Federation – Smokeping, PingER Integration Asma Shamshad Bit-4A
Latency Measurement Tools There are various tools and infrastructures available to measure the end-to-end Round Trip Time (RTT) using the ICMP ping facility e.g. PingER, AMP and SmokePing
Integration-Smokeping and PingER (A Federation Project) The long-term goal is to initiate the integration of the various infrastructures into a federation By the help of which: Different analysis and visualization techniques can be applied to yield more ubiquitous coverage and new insights. The need for sites to deploy multiple infrastructures to gain all the available benefits shall be reduced. This project is concerned with the integration of SmokePing and PingER as part of building the federation of measurement infrastructures.
Function of Smokeping and PingER Both the Smokeping and PingER infrastructures make regular measurements maintain longterm data-stores draw time series graphs giving information on the state of each network connection.
Smokeping Graph Generation
Project Requirements Study and evaluate SmokePing and PingER to understand how they work, and their pros and cons. Work with the developers of SmokePing to understand how to extend the capability of SmokePing to derive parameters/metrics not currently supported such as ping unreachability jitter derived TCP throughput conditional loss probability
Project Requirements Provide the ability to select and visualize these new metrics. Feed the modifications to SmokePing back into the development base. Evaluate and provide the ability to feed SmokePing data to the Pinger analysis/visualization toolkit, so we can use the PingER aggregation techniques to characterize performance by regions, or affinity groups. Modify PingER to enable it to utilize the SmokePing time series visualization tool.
List of Tasks Assigned to Date PhaseTaskDescriptionDependence P1T1Literature SurveyNil P2T2Deployment and testing of SmokePingNil P3T3Evaluate how to provide the capability extensions of SmokePing Nil P4T4Data Collection and AnalysisT2, T3 P5T5Inter-operatability of Smokeping and PingerT4 P6T6Inter-operatability of Pinger and SmokepingT4 P7T7Dynamic graph and Report Generation in SmokePing T5 P8T8Comparative analysisT5, T6, T7 P9T9Deployment and TestingT5, T6, T7, T8
Summary of Progress Literature Survey Which involves studying SmokePing and PingER to understand What each tool does What parameters (latency, jitter, etc) each tool supports What is the difference of functionality What database is used by Smokeping how this database is different from the other databases How it works Deployment of Smokeping
Next Mile-stone Work with Smokeping tool to understand it better to be able to add more parameters: ping unreachability jitter derived TCP throughput conditional loss probability