1 Brick manipulation report BMS machines status Black CS extraction status CNGS brick candidate extraction and BMS planning for 2009 D.Duchesneau LAPP, Annecy OPERA General Meeting Ankara, April 1 st, 2009
2 Some numbers for ‘fun’: BMS Machines: 2007: bricks have been inserted in the target in 11 months => 1700 /week 2008: bricks have been inserted in the target in 6 months => 2900 /week bricks have been extracted and reinserted in the target in 6 months time => 800 /week 2009: bricks are extracted and reinserted in the target in 3 months => 1170 /week Since 2008: BMS machines have moved 894 tons of bricks in the target with great care: 28 motors and 100 sensors are active all the time and mechanics and actuators are working very hardly with challenging reliability. BMS VV have travelled about the distance Roma- L’Aquila: 50 km in 2008 and already 70 km in 2009 (diameter of wheels: 40mm)
3 BMS Machines: hardware status The BMS maintenance + repairs are programmed from Monday April 27 th to May 8 th a LAPP team will work to address the following items: Preventive maintenance after black CS replacement total revision of the BMS bridge on the Rock Side Replacement of some profibus cables on the Rock side (Y and Z chains) Try to correct the geometry of the Rock side platform due to the deformation Replace and readjust the guiding of the portico along the large Z movement Z Navig driving belt tension system analysis on corridor side Revision of the drums and the rotating parts of the cage Recalibration of the whole BMS setups The work should be carefully organised such that the other activities are not interfering We need at least 3 days (from May 6 th to May 8 th to run without interference in order to reoptimise the BMS for the new Run
4 Black CS treatment status
5 Black CS extraction reminder: 2 groups have to be extracted: The first bricks produced by the BAM for which there was no hole in the CS envelop: they are considered as the first bricks loaded in the detector (Brick Id < 14400)= group A There are additional 4000 bricks for which there was a hole but stored during long time under vacuum. Those brick positions are not so sharply defined as in the first category. But looking at the CS fog data we isolated the group B: 34000< Id < (about 3500 bricks) A B FOGFOG CS Identifier Total=16500 bricks but 1000 are spread randomly in the detector in rows with < 13 black CS
6 Black CS row localisation in the detector (Side views of the target) SM1 RS SM1 CS Group A: Id < rows Group B: < Id < rows as of March 9th 2009: remains 289 rows (blue squares) = 7500 bricks to extract as of March 30th 2009: remains 157 rows (blue squares) = 4082 bricks to extract
7 To be careful: some rows contain good bricks or bricks which should not be treated: (0.3% candidate bricks and 0.6% not high fog bricks) : both types will be reinserted in the detector However the priority are given according to the rows where there is a maximum of CS to replace. We use a BMM tool interface to the DB to do the bookkeeping of the extracted bricks Black CS extraction strategy: A dedicated activity has been installed beginning of this year and made operational in Hall C since Feb 2 nd 2009
8 Global setting-up (in hall C) Storage pallets point 8 Work stations point Security corridor always free Loading unloading drums point Slide from David Biare
9 Work stations point Bricks NOT done Bricks done Linear stream There are 2 work stations Slide from David Biare
10 Work station control point BMM recording CS & Skates replacement Dimensions control Activities on the working tables in Hall C:
11 Black CS replacement operation in Hall C (from David) Constant and very demanding human effort: we are following a good slope but keep motivation!
12 ‘theoretical’ upper limit achievable for the BMS if there is no major hardware failure during 2 shifts/day: BMS Insertion max. rate: 900 bricks/day 4 drums/day BMS Extraction max. rate: 2/3 of insert rate = 600 bricks/day ‘Average’ rate achieved for the BMS during 2 shifts/day including all sort of hardware and Gran Sasso related failures since Feb 2 nd : BMS Insertion average rate: 3 drums/day (max=3.72) (eff = 75%) BMS Extraction average rate: = 586 bricks/day (eff = 98%) However several unrelated show stoppers occurred: Tunnel closure (-15 hours), Snow storms (-5 hours), OPERA DB Oracle access problem (-8 hours), etc… BMS performances
13 Summary for the last 2 months (Feb 2 nd -March 30 th ): Black CS extraction Expected: 10800achieved: Brick reinsertion: Expected: 7650achieved: 6084 CNGS extraction:Expected: 260achieved: 231 BMS performances and schedule Goals for the period (Feb 2 nd -April 24 th ): Black CS extraction Expected: 13700originally: Brick reinsertion: Expected: 14900originally: CNGS extraction:Expected: 460originally: 260 Activities foreseen from May 11 th – May 23 rd Brick reinsertion: Expected: 2200 (includes last BAM production) CNGS extraction:Expected: 100 (4days) BMS maintenance and repair April 27 th – May 8 th Start CNGS 2009 run extraction from May 25 th
14 CNGS candidate extraction status
15 CNGS extraction efficiency is then: ± 0.10 % 4 rows with candidate bricks inside are blocked. and are not yet recovered and no hope to easily recover them Those achievements were not done without pain: BMS Extraction suffers from bad skates + glue + lost/destroyed CS cover Unexpected and damaging LNGS power cuts on BMS systems and hardware + loss of BMM DB… Hardware failures: motors, servo-control, vehicle, crashes due to external factors 1906 bricks extracted up to March 27 th 2009 (for 1690 events!). CNGS Brick candidate extractions: However during the black CS extraction in the worst rows with the bad skates only we have 16 rows with blocked bricks! It is why the maximum exchange of black CS would have been the best option for the 5 coming years
16 CNGS Brick candidate extractions: At the Exec meeting of Feb. 13 th Dario summarised the need for additional extractions Bricks still to be extracted: (first) (2nd estimated with (second, first extracted) % ineff on 1st) (second, first not extracted) 90 Total 680 It was asked to modify the planning during the black CS extraction period to include more CNGS extraction which we did and went from 5 to 10.5 days of extraction. It was corresponding to double the rate and should end up with 460 extracted bricks up to April 24 th 2009 among the 680 possible requests However the drawback was the reduction of the number of black CS to be treated of about 2000 => instead of treatable At the beginning of 2009 run: a maximum of 100 bricks may still to be extracted if we base on the above numbers
We see clearly the CNGS extraction activity we included during the black CS treatment
18 Shielded area Storage capacity: 1000 bricks up to March. 28th # places on shelves We extract more but this gap increases!
19 Brick Handling and new BMM development: Brick to Brick connection management actions have been implemented this week in the BMM software. The knowledge of the B2B characteristic is known at the time of the brick extraction request retrieved from the central database. For those bricks the flow will be: CS-ray is done CS is developped when the brick arrives in the shielded area, its state will go directly to waiting for X-ray if put on a shelf
20 The END