Information About Homework 1
Homework 1 To take a survey of IGF (Internet Governance Forum) and consider the following issues. – Describe the progress of IGF in global and in Taiwan, separately. – Consider you are in a position (e.g. government officer, CEO in NPO or NGO, web-service provider, or others who may be involved in). Choose one of the roles and use this point of view to give a plan such that you can make better for IGF in Taiwan.
How to upload your homework Use the FTP client and connect to (anonymous login) Create a directory named YOUR STUDENT NUMBER with version (eg. B _1) in the root Upload your homework in your directory
How to upload your homework Homework format: Regular HTML document (*.htm) Additional photos can be accepted if necessary (use ) You cannot DELETE FILE/DIRECTORY and MODIFY THE FILE NAME You must name your document as index.htm in each directory Your homework will be scored of your document with the latest version
Deadline Before 10/30(Fri) 00:00