Easy To Use Has Voice Chat And Video Chat Talk to Multiple People At Once Free Google Talk Is a no-charge windows based application for instant messaging and voice/video chat.
CSC 101 Assignment 2 Mike O’Brien Katelyn Tortora Jamar Harris
Twitter Twitter social networking and micro-blogging service. Users post messages called Tweets. Text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on author’s homepage. Can send and receive tweets from the Twitter.com website, external applications via smartphone, or short message texts (SMS).
Zillow Online real estate database Sellers can use Zillow as a marketing tool by appraising their properties, posting property information such as improvements and access to major roads; and comparing nearby property value appraisals.
Kayak Travel Search site Does not sell plane tickets or hotel reservations Compare prices- then book where you choose- airline site, hotel, or travel agent Free site- relies on advertising for money
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BLOGS: A shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies. Picture: innosight.com Information:
SKYPE: A software application that allows users to make voice calls over the internet. Additional features include; Instant messaging, file transfer, and video conferencing. Information: Picture: 09/07/skype.jpg
Whoozy: Whoozy features both a person and company search features. You can change the search settings to opt in (or out) of search engines to popular social networks. Information: youll-love-whoozy Picture: content/uploads/2010/02/whoozy_logo.png
Study stack Flashcards for studying any subject in different forms Matching Games Crosswords Word Search Puzzles Hangman Word Scramble
Delicious Is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks Share bookmarks See other people bookmarks Search for new bookmarks Keep track of bookmarks