1 OS 608 Organizational Behavior and Performance Management Fall 2006 Sandy Fisher
2 Agenda for Today Review syllabus Discuss course expectations Exercise: Uncovering memories from undergraduate OB
3 Purpose of this class Consider issues every manager needs to address, regardless of specific area of expertise Why do people (employees, suppliers, vendors) act in such strange/stupid ways? How can I as a manager get them to act differently? What are my operating assumptions and how do they affect my behavior?
4 Organization of the Class I assume you all have access (either through memory or a textbook) to basic OB concepts/theories. We will focus on application to current issues. Organized around “Five Minds of a Manager” by Gosling and Mintzberg (HBR, 2003)
5 Readings All are current articles from management journals and business press Coursepack from Xanedu.com Purchase at bookstore Also accessible on-line Can find articles through various library resources if necessary A few will be distributed in class (as noted in schedule)
6 Grading Four written assignments Reflective essay Leadership essay IAT Results essay Performance feedback assessment Take-home exam (due 12/13) Participation (class and labs)
7 Lab Schedule Thursday October 26 - Introduction Tuesday November 8 - Decision making Tuesday November 28 - Performance evaluation and feedback role play
8 Exercise Form groups of 3-4 Identify one theory from OB that you think could be helpful to actual leaders/managers in an organization Describe theory to the class, why you think it would be useful
9 First lab is tomorrow 2:30 - 3:45, Snell 213 No preparation necessary
10 For Monday Read Gosling and Mintzberg “The Five Minds of the Manager” and Kotter article Write reflective essay 2-3 pages, double-spaced Describe and reflect on the events you have experienced in the MBA program so far, related to your own managerial development Essays will be graded on extent to which you address ideas from Gosling and Mintzberg, provide examples to support your thoughts, and clearly present your thoughts.