Sung-Gheel Jang Tschangho John Kim


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Presentation transcript:

Development of an Interoperable GIS using Canonical Geospatial Concepts and Methods Sung-Gheel Jang ( Tschangho John Kim ( Regional Economics Applications Laboratory Expert Planning Information Systems Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the 2007 AAG Meeting, San Francisco

Jang, S.-G. and Kim, T. J. (2006), “Modeling an Interoperable Multimodal Travel Guide System using the ISO 19100 Series of International Standards”. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 10-11, 2006, Arlington, Va., Silvia Nittel and Rolf A. de By (eds.), ACM Press, pp. 115-122.

Outline Research Problem and Questions Canonical Geospatial Concepts and Methods Proposed Conceptual Modeling Process Application – Multimodal Travel Guide Service Implications to GIS Education

We need to integrate information across multiple jurisdictions! NGOs State DOTs Decision Maker Planner Local Governments EPA EPA

Research Questions Interoperable GIS How can we have the systems share understanding on geospatial information and services unambiguously while operating effectively together? How can we capture understanding in a formal and rigorous way? Interoperable GIS Need for an effective and rigorous conceptual framework

Canonical Geospatial Concepts and Methods

Canonical Model Approach Internationally Consensual Geospatial Concepts

ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Standardization in the field of digital geographic information 30 International Standards have been published.

The ISO 19100 Series of International Standards for Geographic Information ISO 00639 Human ISO 19103 Conceptual ISO 19107 Spatial Temporal Language Schema Language Schema ISO 19109 Rules for ISO 19110 Feature ISO 19111 Spatial Referencing ISO 19112 Location by ISO 19115 Application Schema Cataloging Identifier Metadata by Coordinates ISO 19115-2 ISO 19116 Positioning ISO 19117 ISO 19118 ISO 19119 Metadata - Imagery Services Portrayal Encoding Services ISO 19123 ISO 19126 Standard ISO 19128 Web ISO 19129 IGCD ISO 19130 Sensor and data models Coverages Profiles Map Services Framework for imagery and gridded data ISO 19134 MultiModal Navigation and Routing ISO 19131 Data Product ISO 19132 Location Based ISO 19133 Tracking Specification Services Reference Model and Navigation ISO 19135 Procedures ISO 19137 Generally ISO 19141 Moving for registration Used Profiles Features

Semantically Coherent Modeling Processes Concepts in conceptual schema language Model of Concepts of feature and their properties Application ISO 19100 standardized schemas Meta-Meta level Meta level Application level The General Feature Model Type definitions Geographic Dataset Data level Top-level ontology Application Domain

(e.g. Transportation planner) ISO 19100 Standardized Conceptual Schemas Domain Experts (e.g. ISO/TC 211, ISO/TC 204, etc.) (e.g. Transportation planner) Application Data Model (e.g. MTGS) Canonical Geospatial Concepts/ Methods (e.g. ISO 19100 series) Universe of Discourse perceived by formally represented in employed by used in (and/or) extended in (e.g. Geographic domain, Transportation domain, etc.) Proposed Conceptual Modeling Process

Intelligent Concierge Service – Multimodal Travel Guide Service (MTGS) Home Office

Distributed, Heterogeneous, and Autonomously Maintained Geospatial Information Taxi Company Transit Authority Multimodal Travel Guide Service Point of Interests Information Provider Traffic Information Provider User

Conceptual Modeling Processes Concepts in conceptual schema language Model of Concepts of feature and their properties Application ISO 19100 standardized schemas Meta-Meta level Meta level Application level The General Feature Model Type definitions Geographic Dataset Data level Adopting meta-model of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and creating a UML profile ISO/TS 19103 Conceptual schema language Expressing Concepts using ISO 19103 ISO 19107 Spatial schema By inheriting TP_Complex in ISO 19107 By inheriting NT_Network in ISO 19133 By combining MM_SingleModeNetwork in ISO 19134 How can we model Multimodal Network for MTGS? (Application Level Data Model)

MTGS Application Data Model (Part)

MTGS Application Data Model (Part) From ISO 19134

UML Application Data Model MTGS Application Data Model in XMI GML Application Data Model GML: Geography Markup Language

Route Request Information UML GML Instance Representation <mtgs:MTGS_RouteRequest> <mtgs:routeRequestType> mtgs:NS_RouteRequestTypeType </mtgs:routeRequestType> [1..*] <mtgs:transportationMode> mtgs:MM_TransportationModeTypeType </mtgs:transportationMode> [1..*] <mtgs:wayPointList> mtgs:MTGS_WayPointListPropertyType </mtgs:wayPointList> [1] <mtgs:departureTime> gml:TimePeriodPropertyType </mtgs:departureTime> [0..1] <mtgs:arrivalTime> gml:TimePeriodPropertyType </mtgs:arrivalTime> [0..1] <mtgs:costFunction> mtgs:NS_CostFunctionCodeType </mtgs:costFunction> [0..1] <mtgs:preferences> mtgs:NS_RoutePreferencesType </mtgs:preferences> [0..*] <mtgs:returnRouteInstructions> boolean </mtgs:returnRouteInstructions> [1] <mtgs:returnRouteGeometry> boolean </mtgs:returnRouteGeometry> [1] </mtgs:MTGS_RouteRequest>

