DART! Time Assigner By: Matt Ivers and Ray Kilway
Problem/Purpose Devise a new method of assigning DART times based on certain student criteria such as their GPA, major, and previous DART time Prevents certain students from getting the best DART time every semester Gives priority to engineers (of course)
Program Description Import an initial student database from a input text file Display the database in a clean GUI Allow the user to sort the data by any of its fields Allow the user to input his/her own data Allow the user to export the data to a text file
Data Structure Used: A Splay Tree Self-adjusting form of a Binary Search Tree Splaying: Moves an accessed node from its position in the tree to the root node using various rotations, allowing quicker access for commonly used elements Amortized time bound of O(log n) Restructures after every insertion, deletion As efficient as balanced trees when total running time is the measure of interest
Class Structure node class – keeps track of a left child, a right child, and its parent (also holds a data object) Splay_Tree class – uses the nodes to maintain a binary search tree through various pointers Multiple equal keys are allowed
Future Endeavors Performing insertion and deletion for elements in the splay tree by splitting and joining subtrees Performing a top-down splay rather than a normal splay Storing all sorted data in one splay tree DART Program Specific: Taking in time as a standard format (ie input and output the same way)
Acknowledgements “Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees” by Daniel Dominic Sleator and Robert Endre Tarjan. AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ Professor Jesus Izaguirre The Letters G, M, and Q