Colorado Research Associates Division, NorthWest Research Associates Data from the Imaging Vector Magnetograph, Mees Solar Observatory, UH/IfA Gang of Culprits include: Don Mickey (UH) Barry LaBonte (JHUAPL) Tom Metcalf (LMSAL) K. D. Leka (CoRA/NWRA)
Colorado Research Associates Division, NorthWest Research Associates IVM data for AR (Photospheric) –1 “survey” data at 17:12 UT (2 spectral repeats) –Short time-series 30 grams (single spectral repeats; paired for S/N), 21:30UT – 22:29UT –Recent data: 0.55'' pixels, better S/N, good calibration data Status: –KDL has reduced; initial evaluation is: has (non) potential... –Seeing is worse in post-flare time series –Inversion inversion, and some known problems. –Ambiguity-resolution is a challenge Problems identifiable, but What is the answer anyway? TBD: use chromospheric field to help... Other days? I can't remember off-hand.
Colorado Research Associates Division, NorthWest Research Associates 17:12 UT “alpha_best” : / Mm^-1
Colorado Research Associates Division, NorthWest Research Associates
21:30 UT 22:27 UT Ambig. Resolution showing some problems Raw data look promising, though. alpha_best: / Mm^-1 Seeing getting worse, manifest in Jz problem children. Spot-center saturation; may be workable...
Colorado Research Associates Division, NorthWest Research Associates Bottom Line for AR10486 Photospheric Data: Pre-event “survey” gram suitable as boundary condition data –Definitely qualitatively, probably quantitatively in some contexts Time-series data need some work. No during-flare photospheric observations.