Route Response Information UML GML Instance Representation <mtgs:MTGS_RouteResponse> <mtgs:request> mtgs:MTGS_RouteRequestPropertyType </mtgs:request> [1..*] <mtgs:route> mtgs:MTGS_RoutePropertyType </mtgs:route> [0..*] <mtgs:instructionList> mtgs:MTGS_InstructionListPropertyType </mtgs:instructionList> [0..*] </mtgs:MTGS_RouteResponse>

MTGS Route (UML)

MTGS Route Represented by GML Instances GML Instance Representation <mtgs:MTGS_Route> <gml:metaDataProperty> ... </gml:metaDataProperty> [0..*] <gml:description> ... </gml:description> [0..1] <gml:name> ... </gml:name> [0..*] <gml:boundedBy> ... </gml:boundedBy> [0..1] <mtgs:maximalComplex> gml:TopoComplexMemberType </mtgs:maximalComplex> [1] <mtgs:subComplex> gml:TopoComplexMemberType </mtgs:subComplex> [1..*] <mtgs:superComplex> gml:TopoComplexMemberType </mtgs:superComplex> [1..*] <mtgs:element> mtgs:MM_SingleModeJunctionPropertyType </mtgs:element> [1..*] <mtgs:geometry> [1] <gml:CompositeCurve> ... </gml:CompositeCurve> [0..1] </mtgs:geometry> <mtgs:link> mtgs:MM_SingleModeLinkPropertyType </mtgs:link> [0..*] <mtgs:turn> mtgs:MM_SingleModeTurnPropertyType </mtgs:turn> [0..*] <mtgs:mode> mtgs:MM_TransportationModeTypeType </mtgs:mode> [1] <mtgs:summary> mtgs:MTGS_RouteSummaryPropertyType </mtgs:summary> [1] <mtgs:tripScheme> mtgs:MTGS_TripSchemePropertyType </mtgs:tripScheme> [1..*] <mtgs:maneuver> mtgs:MTGS_ManeuverPropertyType </mtgs:maneuver> [1..*] </mtgs:MTGS_Route>

System Architecture of MTGS Participating System A WFS Multimodal Travel Guide System (MTGS) GetGMLObject( ) MTGS GML Instances WFS Client Interface Business Logics e.g. Transit Authority MTGS Manager Data Integrator/ Optimizer Request integrate Response filter query write read return GetGMLObject( ) Routing Engine Data Store refer GML Parser query MTGS GML Instances Participating System B WFS Extended WFS Interface return Request / Response e.g. Traffic Information refer B C Route Response (MTGS GML Instance) GetRoute() via the WFS interface MTGS Clients Local Schema MTGS Application Schemas Translator WFS: Web Feature Service

Fetching the component networks from the participating systems

Interoperable GIS Taxi Company Transit Authority Multimodal Travel Guide Service Point of Interests Information Provider Traffic Information Provider User

Multimodal Travel Guide Service (MTGS) Home Office A Proof-of-Concept System

Now – Different formats and standards Different Semantics Proprietary Software Decision Maker Planner Versions of Software Data Structures

Interoperable Geospatial Information Processing NGOs State DOTs Decision Maker Planner Local Governments EPA EPA

Implications to GIS Education GIS standards as cross-cutting theme in GIS education: GIS & T Body of Knowledge (UCGIS 2006) scale; error and data quality; uncertainty; metadata; interoperability; generalization; quality measurement; history and trends; and standards Model curricula of UCGIS includes GD12 – Metadata, standards, and infrastructure Not enough to keep up the fast changes of GIS & T

Four Recommendable Areas in GIS Education Formalizing methods for the concepts of geographic information Reference model (ISO 19101, ISO 19132) Conceptual schema language (ISO/TS 19103), UML Rules of application schema (ISO 19109) Formal concepts of geographic information Spatial schema (ISO 19107, ISO 19137) Temporal schema (ISO 19108) Metadata (ISO 19115) Imagery and gridded data (ISO/TR 19121) Coverage geometry and functions (ISO 19123) Location based services (ISO 19133, ISO 19134) Moving features (ISO 19141) Cataloguing methods Methodology for feature cataloguing (ISO 19107) OpenGIS Catalogue Service (OGC 04-021r3) Web-based GIS Web Map Service (ISO 19128) Web Feature Service (ISO 19142, OGC 04-094) Filter encoding (ISO 19143, OGC 04-095) Web Coverage Service (OGC 03-065r6) Web Service Common (OGC 05-008c1) Geography Markup Language (ISO 19136, OGC 02-023r4)

Thank you for your attention! Any questions or suggestions? e-mail: