, Japan) b b SSB Could EWSB be due to b’ and t’ above unitarity bound ~ GeV ? Bob Holdom: N – J-L [Bardeen, Hill, Lindner Gustavo Burdman: “Holographic” 4th gen.
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, V. Direct Tevatron vs LHC the Experimentalist
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, sin 2 B s “Evidence” by 2009 ? “Observe” by 2010 ? t ’ Search Ongoing: m t ’ > % CL Tevatron Tevatron/LHC Verification Unequivocal BSM... if true Is there a hint ? Could b ’ → tW feed this ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, A(nother) Dark Horse tt 3 2 fb 4 fb “ missed Moriond” (Daniel Whiteson, UCI) What if one more event w/ 5 or more jets ? b-tag cleaned
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, sin 2 B s “Evidence” by 2009 ? “Observe” by 2010 ? t ’ Search Ongoing: m t ’ > % CL Tevatron sin 2 B s “Confirmation” — “Easy” for LHCb b ’, t ’ Discovery — Straightforward/full terrain LHC Glimpse of agenda at CMS Tevatron/LHC Verification Unequivocal BSM... if true But when ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, b ’ t ’ Find b ’, t ’, or Rule LHC 4 th 4 th generation? — The jury is out … In era of LHC, can Directly Search for b’, t ’ Once and For All ! It’s a Duty. Strategy Considerations ( ) All Tools Well shielded training ground — All Tools ☞ Move on to Greener Pastures ~ in 2 years Publish early — Large Cross Section - If “Limits”, then easy to publish - If “Signal”, Lucked Out! Sighting Vision ~ Early ’ 06 Well shielded Publish early Arhrib&WSH, JHEP’06
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, b ’ Signatures For m b’ < m t +M W = 255 GeV b’ cW dominance b’ tW * dominance for sizable for suppressed Kinematic suppressed for m b’ ≲ 230 GeV For m b’ > m t +M W = 255 GeV b’ tW dominance; FCNC searchable tt(bar)WW → bb(bar)W W W W Initial discovery should consider b’ cW ~ b’ bZ, bH ~ b’ tW * cc(bar)WW; cWbZ; cWbH; tc(bar)WW * ; tt(bar)W * W * ; tW * bZ; tW * bH; Bonus !! Rich Signature 4 W’s + 2b’s Heavy Q related To EWSB ?
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30,
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Limit to 480 GeV w/ 14 TeV
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, VI. Conclusion: Know in 3-5 Years ~ 10 15 Gain 10 15 Even if O (1) Enough CPV for B.A.U. Maybe there is a 4th Generation ! Will Really Know in ~ 3–5 years ! Heaven on Earth LHC sin 2 B Tevatron by 2010
CPV BAU Earth (EW + KM4) Universe (Genesis)
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Backup
Dark Energy: ~70% Dark Matter: ~25% Matter (and More !!) Universe: No Antimatter Antimatter: 0% ~25% ! ~70% !
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Heavenly TH “Affleck-Dine”, SUSY etc.: Extra Scalars (strongly) coupled to H 0 Leptogenesis: Heavy Majorana Neutrinos ⊕ LFV/CPV Decay ⊕ B/L Violation (“ EW Baryogenesis”) More Scalars! Popular ! Driving study for neutrinos. But, “ Heavenly ” — Could be(come) Metaphysics Scalars Let’s first find One Scalar.
ElectroMagnetism: Charge e is Real. “We” Understand: Gauge Charge is Real. How CP Violation Appears Complex Coupling Imagine a Complex Coupling : True, or, Possible, for Yukawa ( 湯川 ) Coupling of quarks/leptons to Higgs boson(s)... Quantum Interference Amplitude More Interesting Quantum Interference in Amplitude More Interesting i in Dynamics: Source of CPV (everyone can feel
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, CP Asymmetry needs both CP Conserv/Violating Phase Particle Process Anti Particle Process CP Violation Primer i QM i dyn
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Experiment is Firm A K ~ 0 expected 0.028> 5 > 5 Why a Puzzle ? ? _d_d d KK u u BB sb Large C ? Large EWPenguin ? A lot of (hadronic) finesse Need NP CPV Phase P EW has practically no weak phase in SM ? t, ? Baek, London, PLB653, 249 (2007) World
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Experiment is Firm A K ~ 0 expected 0.028> 5 > 5 Why a Puzzle ? ? _d_d d KK u u BB sb Large C ? Large EWPenguin ? A lot of (hadronic) finesse ? t, ? Baek, London, PLB653, 249 (2007) World Need NP CPV Phase P EW has practically no weak phase in SM t, t ’ 4th Gen. in EWP Natural nondecouplin g
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, On Boxes and Z Penguins GIM, charm, K small ’/ , K (still waiting) heavy top, sin2 Z dominance for heavy top 1986 2002 Most Flavor/CPV learned from these diagrams/processes
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, GIM, charm, K small ’/ , K (still waiting) heavy top, sin2 Z dominance for heavy top 1986 2002 All w/ 3-generations, Just wait if there’s a 4th D ! b’, t LHC BsBsBsBs A FB Nondecoupling ∵ Large Yukawa ! On Boxes and Z Penguins
m B s / m D / A J/ K George W.S. Hou (NTU) ICHEP’06, 7/29/ x 4 Unitarity ➯ Constraints We need to deal with mixing matrix in detail to keep Unitarity From b → s study SM3 Kaon b s b d impose Cross Check !
m B s / m D / A J/ K George W.S. Hou (NTU) ICHEP’06, 7/29/06 85 Constrain s d from K Physics (J. Bijnens et al.) (E. Pallante et al.) Therefore…. well-satisfy ! “Standard” No SM3 solution (shaded )
m B s / m D / A J/ K George W.S. Hou (NTU) ICHEP’06, 7/29/06 86 well-satisfy Hard to tell apart (non-trivial) with present precision ∵ stringent s d vs V ub ~ 0.01 e -i Disfavored
229M 386M Ali, Mannel, Morozumi, PLB273, 505 (1991) (F L and) A FB (and A I ) favor the “opposite-sign C 7 model” (F L and) A FB (and A I ) favor the “opposite-sign C 7 model” Fourth Generation PRD 77, (2008) Quoted by Tsybychev at FPCP08 Eigen at FPCP fb -1 data: LHCb MC (2 fb ) a: SM; b: 4 Gen. better
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, PDG06 m b ’ = 230 GeV From 4 x 4 Unitarity x = m/ ~ plausible w/ Sizable (but not huge) CPV in Mixing ~ 15% D Mixing (Short-distance Only) N.B. SM LD could generate y ~ 1%, x ≈ y [ Falk, Grossman, Ligeti, (Nir,) Petrov]
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, →→ b → d “Triangle” and b → s Quadrangle b → s → b → s Quadrangle → Area ~ ( ) 30x b → d Triangle Strength and Size of negligible → b → d (almost Triangle) ~ SM3
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Consistency and b s Predictions BR OK A CP ~ 0 far away beyond SuperB PDG ’06 SM3 Heavy t ’ effect decoupled for b s
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, Large Yukawa ! YuReKawa ! ca. late summer 2007 … The Eureka Moment Large t, t ’ Yukawa
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU Seminar, Apr 30, generations: 3 indep. phases b → s → b → d 4 generations: 3 indep. phases → b → s Quadrangle → Area ~ ( ) 30x b → d Triangle (almost Triangle) If V us V ub shrinks to a point Difference in area b → s for b → s Small 2nd argument that is predominant CPV measured emergent