Outline What is Anime? Common Misconceptions History of Anime Character Design Genres Basis on Manga Influences in Western Animation
What is Anime? Put simply, anime is animation from Japan. Anime is a medium, not a genre. Saying “I like anime” is akin to saying “I like movies.” It includes the same genres as every other medium: drama, romance, comedy, sports, action, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, erotica and so on. So basically, Anime could be seen as Japan’s “Hollywood.”
Common Misconceptions Anime is for kids Anime = violent / pornographic / big eyes / big breasts / big robots
(Brief) History of Anime
Early 1900s At the start of the 20th century, Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in other countries, especially in the U.S. (Disney). By the 1930s, animation became an alternative format of storytelling compared to the underdeveloped live-action industry in Japan. Two reasons: Unlike America, the live-action industry in Japan remained a small market and suffered from budgeting, location, and casting restrictions. The lack of Western-looking actors, in addition, made it next to impossible to shoot films set in Europe, America, or fantasy worlds that do not naturally involve Japan. The varied use of animation allowed artists to create any characters and settings.
Early 1900’s 1907
World Masterpiece Theatre
1980s Another genre known as mecha came into being at this time. Some early works include Mazinger Z (1972-74), Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (1972-74), Space Battleship Yamato (1974-75) and Mobile Suit Gundam (1979-80). These titles showed a progression in the science fiction genre in anime, as shows shifted from more superhero-oriented, fantastical plots to somewhat more realistic space operas with increasingly complex plots and fuzzier definitions of right and wrong. Rise of Sci-fi superhero & “Mecha” genre coincided with the commercial success of Star Wars
1980s Hayao Miyazaki & Ghibli Studio
1990s Neon Genesis Evangelion- revived anime TV industry Pokemon series Dragon Ball series Sailormoon Extremely popular and heavily commercialized throughout the world
Character Design
Character Design
An example of exaggeration… Clip from “Get Backers”
Romance / Comedy
Basis on Manga
Basis on Manga Anime Manga
Basis on Manga
Influences in Western Animation
Teen Titans
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